Author Topic: Joining the lent bandwagon  (Read 16147 times)

Offline Mina

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Re: Joining the lent bandwagon
« Reply #15 on: April 20, 2024, 06:49:53 PM »
How did this post get 7000 views


I did notice a high count… on my side it reads 6333 ish views?

I’ve also been meaning to update this post because I do I feel I grew.

But they’re controversial subjects. Let me see if I can sum up it:

Overall, I didn’t stop talking to psychics but have weened down a lot. I just have one go to … I have tried some others but they’re not really ones I can talk to more than once a month, and again would prefer to just stop

Im considering converting Catholicism, and going to RCIA classes. (Of all things seriously 😳?!! … yes)

I have found so much comfort with hallow app, ascension present talks on YouTube, father Mike homilies, and praying the rosary. (My mother does not approve. She is a hard Baptist and views that praying to Mary a form of idolatry. But I don’t view it that way. And all I want is to join the worship of the Eucharist (I guess in Christian terms is known as Communion- you have no idea how much I crave that grape blood of Jesus, body wafers  😆. But in all seriousness, I have truly missed this so deeply))

What is sticking is I have laid down manifesting, law of attraction, law of assumptions ideologies, etc … this is controversial because some ppl prefer this route to ween themselves off of psychics  -but after years with manifesting coaches, courses, I just feel done. Do I think manifesting is a type of spellcasting, or demonic- kind of? Sorta… yes, no 🤷🏻‍♀️, it’s complicated and controversial… but it’s not a route I want to follow currently and possibly anymore.

But also have I really 🤨 stopped spellcasting? 😅 … because I’m currently praying this 54 day novena I’m on day 19 for the original intention of reconciliation with my ex… and um on day 9 I did talk to my ex and had this kind of beautiful closure, that’s really hard to put into words. If anything I feel praying this novena has helped me accept things and move on… dang I got 45 more days of 20-30 min daily prayer, I kinda feel I already have my answers and response to this. But I really enjoyed my 40+ day commitment and I feel praying the rosary has given me me strength and been an outlet of my overwhelming emotions when I focus upon on “thy mysteries” or what have you

I hope I have summed this up
Probably not
But um for me I need a spiritual grounding that fills my cup and I wasn’t getting spells, or psychic, or manifestation 
« Last Edit: April 20, 2024, 06:55:32 PM by Mina »

Offline sai07

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Re: Joining the lent bandwagon
« Reply #16 on: April 21, 2024, 01:04:46 PM »
Hi Mina, so glad you’ve come so far. I am also faith based (not the best but practicing), I have been leaning on faith more as I wean myself off psychics as well.

Wanted to ask for clarification, when you say you’ve moved on, moved on from wanting reconciliation and a future with your POI or moved on from psychics? I know if I moved on from my POI my psychic journey would come to an end. But I am holding on - don’t know why.

Offline Mina

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Re: Joining the lent bandwagon
« Reply #17 on: April 22, 2024, 12:50:41 AM »
I meant in the context of …welp:
I can move on to next moment

And I forget this might sound like foreign vague mindfulness description like “happiness” or “how does one attain happiness?”

But for me it means I can just drop all my worries: if I will or won’t get back with my ex, worry if I can or can’t stop calling psychics, worry if I do or don’t love them, stop looking for ways to get them back, or chase them, worrying about how the future will turn out… I can just focus on the present moment at hand (and to my surprise fully!)

But yes I am finding my attachment to my ex is less. I’m not scared if I do get fully over them, or don’t. It’s not a burden I carry alone.

For example so many times I would go to work thinking about my ex, or planning how after work who could I call as my psychic, and will they be online? But instead I’m finding that when I’m at work, I feel present and happy, I can fully be in the moment and my thoughts in the back burner are not in the front. They’re truly in the back.

