Potpourri Boards > Addicted to Psychics
I’m tired
Hi all,
Just want to say that I’m tired. And I feel drained. Tired of having this huge pressure on myself to get this super isolating degree as quick as possible. Tired to try and keep up with the joneses trying to get the best job yet sacrificing my mental health… tired of trying to please everyone else and do what everyone else thinks is best for me.
I think I’ve lost sight of why I do the things I do anyway. Studying should be fun…life should be fun and not a chore to tick boxes. I rarely ever have “fun” and can’t remember the last time I had a good laugh. Anyways I’m not asking for a miracle here just giving myself permission to just relax and take care of my mental health.
I don’t need a psychic to tell me this. I’m being kind to myself and giving permission to myself to do what’s best for me.
Hang in there! What degree are you working on?
--- Quote from: KB on January 14, 2024, 03:48:23 AM ---Hang in there! What degree are you working on?
--- End quote ---
Combined STEM (physics and maths)
Sorry I just needed a whinge. I’m ok. Everyone’s advice means a lot (maybe too much)
How’s it going Notacrystalfreak? I’ve not had a phone reading for some time. I think it is doing me good to see things as they really are, get upset, process stuff and become more resilient rather than hanging on for a happy ending. I’ve had to fight that “knee jerk” reaction to phone a psychic when I am upset or worried. It’s a difficult habit to break 😞
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