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Offline Chocolate

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Re: I want to quit
« Reply #15 on: February 11, 2024, 12:53:02 PM »
I read a post on social media written by a therapist that said something along the lines of rather than looking at the way you handle relationships first consider that you are wasting time on someone who is inconsistent. It’s a good way of looking at it

Offline Tjk197901

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Re: I want to quit
« Reply #16 on: February 26, 2024, 03:30:25 AM »
My last paid reading was sometime in November and I struggle and want to call th lines myself. It’s a bitch and I know better than some. I spent $30-40k in a short period of time. It’s depressing, and it kills me everyday to think about it. I did say PAID readings… I do use the free AI tarot readings and things like that. I mean I don’t plan my day around them but why the hell is the difference? Some psychics were or are right and maybe just maybe the free AI is right.Psychics are truly an addiction that I know unfortunately to much about. I hope and pray you can quit as I have, at least with paid readings. I came so close this evening to calling a hotline and I was very fortunate that I stopped myself. It’s a rotten addiction, and a very costly one at that. Best of luck.

Offline Mina

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Re: I want to quit
« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2024, 05:29:53 AM »
Weaning myself off readings seems to be working for me. I find if I can go 10 days without one there is less chance of me having loads. I try to just have occasional readings with psychics who have their own businesses rather than being on the phone lines. I like having readings and it can be like therapy because the good readers can be so accurate with my situation and I can take the predictions with a pinch of salt so to speak.

At my worst point I spent £700 in a month on readings. Now I don’t have much interest in having readings with so called psychics who predict things that don’t come true.

If I can do this anyone else can wean themselves off the readings and feel more in control of their money or stop readings completely

Thanks Chocolate. I have a lot of anxiety when I do not hear from my POI and I desperately want him to commit to me but that is neither in a psychic's power or in my power so I feel I need to turn to faith. I have given up on asking readers about my career because so far no one has gotten it right. But I also feel like a career is somewhat in my control. I know if I put in the effort and time, I will land somewhere. It is different with love.

I am waiting on a POI prediction primarily but the relationship itself gives me anxiety. It's not ideal and I feel obsessive about this person - clearly not healthy and I am struggling to manage this.

 I think one pivotal moment for me realizing why I used psychics was this wounded core belief that “I overwhelm ppl that I’m too much”. This is a maladaptive coping mechanism; if I could cope by paying psychic then seeking reassurance from my significant other, or friends, then to overwhelm them- that was the lesser of two evils? And I regret subscribing to that ideology; but I forgive and surrender this too. Inner child work does help with that

And I now realize if I’m going to overwhelm them it’s ok. Is it better? … I’m going to say: probably because being ashamed of being too sensitive was never really the issue- and that part for better or worse it’s who my partner will get. This this who I am.

BUT I am still learning to change how I communicate in relationships and I am still willing to grow and change to not put my self worth on ppl, places, jobs or things

There is power in the serenity prayer.

Offline Army

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Re: I want to quit
« Reply #18 on: February 28, 2024, 09:43:10 AM »
It took me two years and a half to get over my anxiety.. when I look back I am like.. what was I thinking?? So much financial damage in psychics over a guy.. I look back and I now wish I had all my money back..
My psychic binges are over and I have more financial freedom..
anxiety is one of the worst feelings we could ever have..
but good news is that dark chapter is now behind me..
I am so much happier and now looking for a new job, new career choice.. as I am wanting a more challenging environment..

Army, thanks for sharing, how did you get over your anxiety? Mine is so bad that I break down into tears.

