Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > Bitwine
New Bitwine Psychics
Wishful Thinker:
For Alana, although she’s really nice and informative, I’m not sure she’s 100 accurate in her predictions and readings. To say you’re 100 correct is a lie. She does have a money back guarantee. She told me something that at the time I didn’t know was inaccurate until last week when I went through my moment of shock of finding out things I was told weren’t true. I’m not an expert at relationships, but if you want to get back with your guy, send him a message just to go out for coffee. You never know what he’s thinking and feeling.
As with the same people commenting, a couple of those people constantly comment on about 4 other psychics pages constantly so I think those people have severe issues.
Here are 3 of mine
Gemini moon- increased their prices but yeah roughly 3/4 of predictions on timing have come through. Questions have to be worded carefully. Read profile carefully. At least tries to remember you and keep in line with cards. I like this, others may not and want a “fresh” read. But so far she checks out (I think she’s a she)
Lolita vanilla-has read ppl current energies accurately to the tea . Predictions I noticed when I’m super attached can change… sigh (which is life) but I noticed they have picked a lot of detail accurately. Definitely read profile, has disclaimer about ppl who read often, and I think it does check out. I can’t read with her often because it bums me out, I would say a realistic reader.
Intuitivecait- they might have blocked me and very hard to get hold of for readings. I’m finding myself hitting refresh like I did for Ari back in 2021 😆 . I wish I could get something cleared up with them, but maybe for the best (doesn’t help do a plug of their name when they’re hard to reach) but am curious if any have connected with this reader. Some thing did play out and others haven’t… (kind of hearing the same echos Alana- which I haven’t with them but it sound similar) again so hard to get a hold of lately
Wishful Thinker:
Gemini Moon is definitely a good one. I first read with her back in 2020 on Bitwine and PO. She’s really good. This technique is new for her as she used to be very open and free flowing and allowed you to message her and took appointments. Since I’ve been back on there, I believe a client or someone crossed boundaries with her because she doesn’t seem as open as before. She’s still mad nice and cool, just restrictive which sucks because she was always open to messages and appointments.
--- Quote from: Wishful Thinker on July 10, 2024, 02:22:07 PM ---Gemini Moon is definitely a good one. I first read with her back in 2020 on Bitwine and PO. She’s really good. This technique is new for her as she used to be very open and free flowing and allowed you to message her and took appointments. Since I’ve been back on there, I believe a client or someone crossed boundaries with her because she doesn’t seem as open as before. She’s still mad nice and cool, just restrictive which sucks because she was always open to messages and appointments.
--- End quote ---
Gemini moon
Yes thank you for mentioning this. It looks like she took about 6 month (or so maybe more) hiatus and is back on bitwine…
But she definitely wants to enforce strict boundaries of the type of questions she can answer within the legal means, ethical spiritual boundaries…and I can see how it rubs ppl the wrong way, or may be off putting. (I asked about job but she didn’t want to get into the details so I let it go)
I don’t think I’m emphasizing this correctly but she will quickly let you know if your question is not within her means, but will be kind, but tough love about it. She reminds me snippets of northstar Julie as far as tarot reads, as a straight shooter, but different from her style, and, personally, I respect ppl ways to read Tarot to be different from one another and how they learn, so I never will take the same cards to mean the same across the board. She is tarot reader with some kind of Clair gift.
Is she the one that says Catholic tarot, and fireworks as her profile pic? Thanks!
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