Is this is the same reader you are referring to? is now "ethereal divination". Anyways, decided to give her a try after reading all the glowing reviews and several people coming back saying their predictions came to pass, despite her fairly high charges.
I initially asked her about my long-distance POI and why he had disappeared for days and failed to wish me happy birthday. I made the mistake of telling her that I suspected his former flirty housemate came back/was the reason--Shay said yes, she was back and there is some type of interaction between them; also said he needed some space but things will improve my April and that I will move there to be with him. So just a couple days after the reading, I woke up to a random text from him saying that he no longer wanted me to move to his country, that he has moved on, and wished me well. I asked him if his former housemate was back, and he flat-out said NO and said he couldn't talk any further. I also asked his mother (who I was in contact with until recently) about the whole thing and whether this girl was back, she said NO as well and had no clue what was going on with her son. My POI and his mother are both (brutally) honest, I don't feel she was covering up her son.
So it appears Shay was just picking on my fears and suspicions and gave me a response based on that.
When I contacted Shay/ED again using another screenname to update her and that she was wrong, she didn't reply at first and when she did she was asking me whether we had talked before. I told her she gave me a reading 3 days ago under the previous screenname and that she was off as she didn't see any type of break-up text for him and that this girl wasn't back as I suspected. She argued with me and told me to read my transcript saying he needed some space and she stood by her prediction that things will improve by April.
I guess I'll give her the benefit of doubt but if she failed to predict that he would shortly end things with me via text (and it was just two days after her reading) or wrongly validated my suspicions this former housemate was back, the chances of getting the final outcome right are slim.
I feel like I wasted $55 but nonetheless, if my POI does reconnect with me in April like she insists I will update and try her again.
It's crazy how all these positive reviews are from several repeat clients and people mention specific predictions like "She was the only one that told me my ex would not be back and got engaged" or "I just wanted to update you that he reached out yesterday and we went on a date, as you said". I don't feel she is a fake but perhaps she just didn't connect with me as well as she thought--don't know what to think about her (yet).