Ohh darling I am so sorry to hear that… you will pull through.. basically my anxiety went away on its own.. it was all about a boy back in the days.. not knowing what was going to happen.. then the heart break.. then I was in denial.. then anxiety be used I was holding on to so much hope.. then one day BOOM. I confronted the guy.. I turned a sharp corner with the situation then my anxiety disappeared.. I was on a path to healing.. it just went away.. it is hard.  It is very hard.. but things get better..with time things get better :)

Offline jackY

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Re: I want to quit
« Reply #19 on: March 03, 2024, 10:13:59 PM »
Good for you!! You know what did it for me? Looking back over chats and notes and seeing how time and time again, they were all wrong. You are absolutely correct-if a guy wants to really be with you, he will crawl naked over broken glass to make it happen. Point is, there will be no mistaking his intention. The guy who cares about you, wouldn't want you to feel uncertain about the two of you.
Congratulations! Your post put a smile on my face.

Okay so it just wasn't working so I did a few things:

1) I deactivated my keen account & deleted it off my phone as well
2) I deleted all my psychic notes over the past few months so that I cannot reflect and obsess over them
3) I'm not doing the "Oh I will go 7 days without" - nope. I am now committed to just giving up on the psychic calling all together - spent too much money for wrong predictions.
4) Slowly taking my POI off the pedestal, if he loves me, he will come to me. If we are meant to be, things will work out. I'll pray for it but I don't want to destroy my life over it anymore.

Maybe it would be healthy for me to come here less as well, or just document my journey here vs going to the other sections of the forum. But I can't anymore, this addiction is literally ruining me and it all stems from a POI that doesn't care as much as I do and he can just live his life without me if that's the case. I am done, I still love him and pray for him but not in this way.

Ok thanks for reading/ listening! No offence to other people for who this system works, I just haven't personally found success in a single reading and it's an addiction and I recognize it and I need to take control of my life. I can't half-ass it, it's all or nothing.

Offline Mina

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Re: I want to quit
« Reply #20 on: March 28, 2024, 02:34:33 PM »
Take it day by day- and even that can be hard for me too

Sadly losing hope in relationship that could have been is not a bad thing… that lesson has definitely been hard for me to accept or “allow”. I would say if Falling Love is the best feeling in the world, for me, then Falling Out Love is the most uncomfortable.

Take it day by day
And I use be a good planner but when it comes to emotions and feelings it’s day by day when it comes these particulars.

Offline Notacrystalfreak

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Re: I want to quit
« Reply #21 on: April 03, 2024, 10:11:27 PM »
Just an update, last month I made a small amount of progress with getting maybe 6-7 readings total. I know that may still sound like a lot but for someone who has had more frequency of readings and who has kept adding and deleting the app and was so anxious, it was a cutback. I still spent quite a bit of money out of anxiety. I deleted the notes of all the advisors except for one. I am interested in seeing what happens but for the rest, it was not worth it. I removed all of them off from my favourites and have zero intentions of going back. I have also not tried any new readers, as addicts usually do...if one doesn't say it right maybe the other will...I don't believe I will hear of a better outcome tbh and I don't think anything anyone will say will be accurate. Most psychics do not get things 100% right and I don't want to play the whack-a-mole game anymore.

I still don't how how to sit in my feelings and accept what is happening around me. I have tried praying, admittedly, I am not there yet spiritually. The only reason I go to readers is b/c I desperately want my POI to be mine. Though for the last couple days, I feel defeated, and feel like a part of me is in denial. I have so much anxiety when he doesn't text. I'm not in the most stimulating job and have been looking for something new for almost a year now. I also have a chronic illness. My POI is my bright spot. He makes the pain better. That said, a part of me is coming to the realization that he may not end up with me, no matter how bad I want it to happen.

I have to be in a better place. Mentally. Physically. Spiritually. I am going to continue working on myself and hopefully somewhere and somehow the right person comes into my life and stays. I know people say, oh you will meet the one, but I have single aunts and single friends into their 40s+ now - amazing women who have not found someone. That scares me. It scares me b/c as wonderful as a person can be, they can end up being alone. You could say people are alone in marriages too, and yes, that's a different struggle. I don't want to compare the two though, they are not exactly the same.

