Author Topic: New Bitwine Psychics  (Read 23602 times)

Offline KarinaR

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Re: New Bitwine Psychics
« Reply #30 on: September 24, 2024, 05:48:43 PM »
She told me my POI and I are meant to be, that hes the one I will marry etc. That was almost a year ago. Now in my last reading said I had to be patient and that he would grow up etc. She is just another BSer.

I tried Alana (Love Expert & Psychic Alana) a couple of times already. The first one was at the end of March. She gave me a good first impression by channeling my ex, his personality and characteristics without any prior information. Back then I was hopeful we would get back together since we broke up in Dec 2023. She said he would contact me within the last two weeks of June. June is pretty much over and he never reached out. So there’s that… she also said I would marry him in October 2025 which is a bold prediction to make given he never reached out at all. I’m over my ex now so I don’t care if her predictions don’t pass. It would’ve been cool to see it happen just to validate her accuracy but with her recent rate increase of $7.99/minute, I think I’d rather save my money.

Also, she gets a lot of the same ppl writing her reviews almost everyday. Makes me wonder but at least her predictions worked for other people.

Offline Blues8

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Re: New Bitwine Psychics
« Reply #31 on: September 25, 2024, 11:28:06 PM »
I agree. I had another reading with her and she was very insistent on her timeline and prediction but none of it came to pass.

Offline appleeyes75

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Re: New Bitwine Psychics
« Reply #32 on: September 29, 2024, 02:48:04 AM »
Anyone read with reading by rali? She seem to always br busy and have great reviews. Thoughts ? Experiences?

Offline Novachild1018

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Re: New Bitwine Psychics
« Reply #33 on: November 19, 2024, 12:41:13 AM »
Read with Gemini Moon a few weeks ago. Gemini moon picked up a miscommunication POI and I would have and it turned out to be true on how she said it would be. The only thing I don’t like is that she’s so expensive $8.99 is crazy?? Especially since she’s pulling cards and has to type. Another thing is she predicted this miscommunication and like two other things with the scenario and then I asked her is there anything else she saw for us, and she said no that’s about it and she went into how she is “limited to what shows up, and she does not add speculation as that is not always accurate”. But I was moreso asking about would any other situations or stuff transpire so idk.

I appreciate her accuracy but I wish she would be able to pick up more than one event or type of situation for me.

Offline sugarsky

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Re: New Bitwine Psychics
« Reply #34 on: November 19, 2024, 01:26:10 AM »
Hi - I read with gemini moon amd based on the feedback from forum members here I decided to read with her. She was really good imo. Gave me prediction and timeline. She picked up specific details of me and poi. Anyone want to share their experience with her?

Hey Apple - did she end up being correct for you?

Offline appleeyes75

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Re: New Bitwine Psychics
« Reply #35 on: November 19, 2024, 01:35:37 AM »
Hi sugarsky-

Who knows! She did say poi and My communication after 8 cards could mean a long time. She picked up on present though imo..prediction can either be pending or wrong contact from poi 8 months now :/ go figure. In bitwine few said I won't hear from poi that was ladylog, alexa bloom, rune mistress and maybe they are right! So I don't know what to tell ya! She seem correct on current though

Offline Dawnlegacy

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Re: New Bitwine Psychics
« Reply #36 on: November 27, 2024, 05:19:12 AM »
Here are 3 of mine

Gemini moon- increased their prices but yeah roughly 3/4 of predictions on timing have come through. Questions have to be worded carefully. Read profile carefully. At least tries to remember you and keep in line with cards. I like this, others may not and want a “fresh” read. But so far she checks out (I think she’s a she)

Lolita vanilla-has read ppl current energies accurately to the tea . Predictions I noticed when I’m super attached can change… sigh (which is life) but I noticed they have picked a lot of detail accurately. Definitely read profile, has disclaimer about ppl who read often, and I think it does check out. I can’t read with her often because it bums me out, I would say a realistic reader.

Intuitivecait- they might have blocked me and very hard to get hold of for readings. I’m finding myself hitting refresh like I did for Ari back in 2021 😆 . I wish I could get something cleared up with them, but maybe for the best (doesn’t help do a plug of their name when they’re hard to reach) but am curious if any have connected with this reader. Some thing did play out and others haven’t… (kind of hearing the same echos Alana- which I haven’t with them but it sound similar) again so hard to get a hold of lately

I read Lolita’s bio and I did have some concerns. I’ve heard that reading with multiple readers can change the outcome but I don’t  see how true that can be because I’ve had negative readings and tried to change it by reading with multiple readers and still had the same negative outcome. I’ve had a positive reading and read with multiple readers and it happened. So I wonder if they just say that as a scapegoat for if they’re wrong. The whole idea that if her prediction doesn’t come true then ultimately it’s down to something we did also doesn’t sit right with me because at what point is she just wrong in her prediction? Maybe I’m interpreting the bio wrong but idk these were my first thoughts.

