Potpourri Boards > Addicted to Psychics

I want to quit

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--- Quote from: Candy on May 04, 2024, 07:17:25 PM ---Sai07, I’m sorry you’re going through a rough time. Would it be helpful if you date casually again? Just to take your mind off this dude and get some positive energy back into your life? Sometimes a change in scenery, a new hobby, hanging out with girlfriends can also be helpful…

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Thanks so much Candy. I am trying to find a new job in a new city - I hope that works out bc I need the change of scenery. That may also change the dating pool bc I am tired of men in my city. I did the dating apps thing for 5 years and it was abysmal. But thank you for the recos!

Does anyone have any advice on how they distracted themselves when going no contact with POI or when POI ghosted? I am committed to not letting POI not texting me not cause me to break and text them. I’m not playing that game anymore. Any advice during this phase is appreciated. Thank you.


--- Quote from: sai07 on May 06, 2024, 11:24:38 PM ---Does anyone have any advice on how they distracted themselves when going no contact with POI or when POI ghosted? I am committed to not letting POI not texting me not cause me to break and text them. I’m not playing that game anymore. Any advice during this phase is appreciated. Thank you.

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If you have a gym membership, go to the gym whenever you feel the overwhelming urge to reach out. Seriously. Working out is a great “distraction”, it fills your brain with dopamine, and over time, you look smokin’ hot because of it. Then whether or not POI returns, you get all the benefits and likely a new boyfriend. 😉

I agree gym and exercises helps! Help regulate endorphins

But That’s always a challenge

Get a passion project: hobbies, learning a new language, music something that really gets you going. And I’ve tried asking psychics this like “what would I like doing?” And they would give generals, and the thing is no one knows what you like best but you! So don’t make that mistake I’ve made. And do it challenge yourself to remember what you like to do!

This is probably the hardest thing you’re gonna have to figure out: what do love to do (outside your ex/or poi)? What do I love about my life? What is my purpose in life? And it does hit this existential type of crisis but if you’re really passionate about what you are doing and love it, that does take a hard attention away from your person and energetically it is felt and it is attractive.

Change your environment, routine… if you can’t, rearrange your furniture so instead of waking up and walk left, you go right… and you could hate it and re change it back, but the point is to change your routine for a little bit to build a new habit, to think new thoughts, that don’t lead to thinking about them … at least immediately

Which brings me to I have haven’t finished that book “atomic habits” but it mentions successful habits takes one small change a day, and consistently; versus then to change your whole life immediately and expect follow thru… which often leads to giving up so just focus on changing one small habit. There’s a free YouTube audio version of the book, I highly recommend it, and I should finish it

Pattern interruption
I got thru the winter season singing my intrusive thoughts about calling psychics, or my ex. I sang my intrusive thoughts to pop songs and anything that bothered me.  So find a pop song and sing about your feelings (mine was hit me baby one more time by Britney spear; it went something like this “ooops I want to call my ex oh baby baby” and then I found I didn’t need to change much other part of the lyrics. )

Identifying Intrusive thoughts and intrusive feelings
Identifying my intrusive thoughts, for me , questions like: is what’s my ex dating? Or Ugh what does my sister want from me?, feeling angry every time I come from work… feeling angry in general… and the thing about intrusive feelings and thoughts is well they are there, but my response to it what can change if I am willing to observe it. So willing to observe it takes time but so helpful because you can say ok this my Achilles heel to this feeling or thought, but I don’t have to act on it… and THAT observation is a huge start in awareness. I can explain it but then the other battle is not reacting the same way, easier said than done.

A long time ago a therapist said when my mind was going and I needed to call a psychic but couldn’t he suggested I recall the 50 states alphabetically without the internet… and I still use this but have gotten really good at it. I guess things like my favorite actor has been in movies. Things you know but would need a source to check, yet occupy your brain chatter.

Or cleaning! Reorganizing my makeup, or even getting rid of clothes, some kind of spring cleaning project

I think this goes back to the first point but asking yourself “what have I been putting off?” : oil change, organizing bills, salsa class (anything from the mundane to the exciting), planning a trip

@Mina. Not sure if you have noticed but this forum is called "The Psychic Reviews". Maybe you would need to join another forum for people trying to quit psychics or whatever and stop writing these novels. It just gives people a headache.


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