Embracing the uncertainty and the probability of not being with the one you love is scary but also I know psychics won't be able to get me to my end goal. It is going to take an enormous amount of resiliency and mental strength on my part. And that is what I am working on.

The bit about being single into your forties scares me too! Do you think they are single by choice?
And well done one the progress you’ve made. I too quit after small steps.

Offline Onyx

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Re: I want to quit
« Reply #22 on: April 03, 2024, 11:31:56 PM »
I'm in my 60s and am single. I have cats.  I pretty much have given up on readings, thank god.

Offline Notacrystalfreak

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Re: I want to quit
« Reply #23 on: April 04, 2024, 11:07:36 AM »
Just an update, last month I made a small amount of progress with getting maybe 6-7 readings total. I know that may still sound like a lot but for someone who has had more frequency of readings and who has kept adding and deleting the app and was so anxious, it was a cutback. I still spent quite a bit of money out of anxiety. I deleted the notes of all the advisors except for one. I am interested in seeing what happens but for the rest, it was not worth it. I removed all of them off from my favourites and have zero intentions of going back. I have also not tried any new readers, as addicts usually do...if one doesn't say it right maybe the other will...I don't believe I will hear of a better outcome tbh and I don't think anything anyone will say will be accurate. Most psychics do not get things 100% right and I don't want to play the whack-a-mole game anymore.

I still don't how how to sit in my feelings and accept what is happening around me. I have tried praying, admittedly, I am not there yet spiritually. The only reason I go to readers is b/c I desperately want my POI to be mine. Though for the last couple days, I feel defeated, and feel like a part of me is in denial. I have so much anxiety when he doesn't text. I'm not in the most stimulating job and have been looking for something new for almost a year now. I also have a chronic illness. My POI is my bright spot. He makes the pain better. That said, a part of me is coming to the realization that he may not end up with me, no matter how bad I want it to happen.

I have to be in a better place. Mentally. Physically. Spiritually. I am going to continue working on myself and hopefully somewhere and somehow the right person comes into my life and stays. I know people say, oh you will meet the one, but I have single aunts and single friends into their 40s+ now - amazing women who have not found someone. That scares me. It scares me b/c as wonderful as a person can be, they can end up being alone. You could say people are alone in marriages too, and yes, that's a different struggle. I don't want to compare the two though, they are not exactly the same.

Embracing the uncertainty and the probability of not being with the one you love is scary but also I know psychics won't be able to get me to my end goal. It is going to take an enormous amount of resiliency and mental strength on my part. And that is what I am working on.

The bit about being single into your forties scares me too! Do you think they are single by choice?
And well done one the progress you’ve made. I too quit after small steps.

Hey! Thank you - yeah unfortunately it hasn’t been one clean cut-off but lots of little steps and just focusing on manifestation and prayer - things like that. Definitely still a WIP.

I feel some of my friends are single and have never put any efforts in but want someone. I’ve been pretty burned by the dating apps (was on them for five years after an 6- year long on and off relationship) and have been off of them for a couple years now. I honestly don’t know where I would meet someone but if there’s an opportunity to network - even if through work- I’ve been trying to go despite my chronic fatigue. My sickness has gotten in the way of a lot of things. I’ve thought of moving to a new country because I feel my city has not got a good pool of men. And I’d like the change - though in part with work visas and things it’s also luck but that’s my next move. Part of it I think is also God - if he has someone for you, that person will come into your life - I do pray for a partner.

Do you find it easy to meet people/date?

I like you have been on and off the apps with no luck.

I actually had a reading saying I’d meet my partner in my parents home country so I’m planning to go this year. I really believe she’s right.

Other than that I have the worst opportunities for meeting people.
I study from home and I don’t have many friends to go out with.
I have joined meet up but not had much luck there either.

