Relationship Psychology Discussions > My Story

Let's see if readers are correct

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Hi all, I didn't know where to put this down so over here seemed relevant. I have reduced readings (thankfully) and only have one go-to reader that I am trying not to call b/c she keeps giving me the same predictions and it's a waste of money constantly asking her about this.

A bit of a backstory, I have been painfully obsessed with my POI for two years now. We are long distance and we are not exclusive, though I would love for us to be. We did take a break in between for seven months, I did not speak to him b/c he was talking to others and it upset me. However, we reconnected and here we are. Anyways, my state of mind currently is torn between hoping readers are right and another part of me has left this all to God. If this person is meant for me, it will happen, if not, all good. I don't want to put a lot of stock into the predictions below but wanted to share the status as summer rolls around.

Basically, including my current reader, I spoke to a 3 readers over the past few months and they said:
1) He is going on a family vacation but he will bail
2) He is going to bail and visit you instead

I find this a bit crazy b/c he's visiting Italy. Who would bail on Italy?! I've never been and I can only imagine it is gorgeous. But for fun, I thought as June is around the corner, I will post whether or not he does b/c three readers said the same thing. It feels a bit like note sharing to me but let's see!

I read with Gigis tarot on YouTube. She does one free question and you can donate for questions. I asked her if I was getting the job I had interviewed for and she said yes. I got the job today.! I asked about my ex she gave me a future time! She's awesome!!!!!

Wow.... you've made this same post on 3 different threads.....

--- Quote from: kika on May 20, 2024, 06:39:39 PM ---I read with Gigis tarot on YouTube. She does one free question and you can donate for questions. I asked her if I was getting the job I had interviewed for and she said yes. I got the job today.! I asked about my ex she gave me a future time! She's awesome!!!!!

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Total scam post @ jackY
I noticed it too

Which is such a shame because it has the opposite effect of what's intended!

--- Quote from: sai07 on May 22, 2024, 01:18:39 AM ---Total scam post @ jackY
I noticed it too

--- End quote ---


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