Potpourri Boards > Addicted to Psychics

I want to quit

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Tiny update.

My POI said he would not be in contact with me over socials for the summer. At first, I was a bit shocked and then sad - I'm going to continue to be sad but I talked to someone and they said NC is the right thing. It's funny how God/the Universe works. I was in two situationships - one where the guy ghosted me after talking to me daily for 1.5 years (I have not heard from him in a month). And this second situationship with POI, he also is removing himself from the situation. To me, that is God making room for someone more worthy. It is strange how these two things happened at the same time. God/the Universe has been showing me that my POI is not the right person for me and I have been avoiding it. I really have been. And it is time to course-correct.

I deleted snapchat today (I don't have him on anything else). I've deleted Keen off my phone. My favourite advisor is just a advisor at this point and I have no intention of reading with her again, she flip-flopped and I have sunk a lot of money through the POI detachment process.

I'm also probably not going to come here as much. Part of this detachment is creating new habits for myself. Thank you to every single person that has supported me and shared their advice & experiences, contributed to my threads; your interactions and your inspiring stories and how strongly you hold your self-worth inspire and amaze me. 


--- Quote from: sai07 on June 02, 2024, 10:58:24 PM ---Tiny update.

My POI said he would not be in contact with me over socials for the summer. At first, I was a bit shocked and then sad - I'm going to continue to be sad but I talked to someone and they said NC is the right thing. It's funny how God/the Universe works. I was in two situationships - one where the guy ghosted me after talking to me daily for 1.5 years (I have not heard from him in a month). And this second situationship with POI, he also is removing himself from the situation. To me, that is God making room for someone more worthy. It is strange how these two things happened at the same time. God/the Universe has been showing me that my POI is not the right person for me and I have been avoiding it. I really have been. And it is time to course-correct.

I deleted snapchat today (I don't have him on anything else). I've deleted Keen off my phone. My favourite advisor is just a advisor at this point and I have no intention of reading with her again, she flip-flopped and I have sunk a lot of money through the POI detachment process.

I'm also probably not going to come here as much. Part of this detachment is creating new habits for myself. Thank you to every single person that has supported me and shared their advice & experiences, contributed to my threads; your interactions and your inspiring stories and how strongly you hold your self-worth inspire and amaze me.

--- End quote ---

Sad to see you go but whatever’s for the best. I don’t know why I’m still in this forum either. Maybe as a reminder of what I don’t want to be. All the best xx

Agreed, but I know I'm still here to share and support. It's probably why we hang :)

--- Quote from: Notacrystalfreak on June 03, 2024, 10:04:32 PM ---
--- Quote from: sai07 on June 02, 2024, 10:58:24 PM ---Tiny update.

My POI said he would not be in contact with me over socials for the summer. At first, I was a bit shocked and then sad - I'm going to continue to be sad but I talked to someone and they said NC is the right thing. It's funny how God/the Universe works. I was in two situationships - one where the guy ghosted me after talking to me daily for 1.5 years (I have not heard from him in a month). And this second situationship with POI, he also is removing himself from the situation. To me, that is God making room for someone more worthy. It is strange how these two things happened at the same time. God/the Universe has been showing me that my POI is not the right person for me and I have been avoiding it. I really have been. And it is time to course-correct.

I deleted snapchat today (I don't have him on anything else). I've deleted Keen off my phone. My favourite advisor is just a advisor at this point and I have no intention of reading with her again, she flip-flopped and I have sunk a lot of money through the POI detachment process.

I'm also probably not going to come here as much. Part of this detachment is creating new habits for myself. Thank you to every single person that has supported me and shared their advice & experiences, contributed to my threads; your interactions and your inspiring stories and how strongly you hold your self-worth inspire and amaze me.

--- End quote ---

Sad to see you go but whatever’s for the best. I don’t know why I’m still in this forum either. Maybe as a reminder of what I don’t want to be. All the best xx

--- End quote ---

Thanks @notacrystalfreak and @jackY

You both have been lovely - I am slowly logging in here less.
I agree, people who come back around help people still assessing psychics or trying to address addictions. There is a purpose.
I am trying to leave my "final" assessment of psychics here, where it makes sense to.

Hi guys - today I held back from a reading bc I was feeling very low and depressed. Honestly, the good thing is I don’t trust anyone anymore. I know I need to create my own path. I went through the steps in my head - I was miserable - they’d probably tell me everything would be ok and that I’d marry my terrible POI who I am starting to despise/ slowly forget. They’d tell me I’d get a job tomorrow. I don’t want to pay to hear the fairytale. In fact, if anything, I really want to call one or two of them and call them out on the flip-flopping and show them that every single prediction to date hasn’t happened so what on earth are they predicting future garbage for. Sorry, I’m just frustrated and upset and mad. I don’t know how people can lead you on like that, make money off of you and are able to sleep at night - pure delusion.


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