Offline Notacrystalfreak

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Re: I want to quit
« Reply #24 on: April 04, 2024, 09:35:57 PM »
Just an update, last month I made a small amount of progress with getting maybe 6-7 readings total. I know that may still sound like a lot but for someone who has had more frequency of readings and who has kept adding and deleting the app and was so anxious, it was a cutback. I still spent quite a bit of money out of anxiety. I deleted the notes of all the advisors except for one. I am interested in seeing what happens but for the rest, it was not worth it. I removed all of them off from my favourites and have zero intentions of going back. I have also not tried any new readers, as addicts usually do...if one doesn't say it right maybe the other will...I don't believe I will hear of a better outcome tbh and I don't think anything anyone will say will be accurate. Most psychics do not get things 100% right and I don't want to play the whack-a-mole game anymore.

I still don't how how to sit in my feelings and accept what is happening around me. I have tried praying, admittedly, I am not there yet spiritually. The only reason I go to readers is b/c I desperately want my POI to be mine. Though for the last couple days, I feel defeated, and feel like a part of me is in denial. I have so much anxiety when he doesn't text. I'm not in the most stimulating job and have been looking for something new for almost a year now. I also have a chronic illness. My POI is my bright spot. He makes the pain better. That said, a part of me is coming to the realization that he may not end up with me, no matter how bad I want it to happen.

I have to be in a better place. Mentally. Physically. Spiritually. I am going to continue working on myself and hopefully somewhere and somehow the right person comes into my life and stays. I know people say, oh you will meet the one, but I have single aunts and single friends into their 40s+ now - amazing women who have not found someone. That scares me. It scares me b/c as wonderful as a person can be, they can end up being alone. You could say people are alone in marriages too, and yes, that's a different struggle. I don't want to compare the two though, they are not exactly the same.

Embracing the uncertainty and the probability of not being with the one you love is scary but also I know psychics won't be able to get me to my end goal. It is going to take an enormous amount of resiliency and mental strength on my part. And that is what I am working on.

The bit about being single into your forties scares me too! Do you think they are single by choice?
And well done one the progress you’ve made. I too quit after small steps.

Hey! Thank you - yeah unfortunately it hasn’t been one clean cut-off but lots of little steps and just focusing on manifestation and prayer - things like that. Definitely still a WIP.

I feel some of my friends are single and have never put any efforts in but want someone. I’ve been pretty burned by the dating apps (was on them for five years after an 6- year long on and off relationship) and have been off of them for a couple years now. I honestly don’t know where I would meet someone but if there’s an opportunity to network - even if through work- I’ve been trying to go despite my chronic fatigue. My sickness has gotten in the way of a lot of things. I’ve thought of moving to a new country because I feel my city has not got a good pool of men. And I’d like the change - though in part with work visas and things it’s also luck but that’s my next move. Part of it I think is also God - if he has someone for you, that person will come into your life - I do pray for a partner.

Do you find it easy to meet people/date?

I like you have been on and off the apps with no luck.

I actually had a reading saying I’d meet my partner in my parents home country so I’m planning to go this year. I really believe she’s right.

Other than that I have the worst opportunities for meeting people.
I study from home and I don’t have many friends to go out with.
I have joined meet up but not had much luck there either.

I feel you. I do not like the hookup culture at all, and that's what the past 5+ years of dating has been, I've met men that do not know what they want, very emotionally unavailable. I also felt like I was competing with other girls on the apps for attention. I'd rather find someone organically but that is very hard when you work for a small company and from home. I tried meetup but the pool of people was too different aka people I normally wouldn't date - younger students or people in a different life stage or very different personalities - I also haven't found any of those relationships to be sticky, they have not stuck around. I hope you find someone in your home country or otherwise soon!

That’s why I love readings. I never in a million years imagine I’d meet someone in a different country but realistically it probably is the most viable option as you understand being in a similar situation to me. The reader was adamant she felt something there so who knows.