Offline Mina

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Re: New Bitwine Psychics
« Reply #37 on: November 27, 2024, 05:51:39 PM »
Here are 3 of mine

Gemini moon- increased their prices but yeah roughly 3/4 of predictions on timing have come through. Questions have to be worded carefully. Read profile carefully. At least tries to remember you and keep in line with cards. I like this, others may not and want a “fresh” read. But so far she checks out (I think she’s a she)

Lolita vanilla-has read ppl current energies accurately to the tea . Predictions I noticed when I’m super attached can change… sigh (which is life) but I noticed they have picked a lot of detail accurately. Definitely read profile, has disclaimer about ppl who read often, and I think it does check out. I can’t read with her often because it bums me out, I would say a realistic reader.

Intuitivecait- they might have blocked me and very hard to get hold of for readings. I’m finding myself hitting refresh like I did for Ari back in 2021 😆 . I wish I could get something cleared up with them, but maybe for the best (doesn’t help do a plug of their name when they’re hard to reach) but am curious if any have connected with this reader. Some thing did play out and others haven’t… (kind of hearing the same echos Alana- which I haven’t with them but it sound similar) again so hard to get a hold of lately

I read Lolita’s bio and I did have some concerns. I’ve heard that reading with multiple readers can change the outcome but I don’t  see how true that can be because I’ve had negative readings and tried to change it by reading with multiple readers and still had the same negative outcome. I’ve had a positive reading and read with multiple readers and it happened. So I wonder if they just say that as a scapegoat for if they’re wrong. The whole idea that if her prediction doesn’t come true then ultimately it’s down to something we did also doesn’t sit right with me because at what point is she just wrong in her prediction? Maybe I’m interpreting the bio wrong but idk these were my first thoughts.

Or I dunno 🤷🏻‍♀️

I currently don’t read with her. Her last reading did feel like I was being lectured for the reasons you say as scapegoat… however I do agree with her bio? If that makes sense? lol because I think multiple reads does make you less clear to read.
I do think she is talented but actually yes when I think about it I felt like she claiming it’s my fault it was very sour note (and yes he did come back but well not committed as I’d hope) but her readings seem to flip flop however so did my POI

Offline Dawnlegacy

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Re: New Bitwine Psychics
« Reply #38 on: December 31, 2024, 01:16:12 AM »
Any updates on Gemini moon?

Offline Florallover87

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Re: New Bitwine Psychics
« Reply #39 on: January 04, 2025, 07:27:35 PM »
I recently re-read my only reading on "Gemini Moon" regarding my love interest and at the time she was so way off at the time but rereading it she has been accurate.

She told my POI was going to come back and he was going to go silent again. She gave like a timeframe accurate. so maybe she reads a little far out.

Offline sugarsky

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Re: New Bitwine Psychics
« Reply #40 on: January 04, 2025, 07:36:51 PM »
Gemini moon was accurate for me too. She saw total split from my
POI a couple months ago and while it was unexpected - it’s what ended up happening

Offline flora0250

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Re: New Bitwine Psychics
« Reply #41 on: January 04, 2025, 08:07:41 PM »
I’m just going back rereading my chat with Gemini Moon and I’m still honestly so confused.

Had not been in contact with POI since 10/6

1st reading 10/21
thank you - okay there is potential for closeness / warmth (i cant tell if it will be a full on relationship - looks more like the beginnings of it, as far as i am looking out - i can only look out so far) but it may be a while before you two get to that space
things might feel worse before you two get there, is what i'm trying to say...
so i would not expect it anytime soon - at least 4 cards ahead okay
that could be within a couple of months, but to be honest timing varies for everyone and so it could take longer or be a shorter amount of time
but yes - you two will reconnect & it looks like things will be on a path to beginning of a relationship or closeness

Then 11/26 we basically have this very odd short text interaction on SnapChat where he either really didn’t recognize the profile as mine or was possibly just trying to kid around with me and I didn’t get the joke but regardless, then nothing at all after that.

2nd reading 11/27
it is showing that he's feeling a bit stubborn about the communication for some reason. i'm not sure why exactly. but i would say there's not much positive showing up around it. he seems he's in a space of wanting to move on / feeling not motivated, or he will feel that way soon, in regards to you.
he will communicate with you again in the future though
there's some light hints of that, showing up, and then stronger communication later on. i wouldn't get my hopes up very much anytime soon, it seems rather light until several cards ahead which could be a while.
i don't see much of anything positive towards you showing up now. i'm typically ahead of time, so i'd say its possible that this energy is more of in the next few weeks or so that is showing up. but overall, i don't see signs of any attraction or wanting to be dating etc. it's just not showing up here. what does show up is low to little motivation and wanting to be distant or moving on, also some resistance shows up when i ask about talking with you.
i don't see much showing up later on about wanting to be in a dating situation. be sure to refer to any past readings though because each reading is a puzzle piece usually. what shows up now is communication. i don't see much aside from that. little bits of hope or small communication and then a lot of communication.
its up to you what you want to do, but i'd say probably best to let him reach out again

Then sent him a FB friend request about mid December just to see what would happen but he denied it.

