Potpourri Boards > Addicted to Psychics

I want to quit

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I hear you. Most of the predictions are just guess work. They just keep feeding you the hope so you don't hate them and might keep coming back. But I would have to say, there are times that they just don't want to make you more upset by delivering the bad news when you were anxious and depressed already. Instead they give you an antidote to release the anxiety temporally. Eventually, we need take control of our own lives.
There was one psychic I have been talking to and trusted for a long time, until one day I realized she kept feeding me the fairytale. I tested her with a guy who was creepy and had been spying on me on social media. She told me there was a long term potential with this person. At that moment I realized every time I asked about someone, she would tell me it was a beautiful connection and it was divine love at the beginning. As time goes by, if things didn't turn out the way she predicted or show positive improvements, she would tell me the guy had moved on. Actually that was when my POI started coming back. You don't know for how many times I wanted to write angry reviews to confront her. But I stopped myself. I chose not to jeopardize her business and let karma find its own way. I would love to believe she didn't have evil intention to hurt me, as she did provide some good advices along the way.
Now looking back, I understand why I needed those readings when I was down and I understand myself better. I appreciate myself for not losing hope for myself or life, and still trying to pull myself up from the ground during those difficult moments. And I know how to use readings better and, of course, less.
Good luck to you. Sometimes pain is the best and fastest way to encourage us to make a change!

--- Quote from: sai07 on June 19, 2024, 08:03:35 PM ---Hi guys - today I held back from a reading bc I was feeling very low and depressed. Honestly, the good thing is I don’t trust anyone anymore. I know I need to create my own path. I went through the steps in my head - I was miserable - they’d probably tell me everything would be ok and that I’d marry my terrible POI who I am starting to despise/ slowly forget. They’d tell me I’d get a job tomorrow. I don’t want to pay to hear the fairytale. In fact, if anything, I really want to call one or two of them and call them out on the flip-flopping and show them that every single prediction to date hasn’t happened so what on earth are they predicting future garbage for. Sorry, I’m just frustrated and upset and mad. I don’t know how people can lead you on like that, make money off of you and are able to sleep at night - pure delusion.

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I thought I would give everyone an update of where I am. It has been an extremely rocky road.

So let me start by saying I don't think that any of the readers I talk to at this point know what will happen in my situation. Been off of readers for about a week.

I had a binge recently b/c a friend of 1.5 years who talked to me nearly everyday ghosted me and it was very emotionally distressing. Not having POI around and losing my close friend was a very big emotional disturbance. At this point I have accepted the situation for what it is. I don't think my friend will be in contact with me and for whatever reason, I am going to respect their decision. I don't know what the reason for the ghosting was- it's been everything from they're busy, they owe someone money, there's a love interest, there's an ex, they are sick - every reader had something different to say and I am tired. I have tried my best to reach out over the past 2-3 months now and it is what it is.

Re POI, still very much in love with him and still very much out of contact. I cannot go back to readers for false hope.

It is very tempting to talk to someone therapeutically about this but I have lost hope over these two people being in my life as a permanent fixture. It is what it is and it's hard but going through it alone and I am sure in a few months I will be OK.

For me it's a spiritual journey and a very helpful resource, so I didn't block it out completely. But I have been in your shoes many times and finally what worked for me is sticking to one (actually two) readers. They were both the only too I felt compassion from. So to wean myself off, I spent more time shadow journaling, writing, drawing, and when I did these things I wrote about the things I would deserve and desire. It helped a lot and may seem like nothing but I now have it under control and again for my it's a growth spiritually for me, so I keep it around.
I'm sorry you feel so lost. I hope you find what works for you.


Thanks for the update … and apologies for the novel or if long winded

If I may I think you’re going to all or nothing/black and white/absolute thinking… because I do it too! Or at least this how I relate to this. Also congratulations on going so long without a psychic.

Again be kind and gentle to yourself!

Bring in this soft sprinkly gentle kindness  acceptance of yourself. All that intensity and care is not a force to “take away” from them- but REFOCUS it back to you.

AND also because this does helps see and feel your value.

So you miss and love your friend and ex. That’s okay! Take the stigma of what you should or shouldn’t/be or feel- aside. Put all the stigma, personal meaning of what it means about you- with kindness. But see if you can observe what you’re making it mean about you; and then gently touch that part of you. I forget I don’t think my thoughts; I first feel them; I embody the sensation of my feelings, then thoughts along with the feelings of rejection… so remember to work backwards. Easier said than done, but it is helpful. So from the embodiment of rejection I am feeling broken and hallow in my chest, then the thoughts come: “men suck, I was used, how could ppl do this to me. Why would any one pick me, etc” AND then touch this part of me from a centered calm place and GENTLE (is this absolute truth- prob not)

Have you done this exercise?
If I was with (my friend/this guy) here right now what would that mean or say about me? If they were texting me right now want to hang out and be with me with me right now: What would be relieved? Or what part of me could feel like I could finally breathe? What would this say about me?
(For me: I’d feel seen, like I can breathe, I am whole. I can also feel my body smile)

And yes the cliche answer is “well how can I give that to myself?” But it isn’t so much figuring out it’s more of this acceptance, allowance for you to be okay to be you. Freely all of you.

If you could see how God values you? See how precious you are, would you be open to allow that in? (And I hope this doesn’t trigger you; I know God concept be rough one here)

I admit I can’t do it all the time… and I’m not always open to it, nor can remember. But that word “open” when rephrased to positive question affirmations “if I could be OPEN to?” it does allow the subconscious not to have so much resistance to that possibility. So putting a pause on what you’re resisting

My therapist gave me this “homework” instead of calling a psychic about: what he’s going do? What’s he thinking about me? What’s he feeling about me? When is he going to call me?
To change “he” to “me”: what am I going to do? What am I thinking about me? What am I feeling about me? When am I going to call me?

And it does have me like “oh!” It is this weird re-parent my inner dialogue.
Refocus your value back to you, with gentleness and kindness.


--- Quote from: Sasha414 on July 27, 2024, 03:05:44 AM ---For me it's a spiritual journey and a very helpful resource, so I didn't block it out completely. But I have been in your shoes many times and finally what worked for me is sticking to one (actually two) readers. They were both the only too I felt compassion from. So to wean myself off, I spent more time shadow journaling, writing, drawing, and when I did these things I wrote about the things I would deserve and desire. It helped a lot and may seem like nothing but I now have it under control and again for my it's a growth spiritually for me, so I keep it around.
I'm sorry you feel so lost. I hope you find what works for you.

--- End quote ---

Thanks Sasha. Unfortunately I don’t have any readers that have been right about my situation. I like one reader bc he is very comforting and can help think through things at a logical level but unfortunately nothing he said has panned out. If you have a couple that work for you I’d see how it could work. Apart from a sympathetic ear, at this point nothing has worked. And that’s ok I guess. Ty for your response. I agree the all or nothing approach has not seemed to work for me. I’m having an off-day today. I’m glad you are in a better place.


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