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Jane Says

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Hahahaha this was exactly my reaction to myself. Like it was like a conversation asking a random person advice. Surely a psychic would know I’m waiting for a reply haha. Just screamed a bit fake to me!!


--- Quote from: glamgal on January 04, 2024, 04:25:42 PM ---
--- Quote from: glamgal on January 04, 2024, 04:20:16 PM ---Damn. Like what the fuck Jane Lol

--- End quote ---

Has it been a few days and he didn’t respond? Was the reading negative?

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I expressed something I was feeling to him round Christmas and he didn’t reply so Monday I extended an “olive branch” but no reply so I’m not sure what will happen. A few other readers see contact but I dunno at this point. I’m pretending Jane’s reading didn’t occur lol. It wasn’t negative but it was super quick pretty much the exchange above was the conversation. I just said thanks and ended the chat.

Maybe try again and he will respond? She has been brutally honest but spot on. Damn

Haha I couldn’t reach out again. It wasn’t a big deal what I expressed, there’s no need in the dramatics from my POI and I tried to break the ice/clear the air. And I couldn’t take being blanked a 3rd time haha. Maybe she just wasn’t for me. Maybe she didn’t see contact but the whole he will respond if you text him… it’s kind of almost like a common sense answer oppose to what you’re paying per min for if that makes sense

Hey just an update my poi reached out today.


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