I hope you find happiness and peace, with or without a partner. :)

Offline Onyx

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Re: I want to quit
« Reply #25 on: April 04, 2024, 10:30:16 PM »
I'm in my 60s and am single. I have cats.  I pretty much have given up on readings, thank god.

Do you enjoy being single? I feel very lonely most times and try the whole “enjoy yourself and your time” but after years (I’m almost 40) I’ve decided I can’t hide my feelings and want a partner. It would be a bit more hectic but I’d like to have someone by my side. I have given up on kids and the biological clock though - I have a health condition and at some point I just didn’t want to put that kind of pressure on myself - I could adopt worst case or raise someone else’s but for now ok without kids.

I have one friend that is quite comfortable being alone and I’d never judge that lifestyle - whatever makes you happy. Also that’s great to hear that you’re off readings!!
It used to bother me more when I was younger. But as you age and your hormones  change, you don't care as much. I started reading in 2021. I met someone  that I thought was going to work out and I was devastated when it didn't.  That caused a psychic binge. But now I don't care as much anymore. I do get lonely  but that's mostly because I'm a recluse. Interestingly, not one psychic picked up on that fact.

Offline piccolapixie

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Re: I want to quit
« Reply #26 on: April 11, 2024, 03:26:20 AM »
I was addicted like there is no tomorrow back in 2015 when I was hooked on who I thought was my twin flame.  Ended up being all BS and only a TINY handful of readers -- and I went through a LOT -- were honest enough to tell me I was wasting my time and to move on immediately as he was a pig with other women etc.  I wish I had listened to that 2% of readers

Offline regrets

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Re: I want to quit
« Reply #27 on: April 12, 2024, 05:22:59 PM »
Thank you for taking the time to post as some posts have really helped me. Although I'd rather be alone than in an unhappy relationship,  I did feel happier and stronger with a special man in my life. 

It will never work out with my ex and I, due to his weakness and his toxic family.  Bizarrely he's still helping me which I'm grateful for while I'm not well.  I don't regret Meeting him as I've learned a lot but I don't want a future with him.

But my fear is that I won't meet anyone special again. I fear I've ran out of time .  Getting to know people, taking risks is hard for me. At my age there is baggage too 

I wish someone could tell me I'll be OK.  I did speak to a wonderful clairvoyant who predicted the exact week I'd meet my ex etc   he has passed away now.  I'm not prepared to waste money again, but  that need to be reassured is still there at times. 

Thank you everybody for posting.  It really helps knowing people are going through similar

Offline Sincity2

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Re: I want to quit
« Reply #28 on: April 12, 2024, 05:40:09 PM »
I was addicted like there is no tomorrow back in 2015 when I was hooked on who I thought was my twin flame.  Ended up being all BS and only a TINY handful of readers -- and I went through a LOT -- were honest enough to tell me I was wasting my time and to move on immediately as he was a pig with other women etc.  I wish I had listened to that 2% of readers

Same here. Was a nightmare looking back. I try not to be too hard on myself about it.

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Re: I want to quit
« Reply #29 on: April 13, 2024, 09:52:32 AM »
I was addicted like there is no tomorrow back in 2015 when I was hooked on who I thought was my twin flame.  Ended up being all BS and only a TINY handful of readers -- and I went through a LOT -- were honest enough to tell me I was wasting my time and to move on immediately as he was a pig with other women etc.  I wish I had listened to that 2% of readers

Same here. Was a nightmare looking back. I try not to be too hard on myself about it.

Hi Sincity2, how long were you addicted and how did you break the addiction? I have reduced the number of readings but still feel the itch. My readings are also about ONE guy. Literally nothing else. I have given up about asking about career etc. b/c no one has been right.

Also I deleted my keen account (again) as a general update. A part of me has to accept that life will happen and I have to take the good and bad and regulate my emotions.

Hey there. I was addicted for over four years. Spend nauseating amounts of money. I totally stopped over a year ago after realizing how wrong they were about a few different guys and situations. I wish I cd get that money back.