Author Topic: Free Combined Remote-Viewing, Intuitive, Cartomancy, and Pendulum readings.  (Read 4805 times)

Offline Ninacy

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Currently giving away up to 8 readings using a combo of remote viewing, intuition, cartomancy, and pendulum.

As an old member, I have read for more than 50 people through the years with great accuracy, however after taking a long break I'm curious to know if my reading skills are still good or even better.

I have been tested for remote viewing ability online and I always get a score between 60-70% (which I guess it's good??), however, information and details are not always clear when I attempt to connect, which is why I use cartomancy and pendulum to verify and enrich what I get with no tools. I consider the present and near future my biggest strengths. Many people I read for thought I was initially wrong but the final outcome was right or something hidden that I told them was finally revealed, to their surprise.

Feel free to ask me questions that pertain to remote viewing and predictions that span anywhere from weeks to a year such as:

-What is currently going on with my POI?
-What is my POI doing behind my back?
-Is this person trustworthy/good for me?
-Who is constantly gossiping about you behind your back?
-Why is my POI distant? why have they vanished?
-How will my relationship with POI progress? what is the final outcome?
-Where is my lost item? (I will give you clues to help you find it)
-Is my POI involved with someone else?is my partner cheating? who is this person?
-In case there is a third party involved (and you know it) what is going on between them?
-Will I be moving by the end of the year? what's the home like?
-Will my ex or POI contact me by (insert timeframe here, up to a year)? When?
-Will my finances improve?
-How will my career evolve?
-Will I get X job?

I would prefer that you don't ask me about a person's feelings as they are incredibly fluid and can't be easily verified unless you are confused and need some clarity on why or what drives a person's behavior towards you. However, please feel free to ask me about a person's true intentions towards you as I'm really good at unveiling secret motives and intentions.

Please note that I haven't come across a situation or outcome that is totally positive or negative so expect to hear both the good and the bad or not-so-good aspects as I see them. I will be honest and straightforward without being rude or leaving you feeling empty in case I see a negative outcome.

If you are asking a question that needs remote viewing ability, please give me small names or initials, where is the person currently located (country, state, or district), and optionally a photo if you feel comfortable and your question. For lost items, just tell me what this item is and describe it briefly e.g. yellow clutch wallet, car keys with a heart charm, silver bracelet with my initials. Also if you are asking about POIs and/or third parties, please give me their small names and what this person is to you (for example, ex-boyfriend or girlfriend, friend, current partner, co-worker) without any background details. Please do not try to test me by giving out fake info, but feel free to send me questions that you are about to find out about the outcome soon so we can track the accuracy. 

You can ask me up to 2 open-ended questions and a YES/NO/Maybe question through PM. I don't put a limit to the length of the reading since the info is varied, but usually, it's 1-3 paragraphs for each question. If the info I get is unclear or conflicting, I will tell you so and may reattempt to connect some other time in the near future or simply decline to give you a reading. Est. turnaround time 2-8 days.

Thanks and looking forward to reading for you...
« Last Edit: July 05, 2024, 07:48:43 PM by Ninacy »

Offline fluffywuffy

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May I ask you in DMs please? Thank you so much!!

Offline jaks111

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Pm sent
Thank you