Gemini Moon is definitely a good one. I first read with her back in 2020 on Bitwine and PO. She’s really good. This technique is new for her as she used to be very open and free flowing and allowed you to message her and took appointments. Since I’ve been back on there, I believe a client or someone crossed boundaries with her because she doesn’t seem as open as before. She’s still mad nice and cool, just restrictive which sucks because she was always open to messages and appointments.
Gemini moon
Yes thank you for mentioning this. It looks like she took about 6 month (or so maybe more) hiatus and is back on bitwine…
But she definitely wants to enforce strict boundaries of the type of questions she can answer within the legal means, ethical spiritual boundaries…and I can see how it rubs ppl the wrong way, or may be off putting. (I asked about job but she didn’t want to get into the details so I let it go)
I don’t think I’m emphasizing this correctly but she will quickly let you know if your question is not within her means, but will be kind, but tough love about it. She reminds me snippets of northstar Julie as far as tarot reads, as a straight shooter, but different from her style, and, personally, I respect ppl ways to read Tarot to be different from one another and how they learn, so I never will take the same cards to mean the same across the board. She is tarot reader with some kind of Clair gift.