I can just “move on”
That’s what praying the rosary, focusing on the cross, and lent has brought to me. Don’t get me wrong I started very raw and distraught but I just feel so even keel

Offline sai07

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Re: Joining the lent bandwagon
« Reply #18 on: April 22, 2024, 08:08:51 AM »
So happy for you Mina :)

Offline Mina

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Re: Joining the lent bandwagon
« Reply #19 on: May 01, 2024, 10:43:37 PM »
Alright …

I’m feeling uneasy… because while i have been on tight cash basis, it's time to open myself to more responsibility. So for few months I am going to be in remote location for my summer seasonal job. My closet home bank will be a couple of hundred miles away, and the idea of sleeping with more than $25 in my bank account to prevent binging… well, I feel anxious!

But it’s time…
I will still be hitting up an ATM …it just now comes with fees and bigger consequences if I do give into binge calls outside my planned budget.

I am happy to report while I was not prefect with no psychic readings I have been budgeting, I got money saved up, plus bills paid, hotels booked (plural!) and paid, plus ANOTHER direct deposit coming in when I get there… and for the first time in long time, I ain’t going to be starving while I wait to be paid for this job! I’m so proud I finally stuck to budget and met my goals!

And …I’m actually a little scared getting my s*** together! 😅

Because past me is known to spend $300 with a psychic that charges $25 per minute … all for a less then 15 min call, and I just don’t want to take away with what I worked so hard to get to.

Offline sai07

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Re: Joining the lent bandwagon
« Reply #20 on: May 02, 2024, 06:58:20 PM »
Woot woot! Good job Mina :)

So proud of you. I wish I had some wisdom to impart but all I can say is - trust yourself, trust God and trust you will be ok. Try not to binge and hurt yourself more. I know this is a weaning process - I have also been weaning and am down to one advisor and I’m trying not to contact her often - but try not to binge bc then it’s a downward spiral. Good luck!!

Offline midwest60

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Re: Joining the lent bandwagon
« Reply #21 on: May 05, 2024, 02:09:22 PM »
Good for you, Mina.

I think we all fall off course at times. But, there is nothing like a change of scenery or environment to produce more support for not calling psychics.  The fact that you are embarking on something new provides an impetus for a better life. For me, I live alone and my family is located in different states and time zones. So, I tend to fall off course and call psychics when I'm alone and don't have time to talk to anyone.  I'm getting ready to travel to see my family again, and each time I do, I spend less. And, I have filled my time up with activities when I'm not alone to avoid calling.

Anyway, good luck to you! (and all the others that struggle with calling too much).

P.S. I went on a binge a couple of months ago because I kept on calling about a work situation. Nothing was changing based on the time frames I was given.  So, I stopped calling and prayed more. Two days later, a situation unveiled itself that provided the answers I needed. It had nothing to do with what the psychics had said but everything to do with what I asked for in my prayers. Not to offend anyone, but that is what has ultimately helped me the most: prayers.

Offline sai07

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Re: Joining the lent bandwagon
« Reply #22 on: May 05, 2024, 02:32:14 PM »
Good for you, Mina.

I think we all fall off course at times. But, there is nothing like a change of scenery or environment to produce more support for not calling psychics.  The fact that you are embarking on something new provides an impetus for a better life. For me, I live alone and my family is located in different states and time zones. So, I tend to fall off course and call psychics when I'm alone and don't have time to talk to anyone.  I'm getting ready to travel to see my family again, and each time I do, I spend less. And, I have filled my time up with activities when I'm not alone to avoid calling.

Anyway, good luck to you! (and all the others that struggle with calling too much).

P.S. I went on a binge a couple of months ago because I kept on calling about a work situation. Nothing was changing based on the time frames I was given.  So, I stopped calling and prayed more. Two days later, a situation unveiled itself that provided the answers I needed. It had nothing to do with what the psychics had said but everything to do with what I asked for in my prayers. Not to offend anyone, but that is what has ultimately helped me the most: prayers.

Midwest60, you hit some things right on. When I was with family a week or so ago (I travelled to see relatives, they’re abroad), it was so nice having family around. I live alone and have a chronic illness and so I’m generally “alone”. I also WFH. I feel being lonely is the root cause for a lot of the psychic binges for myself. I’m not 100% sure how to solve for that as yet. Hobbies and friends would only take me so far - because you can feel lonely even with those situations. Anyways, you brought up a great point with family and prayer and wanted to echo.

