Author Topic: Angelic Dream, Queen of Cups 18 and Barbara4846  (Read 10776 times)

Offline Stone88

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Angelic Dream, Queen of Cups 18 and Barbara4846
« on: June 09, 2024, 04:19:26 PM »
Hi guys,

So I've read with all three.

Angelic Dream was ok, nothing amazing for me unfortunately.

QoC has been very hit and miss with me regarding predictions, but nails the present.

Barbara4846 her tarot reading confused me, but what she picked up clairvoyantly blew me away.

What has been your experience with these readers? Who's been consistently accurate for you?

Offline Aaron0326

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Re: Angelic Dream, Queen of Cups 18 and Barbara4846
« Reply #1 on: June 09, 2024, 06:46:26 PM »
I know I have read with angelic dream before but cant remember the details.

QOC18 has an absolutely undeniable gift. I call her more than anyone.  She has time and time given me incredibly specific validations.  She has predicted something really odd that came true the next day.  Her only limitation is that she often gets very specific facts without the entire picture.  Love her though. 

I think barbara is a great cold reader.

Offline gemmaasks

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Re: Angelic Dream, Queen of Cups 18 and Barbara4846
« Reply #2 on: June 29, 2024, 11:20:36 PM »
QoC - She picked up my that poi's ex broke up with him due to her family's disapproval. Her family did look down on him and thought he wasn't good enough but it wasn't the reason they broke up. I wanted to like her but she's so rude. I can barely ask questions and she would rebuke.

Offline serenejoy

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Re: Angelic Dream, Queen of Cups 18 and Barbara4846
« Reply #3 on: July 01, 2024, 07:38:29 PM »
QoC has been accurate on multiple occasions, always short-term predictions though. Barbara has been like 20% right? it's hard to say as she throws a lot of "random" stuff out, but tells you to "remember that"  ;D

Offline Luckystar

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Re: Angelic Dream, Queen of Cups 18 and Barbara4846
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2024, 04:16:17 PM »
QoC has been accurate on multiple occasions, always short-term predictions though. Barbara has been like 20% right? it's hard to say as she throws a lot of "random" stuff out, but tells you to "remember that"  ;D

QOC never got anything right for me but she was nice when I spoke to her. I called her 3 or 4 times. Barbara has been good only when i ask what she gets on her own.

Offline midwest60

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Re: Angelic Dream, Queen of Cups 18 and Barbara4846
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2024, 02:33:59 PM »
I can't say much for Barbara other than I read with her 10 years ago. I ended up blocking her because she was not correct.

QofC has been a good empath reader for me. If I do call her, it's only once or twice a year as her predictions seldom happen. But, good empath.

I used to like Angelic Dream but stopped reading with her as I thought her fairytale readings were irresponsible. She told me things that were over the top and never happened.

Offline Solitude_Soul

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Re: Angelic Dream, Queen of Cups 18 and Barbara4846
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2024, 06:20:27 PM »
QOC hands down.. She is a great empath and has been mostly accurate for me with regards to feelings/thoughts/intentions of a person.

Offline appleeyes75

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Re: Angelic Dream, Queen of Cups 18 and Barbara4846
« Reply #7 on: July 08, 2024, 08:27:18 PM »
angelic dream is fairy tale reader- i waited so so long because she kept saying it will work or he will contact me and that never happened - no for queen of cups always negative reading so by default she is correct and barbara - when i spoke to her it also felt like she connected but nothing she said came to pass - she did pick up on someone that i would cross path but thats all about it - nothing happened with that guy either

Offline Stone88

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Re: Angelic Dream, Queen of Cups 18 and Barbara4846
« Reply #8 on: July 11, 2024, 04:14:13 PM »
Yehhh I'm starting to feel the same tbh.

The complete opposite is happening to what they've all said

Offline Santina69

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Re: Angelic Dream, Queen of Cups 18 and Barbara4846
« Reply #9 on: July 11, 2024, 11:58:33 PM »
So are you all saying Qof Cups would be able to Predict something and chances are it will pass?

