Potpourri Boards > Addicted to Psychics
Maybe bought the reading free token too soon
I don’t know if I can do this guys… I think 1.5 years is my limit. Finish my degree and then just see if I’m on the right path…anything I need to know…potential love interests … a reading? 😅🥲😬
At the same time, just looking at reviews and what’s exciting is all the life events people are saying they’ve had predictions for. Those events will happen reading or not which is what puts me off.
Also I had the thought that even if I don’t get married I’ll be okay. However the pressure is immense. Blackmail, insults “don’t waste your life” “you’re going to be all alone” 😭it’s tough
I had a FREE reading from someone who said:
I need to listen to my own self I’ve been listening to all sorts of different people
Forget about the stupid reading I had from the psychic about Pakistan etc.
I need to make friends and go out. Which I literally have tried and tried and tried. It becomes tiring to always go to events full of strangers and not make a friend.
Tbh it was nice to talk to someone but she didn’t tell my anything I didn’t already know, just to forget what that psychic said about Pakistan and what a farce it is to bring a husband over from another country. Boy I wish I could have talked to her for longer but it’s taught me that I know myself better than anyone. I know what I’ve tried, I know what I have to live with on a daily basis, I know that I’ve tried to get a job, I’ve tried in person uni I’ve tried everything! I think what I need is therapy… just to be able to talk to someone and get all these things off my chest. Rather than going to someone thinking they are going to tell me what’s wrong with me and what to do. There’s nothing else to do! I’ve tried it all 😭
If nothing it’s taught me I truly don’t need to go to a reader and all the messages come from within me I just need to listen to them. Getting a reading is like getting a drug. I expected a miracle from her. There is no miracle. Just a reality check that my life is what it is and I need to make the best of it. I know it’s not perfect. I know I don’t have many friends. I know I get suicidal thoughts (would never act on them) but I’m trying my absolute best to get out of this rut. Also if she was so darn good she would know that I’ve joined 99% of clubs in my area that I have access to. And I have been consistent.
I’m kind of upset that I opened my heart out to someone for 15 minutes expecting they’d solve all my problems but instead got “attacked” (a term a reader I used to go to used for readings lol) saying I have anxiety and I need to listen to myself etc. etc.
It’s been a lesson though and all it cost was 20 minutes of my time.
Been reading your post.. I think a lot of people goes through the same concern whether when they'll meet their person, who and how it will happen. You may be doing other things like school and gym but your focus is still back to the relationship.
I know it's easier said than done.. but you have to learn to first change how you view psychics. They're just like us.. except claims that they can foresee the future.. you're just paying someone who will give you a prediction and you will not know if they are accurate or not until it happens. Any other person can do that for you... but your anxiety seems to calm down when you receive the prediction from a 'psychic'.
When you really focus on you, you're doing things that makes you happy... you give off a different energy to people and that's what attracts people to you. Anyone can tell you that you'll meet someone but ultimately it is up to you how that event or meeting will turn out. What is meant to happen will happen. I believe that our life is already written for us... no psychic can tell you when exactly timing and those who have received exact timing from psychics, I believe they're coincidental.
Things will happen for you at the right time but maybe this time is your time to learn to focus on yourself and love yourself so when that time is right and you meet the person you are destined to meet, you're complete and you only have to do it one time, no back and forth or confusion and no anxiety...
--- Quote from: Notacrystalfreak on January 11, 2024, 12:31:35 PM ---I had a FREE reading from someone who said:
I need to listen to my own self I’ve been listening to all sorts of different people
Forget about the stupid reading I had from the psychic about Pakistan etc.
I need to make friends and go out. Which I literally have tried and tried and tried. It becomes tiring to always go to events full of strangers and not make a friend.
Tbh it was nice to talk to someone but she didn’t tell my anything I didn’t already know, just to forget what that psychic said about Pakistan and what a farce it is to bring a husband over from another country. Boy I wish I could have talked to her for longer but it’s taught me that I know myself better than anyone. I know what I’ve tried, I know what I have to live with on a daily basis, I know that I’ve tried to get a job, I’ve tried in person uni I’ve tried everything! I think what I need is therapy… just to be able to talk to someone and get all these things off my chest. Rather than going to someone thinking they are going to tell me what’s wrong with me and what to do. There’s nothing else to do! I’ve tried it all 😭
If nothing it’s taught me I truly don’t need to go to a reader and all the messages come from within me I just need to listen to them. Getting a reading is like getting a drug. I expected a miracle from her. There is no miracle. Just a reality check that my life is what it is and I need to make the best of it. I know it’s not perfect. I know I don’t have many friends. I know I get suicidal thoughts (would never act on them) but I’m trying my absolute best to get out of this rut. Also if she was so darn good she would know that I’ve joined 99% of clubs in my area that I have access to. And I have been consistent.
I’m kind of upset that I opened my heart out to someone for 15 minutes expecting they’d solve all my problems but instead got “attacked” (a term a reader I used to go to used for readings lol) saying I have anxiety and I need to listen to myself etc. etc.
It’s been a lesson though and all it cost was 20 minutes of my time.
--- End quote ---
I know in a way I “gave in” but I feel like this reading will last me another year. And it was free. I still learnt something from it.
I’ve decided I would take things one day at a time. Is there a potential in front of me? Do I like them? Do I feel like going abroad? Etc etc. I think when we look too far ahead we get stuck.
I felt like the junkie in me really came out though. Wanting a reading no matter what and wanting it then and there
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