Relationship Psychology Discussions > The Vent
Psychic Readings/See's Engagment/Has anyone been told this!
Hi All,
Has anyone been read and told by psychics that they will meet someone new and the relationship will be a whirlwind relationship one, meaning a fast new guy, dating, and engagement by the end of the year?
And has it happened?
The marriage card continually came up for me in the year+ I talked to my favorite tarot reader. Also children which at my age is not going to happen - and I never had the urge anyway.
I am dating someone new but he's really not interested in marriage and it doesn't matter to me one way or another. I'm just happy being with him. :)
Lol, I can't count the number of times I've had the whirlwind reading, and no, it never happened. Not to say it definitely won't happen for you, but from what I've experienced, this is one of the most common fairy tale reads from feel-good psychics. Read his/her feedback and if too many of them are saying she predicted rainbows and roses, then i'd take her reading with a big grain of salt!
Hi Blueeyes.....did you get the whirlwind reading with Jacqulene from California Pdychics?
I see a dancing Orangutan, and skipping bears ::)
Some of these readers should write children books..
Bella, This is most likely I load of crap, a feel good reader that makes you want to continue to call. The best thing to do is wait it out..whatever her timeframes are then just wait..Only time will tell..
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