Potpourri Boards > Addicted to Psychics


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--- Quote from: Notacrystalfreak on February 01, 2024, 07:00:28 PM ---
--- Quote from: sai07 on January 31, 2024, 11:30:55 PM ---Hi everyone, I just needed a space to share. My Psychic journey began in 2021, wasn't sure about a hot/cold POI, who I recently just broke contact with b/c he went MIA on me for two months straight without explanation. He couldn't explain the absence to me, which was obvious...he was seeing someone else.

Anyways, I have spent so so much on psychics, I'm ashamed of my habit. I do feel like psychics have been a safe space to talk about relationship issues but it has come at a financial expense. It has put me behind on a downpayment on a house as well as credit card payments. I am now at the point where I feel like I should be comfortable letting a POI go vs letting my financial health slip anymore. I want to put myself first. I want to love me more than a POI that is hot/cold.

I just need to trust myself more and accept that there will be more lonely days, more anxiety-ridden days, more days where I am crying over a boy because I have to go through the process vs getting my dopamine hits from readings, and more days where I need to trust myself to leave a POI vs use a psychic to get a read on his 'real' feelings and the 'future'.

I feel disappointed in myself, I want to let go of this habit. I have started reading this thread, if you have had any success getting rid of the addiction, I would love to hear first-hand.

Thank you!

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Get the sites to block you
Wean yourself off
Know that cravings and feeling low are Part of life. The cravings go sway with time. Feeling low youll always have those days.

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CP will never block you - you can leave - but they will let you resurrect your account on a whim - no matter what they say.


--- Quote from: sai07 on February 01, 2024, 04:49:07 PM ---Thanks so much, @Kate! Yes, that's sort of how I have felt as well, it's more therapy in a way. I can talk about things with people in a judgmental or friendly fashion. I think the sad point is when the predictions don't pan out. Then even some of that trust is lost and I feel like an idiot for trusting someone. I haven't found anyone (I use Keen) that has been consistent with predictions, especially big ones like landing a job or commitment. Contact timing is always hit and miss IMO.

@Zipocal, thank you, I hope to be happy and not reliant on something external for happiness, it is a journey.

@Chocolate thank you, yes, I want to go reading-free for the next week! And if I can do that, would be a great success. Re: hot/cold, I know I have an anxious attachment style and need proper therapy for that most likely, I have devoured videos on detachment on YouTube but there is an underlying psychological issue to addiction - which is escaping the current reality - which makes me think, I need to then change my reality if I am that unhappy (which I am).

Thank you for your reply and your support x

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Honestly - I think Keen is the worse.. I used it a lot between 2017-2018 - I was grateful at that point to find Cookie and Kisha - they were the standouts in terms of seeing the future. But now Cookie is inaccurate for me on anything other than very short-term predictions. And Kisha has retired... so...

I once waited for the infamous Cookie, hoping she would provide the correct guidance after speaking with dozens of readers.  I found her to be the most "off."  Some said "everything she says will make sense in time."  None of it did and never has.  There will always be someone else to speak with. It's just your choice when you want to stop the process. You are in control.

Be good to yourself.  Like any addiction, there are ups and downs. I find that my best alternative to calling psychics is to do something that I always wanted to try or complete. The sense of accomplishment has outweighed the desire to call. And, or course, for me, my faith has helped me a great deal. Life just seems to go better for me when centered around faith as solutions I never fathomed often become present.


--- Quote from: midwest60 on February 03, 2024, 07:40:37 PM ---Be good to yourself.  Like any addiction, there are ups and downs. I find that my best alternative to calling psychics is to do something that I always wanted to try or complete. The sense of accomplishment has outweighed the desire to call. And, or course, for me, my faith has helped me a great deal. Life just seems to go better for me when centered around faith as solutions I never fathomed often become present.

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Yup so true!

Getting my mind to STOP FOCUSING on what I don’t have and challenge the mind to FOCUS ON WHAT I DO HAVE, what I can do to have fulfilling life BESIDES this… it is challenging to practice but it’s sometimes not about “can’t have reading today, can’t think about POI, can’t think about what psychic said” it’s like my brain is still focusing on the “can’t”.  And it’s exactly like the phrase “don’t think about the pink elephants” and well one thinks about pink elephants.
So currently I am saving up for trip in April- I didn’t go to this trip with my friends in Sept to go hot air ballooning, which I use to do, and I didnt go skiing with a friend for their birthday and I just feel like I’m missing out on life. So this next “thing” for me is this do this trip in April- to see Complete Solar Totality … and it focus on that has helped me saved money


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