Offline jackY

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Re: Angelic Dream, Queen of Cups 18 and Barbara4846
« Reply #10 on: July 12, 2024, 12:43:49 AM »
She was dead wrong on her predictions and rude to boot. It's rolling the dice with that one.

So are you all saying Qof Cups would be able to Predict something and chances are it will pass?

Offline sai07

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Re: Angelic Dream, Queen of Cups 18 and Barbara4846
« Reply #11 on: July 12, 2024, 03:59:11 PM »
I think barb can pick up random tidbits but she can’t pick up the main situation and predict what’s going to happen. She got all these side characters coming into my life but my POI is still not with me and I’ve started to give up real hope - we have been out of contact since May now. I anticipate he is seeing other people. Anyways hope that helps.

Offline serenejoy

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Re: Angelic Dream, Queen of Cups 18 and Barbara4846
« Reply #12 on: July 14, 2024, 03:52:31 PM »
So are you all saying Qof Cups would be able to Predict something and chances are it will pass?

For me this has been the case, but only when she says it’ll happen in days. Nothing longer than a week or two.

Offline KarinaR

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Re: Angelic Dream, Queen of Cups 18 and Barbara4846
« Reply #13 on: August 08, 2024, 12:14:14 PM »
Qofcups- I have posted multiple times here over the years. She was accurate back in 2012 with one poi on a very specific situation. Then after that over the years she was literally a source of mental anguish for me. She kept feeding my fears of losing my job (thankfully didn’t happen) and losing all kinds of aspects of my life. My last reading with her she was condescending and basically asked me if I thought my poi was calling psychics wasting his money to know if I cared about him or not. Then rudely told me that it was a waste of my time to call about him. Not sure if she was having a bad day but when you’re charging almost $10 per min that’s just not a way to talk to clients.

Angelic Dream- oh boy. I called her one week on a poi. She told me this guy had marriage on his mind and that she got all kinds of positive things. Then the next week things were not going well so I called her again. She told me an ex had come into the picture and he was going to breakup with me. I asked her why she didn’t pick that up the previous week, she became defensive told me not to call her ever again and hung up. She also blocked me. He did breakup with me.

Barbara- this one lol. Remember that. She makes stuff up as she goes. There’s always kids, he loves you remember that. Blah blah blah. Everyone is a lawyer or a doctor. She told me my guy and I would be moving in together in June (never happened). Then she told me he was with 2 other women on a separate reading. Lol. I left her an honest review and she blocked me.

Offline jackY

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Re: Angelic Dream, Queen of Cups 18 and Barbara4846
« Reply #14 on: August 08, 2024, 03:37:59 PM »
LOL! I got the lawyer and doctor from Barbara, too. Oof.

Qofcups- I have posted multiple times here over the years. She was accurate back in 2012 with one poi on a very specific situation. Then after that over the years she was literally a source of mental anguish for me. She kept feeding my fears of losing my job (thankfully didn’t happen) and losing all kinds of aspects of my life. My last reading with her she was condescending and basically asked me if I thought my poi was calling psychics wasting his money to know if I cared about him or not. Then rudely told me that it was a waste of my time to call about him. Not sure if she was having a bad day but when you’re charging almost $10 per min that’s just not a way to talk to clients.

Angelic Dream- oh boy. I called her one week on a poi. She told me this guy had marriage on his mind and that she got all kinds of positive things. Then the next week things were not going well so I called her again. She told me an ex had come into the picture and he was going to breakup with me. I asked her why she didn’t pick that up the previous week, she became defensive told me not to call her ever again and hung up. She also blocked me. He did breakup with me.

Barbara- this one lol. Remember that. She makes stuff up as she goes. There’s always kids, he loves you remember that. Blah blah blah. Everyone is a lawyer or a doctor. She told me my guy and I would be moving in together in June (never happened). Then she told me he was with 2 other women on a separate reading. Lol. I left her an honest review and she blocked me.