Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions >
Angelic Dream, Queen of Cups 18 and Barbara4846
I don't recommend any of those. They are equally horrible. Queen of cups pretty much negative reader while the rest two is fairy tale reader. So pick your poison.
Barbara is a textbook cold reader. Textbook. And even if she does have a hair of authenticity, she drowns it in a sea of cold reading hooks that lull unweary people in.
QOC has an undeniable gift. For years she has seen both future and past events/people/details that are highly, highly specific and impossible to guess. Her only issue is that sometimes those things are random, unhelpful, and without enough context to make them useful. She will often get images or phrases that are just stunning but has to use interpretation to provide context which ultimately makes them unhelpful. I have been calling her off and on for many years and she has pulled some unbelievable stuff out of the air. I go through phases where I decide to call her about something knew, get hooked bc she pulls something crazily accurate, call her repeatedly on that topic, and then stop calling her bc each subsequent reading becomes more subjective/less helpful.
--- Quote from: appleeyes75 on August 08, 2024, 08:29:30 PM ---I don't recommend any of those. They are equally horrible. Queen of cups pretty much negative reader while the rest two is fairy tale reader. So pick your poison.
--- End quote ---
I agree with this
At the end of the day neither were accurate for me.
I spoke to Angelic Dream about what was going on with my POI. She asked if I was worried that he was secretly married and then started going on about him dealing with baby mama drama. I can confirm that he is not and has never been married, nor does he have a child.
She also keeps notes.
I whole-heartedly could not remember if I had read with her, because if I had, it would have been about 1.5-2years ago. Anyway, as soon as the call connected today she said "it's nice to hear from you X"
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