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Readers changing their predictions according to what happens

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So I’ve been meaning to follow up on this thread
And each of our situations are different from a different array of heartbreak and disappointment and expectations…

Kinda related kind of not
I am willing and want to take accountability
I made the call or chat
I invited this psychic to discern my situation my life…
So that is on me
I do have to live with the consequences of the money I spent the I didn’t have, and false expectations
But when I think of the famous likes say Sylvia Browne (and some recent advisors mentioned, which I’m biting tongue - but they’re the same) who have made erroneous predictions, they really do ruin lives, their words do affect the situation - and while my situation is nothing like the loss of those ppl; It does destroy lives.

It is heartbreaking
But I am trying to learn and move forward

And my condolences to those have been here, are here, and we probably wont be the last… but yeah I think we can all relate

Yes, agree with you all girls. Also for the update, my POI came back to talk to me some days ago.

So some of them WERE right about it, BUT the attitude they had with me durign the last readings made me feel really really bad. One even told me I was a manipulator and that my energy was so bad that the guy felt it.

I spent days and nights thinking about it before I realized that this was gaslighting 100%

When I told them they were wrong they started making me feel like a bad person.

I still read with 2 or 3 persons max on the site because they are NEUTRAL, positive (even when things are not good) and make me feel better.  I will never agian let a reader make me feel small or like a bad person, which I am not.

I started a thread on this ages ago. Your "advisor" was an a-hole. Typically, when I say-hey, it's not looking like this is going to go the way you said-I got blocked. Done. Done. Done.

I have had an instance where an advisor told me to message an older POI and it went so poorly - I didn’t hear from him from months after that and another situation where they told me to go meet another POI and that went well. It’s all 50/50 in the end. I’ve had readers flip and to me they aren’t real readers - if you say you’re a psychic you should be able to see the end outcome, otherwise yes, you are really ruining lives.

I also don’t agree with the “free will” line that is given - in the end there is only one outcome aka there is one reality, we all have one life, and free will should be factored into it. I’m not paying to see multiple outcomes and multiple realities - who is asking for that?

Psychics don’t know everything, they probably see pieces/ parts and it’s hard to put it all together and
be right when they cannot see the full picture. 


--- Quote from: Kate on March 17, 2024, 10:45:46 AM ---
--- Quote from: Supermeggs12 on March 17, 2024, 04:38:35 AM ---The gaslighting is crazy. I had been asking a psychic for advice on my current situation with a guy. I had been talking about whether or not I should confront him about something I had found out was a lie. This psychic told me I should confront him about it and encouraged me to do it. I later decided not to confront him and that it was in my best interest to move on. I told this psychic about my final decision not to confront. This psychic did a complete 180 and told me that confronting him was obviously a horrible decision and that I make bad decisions, completely flipping what they had told me before about it being a good decision. I’m still really confused about this. I don’t appreciate being gaslit, and I don’t even understand what the purpose of gaslighting me was here. Was it to make me feel even worse? This feels unethical.

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Not to make you feel worse - likely to protect themselves from giving advice in the first place, that was prob not psychic...

--- End quote ---

Honestly, it’s a bad look when a psychic can’t admit that they were wrong. Instead, they jump to blaming you or gaslighting you about what they had predicted. The psychic I mentioned in my post has gotten some things right in the past, so I’m not sure if I should throw the baby out with the bath water. I just really don’t like how he flipped his words and tried to call me out for “making bad decisions.” I think he did this to distract me from seeing his failure to accurately see the full picture of the situation. He also tried to distract me from another prediction he had gotten wrong. I was already at a low point when I was talking to this psychic, and he made it worse by gaslighting me. Many people are already at low points or struggling when they consult psychics/mediums, so I just feel they should be more compassionate and understanding to those who ask them for guidance.


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