Potpourri Boards > Addicted to Psychics

I want to quit

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--- Quote from: sugarsky on May 03, 2024, 09:34:50 PM ---
--- Quote from: sai07 on May 03, 2024, 07:46:10 PM ---Thanks for your input SinCity.

I wanted to update the thread and needed a space to vent. Down to one reader and deleted the keen app - though I hope never to open it again. I am giving up on my POI as in, I’m tired of chasing and being second best. If he were truly meant for me and wanted to be with me, his actions would say differently. I’m tired of being kept around like a friend, my attempts to flirt shut down/minimized when he’s the one that originally pursued me and reconnected with me in Nov 2023. I’m still attracted to him but I feel tired and don’t have the mental and physical energy for it anymore. He has been talking to others and I wish them luck. I feel hurt. I haven’t cried over it yet - maybe I will - but there’s nothing to cry over because there isn’t a solid romantic relationship of any sort and I just don’t want another texting buddy. I’d rather have someone who asks me how my day was, misses me when I am away travelling, asks how I am doing and loves me to bits. I don’t know if I will ever get that but I’d rather work towards that than settle for a man that doesn’t see me. I’m just hurt. And if this is the way my psychic journey ends, then great. I don’t want to go back to the apps. I don’t want to sink any more money into this situation.

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When you realize your worth and see the light, there is no going back. You are worth everything you want and more. Put yourself first and stop hurting over men who are, in reality, nothing to you. 🩷

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Thank you, sugarsky <3
I wish I were stronger - maybe I will be. Just a matter of time.

I think that having readings with predictions that don’t come true can be positive. Yes, I’ve wasted my money but it’s got me thinking that I should really use my own judgement and intuition.

There’s some great advice on here from other posters and I am sure you will feel stronger in time 💐

Thanks Chocolate - totally. The reason I have gotten down to a reader was b/c I was not getting enough info from others from the price I was paying or predictions did not line up, some didn't even have one hit and I spent hundreds. But even the current reader, some of her predictions seem so far-fetched to me....I'll know by June what is real and what is not, thankfully not that far away.

My POI is talking to others and all the readers seem to have a hard time picking that up, which makes the reading very positive. It's frustrating. How can he "like/love" me when he's entertaining other sexual interest. No one that "loves" you does that. This is not a new love interest, known him since '22 and he did a complete 180 on me. Hooked me and then moved on to others. It hurts. I am venting a bit here, but I am so tired of men and their inability to commit. And I am having a really hard time getting over him, no amount of rational self-talk is making me forget this dude.

Sai07, I’m sorry you’re going through a rough time. Would it be helpful if you date casually again? Just to take your mind off this dude and get some positive energy back into your life? Sometimes a change in scenery, a new hobby, hanging out with girlfriends can also be helpful…


--- Quote from: Candy on May 04, 2024, 07:17:25 PM ---Sai07, I’m sorry you’re going through a rough time. Would it be helpful if you date casually again? Just to take your mind off this dude and get some positive energy back into your life? Sometimes a change in scenery, a new hobby, hanging out with girlfriends can also be helpful…

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