Looking back at our transcripts from several months ago and I'm not sure what to think. She hit on some details for the future, but was way off on other things.
For example... she said I'd meet a man that names starts with *letter*..couple years older than me...all about family..that would shake things up in my love life. This happened. Dating him currently.
However, she said I'd meet him through work and that he worked in finance. I dont work in finance and neither does he. We didn't meet through work.
She also said my ex would pop back in late Nov/early Dec and that never happened.
I want to give her credit about the guy, but I guess knowing the letter his name starts with could be a lucky guess.
They always say that the new person will work in finance. lmao Here's my transcript from her back in September. I did meet someone that started with the letter M that loves his family and all that (much sooner than she predicted) but he didn't work in finance. I only dated him for a couple weeks and then I actually did get back with my POI that she stated wasn't going to be consistent. We've been back together for several months and going strong.
Miss Toria i get the letter M, so look for that, he is a couple of years older than you are 10:20AM
Miss Toria works with money, finance 10:20AM
Miss Toria seems to be really about family 10:20AM
Miss Toria and hopes to build a great home life 10:20AM
Miss Toria which i know you are looking for 10:20AM
--------- Absolutely 10:21AM
Miss Toria this year is just setting you up for that to all happen next year 10:21AM
--------- What about --------- any return of him? 10:21AM
Miss Toria i do see that he is a back and forth energy that enters your life...but once you feel something real and this other man shows you what you could have, it wont even be a thought anymore