He has not communicated to me at all since 11/26.

So who wants to help me decipher how her readings go together??? Because honestly I can’t really seem to square them. There has been no period of even beginning of closeness or starting towards a relationship since the last reading. So am I still in the “things are going to be worse before they’re better” period or is the second reading accurate where he’s like no longer interested at all? I have no idea what to make of it and how to read them both together to make sense.

Offline Miss Philosopher

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Re: New Bitwine Psychics
« Reply #42 on: January 04, 2025, 09:45:02 PM »
When I read the readings and throw them together, they fit. First reading she says there's POTENTIAL, but that it's going to be awhile, meaning it could be years out rather than months. Then in the second reading she was again looking at the here and now energies and it does fit with her first reading that it would be awhile before reconnection happened. Awhile is subjective. Again, you could be looking at years rather than months. Now, if we throw in his behaviors, the random snapchat but then nothing and then the denial of the FB friend request nearly a month later, he's clearly not thinking of reconnection at this time. Doesn't mean he won't be in the future, but for now and since October, nope.

I do have a rule of thumb. If someone goes without contact for more than 4 weeks, it's best to try to grieve and move on. Everything is an energy and people can always feel each other's energy even if they aren't aware of what they're feeling. Once you disconnect your energy completely (thoughts, feelings, etc.) that unblocks the energy and allows an energetic "loss" to be felt by the other person. That doesn't mean they'll come back, but there's a better chance of it happening faster if they do.

But just based on your two readings, I'm getting a clear message that reconnection is a possibility but that it would not happen for a long while and again, it could be half a year, 8 months, a whole year, two years, etc.

I’m just going back rereading my chat with Gemini Moon and I’m still honestly so confused.

Had not been in contact with POI since 10/6

1st reading 10/21
thank you - okay there is potential for closeness / warmth (i cant tell if it will be a full on relationship - looks more like the beginnings of it, as far as i am looking out - i can only look out so far) but it may be a while before you two get to that space
things might feel worse before you two get there, is what i'm trying to say...
so i would not expect it anytime soon - at least 4 cards ahead okay
that could be within a couple of months, but to be honest timing varies for everyone and so it could take longer or be a shorter amount of time
but yes - you two will reconnect & it looks like things will be on a path to beginning of a relationship or closeness

Then 11/26 we basically have this very odd short text interaction on SnapChat where he either really didn’t recognize the profile as mine or was possibly just trying to kid around with me and I didn’t get the joke but regardless, then nothing at all after that.

2nd reading 11/27
it is showing that he's feeling a bit stubborn about the communication for some reason. i'm not sure why exactly. but i would say there's not much positive showing up around it. he seems he's in a space of wanting to move on / feeling not motivated, or he will feel that way soon, in regards to you.
he will communicate with you again in the future though
there's some light hints of that, showing up, and then stronger communication later on. i wouldn't get my hopes up very much anytime soon, it seems rather light until several cards ahead which could be a while.
i don't see much of anything positive towards you showing up now. i'm typically ahead of time, so i'd say its possible that this energy is more of in the next few weeks or so that is showing up. but overall, i don't see signs of any attraction or wanting to be dating etc. it's just not showing up here. what does show up is low to little motivation and wanting to be distant or moving on, also some resistance shows up when i ask about talking with you.
i don't see much showing up later on about wanting to be in a dating situation. be sure to refer to any past readings though because each reading is a puzzle piece usually. what shows up now is communication. i don't see much aside from that. little bits of hope or small communication and then a lot of communication.
its up to you what you want to do, but i'd say probably best to let him reach out again

Then sent him a FB friend request about mid December just to see what would happen but he denied it.

He has not communicated to me at all since 11/26.

So who wants to help me decipher how her readings go together??? Because honestly I can’t really seem to square them. There has been no period of even beginning of closeness or starting towards a relationship since the last reading. So am I still in the “things are going to be worse before they’re better” period or is the second reading accurate where he’s like no longer interested at all? I have no idea what to make of it and how to read them both together to make sense.

Offline sugarsky

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Re: New Bitwine Psychics
« Reply #43 on: January 04, 2025, 09:49:12 PM »
That’s how I read into too - what Miss Philosopher said  🩷

Offline flora0250

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Re: New Bitwine Psychics
« Reply #44 on: January 04, 2025, 10:07:37 PM »
Well thanks 🥴… all very depressing but yes I see how if you manipulate the sense of timing it could fit. Very different than Sincerity and a couple others … but who knows what the timing is for me in that reading.

