Author Topic: Can I Trust Multiple General Readings with Roughly the Same Predictions?  (Read 7250 times)

Offline Cr1992

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Hi everyone!

I've had SEVERAL general readings over the last couple months with very reputable readers, including Yona Farrell (storefront), Mattie (CP), Uli (CP), Effie (CP), Jeremiah (CP), Bridgette (PS), Chip (CP), Asia (CP), Tajah (CP), Angelica (PS), Rika (CP), Nina (CP), Pilar (CP), etc.

Without me sharing any of my own thoughts and being fairly silent throughout each general reading, these readers all made roughly the exact same predictions for me with similar timeframes---including a prediction that a specific ex would be in contact in the November/December timeframe. Again, I did not ask about this, each reader just picked it up on their own along with the other things they predicted.

By contrast, a couple of less known/less reputable readers (3-4) gave almost exactly the same general reading as the numerous reputable readers; HOWEVER, they did not seem to pick up on the ex at all, so I would then ask directly about what they saw. In these instances, they would then say "no," they did not see him getting in touch. The readers who predicted no contact were just random readers, no reputation really. Just gave them a try.

My questions for you all:

1) Has anyone received the same prediction across numerous general readings (with no leading information provided) and it DIDN'T come true?

2) If a prediction is made during a general reading without any leading information from me, how likely is it to be true?

3) If the same prediction is made across a majority of general readings with highly reputable readers, how likely is it to be true?

4) Could all these highly similar general readings simply just be a reflection of my thoughts/energy/hopes/wishes/dreams/fears? Or is that less likely to be the case since the prediction has been consistent across the majority of general readings with both reputable and unknown readers?   

5) Do general readings tend to be more accurate than specific question readings?

Any insights/knowledge/guidance anyone can share as to the above questions would be greatly appreciated. Also happy to answer any questions in return!
« Last Edit: November 07, 2023, 06:56:19 PM by Cr1992 »

Offline bstalling

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Re: Can I Trust Multiple General Readings with Roughly the Same Predictions?
« Reply #1 on: December 03, 2023, 01:11:40 AM »
Much depends on just how specific the prediction is. It cant just be "he will contact you at such a time" or somthing like that. In my years of reading, a group of readers picking up on a specific thing to happen has probably happened no more than 3 times if I can recall. Its not a common thing. A group of readers saw a romantic interest and they all described him as someone in a uniform. It happened eventually, he showed up.

2) How long is a piece of string. Most readers are still wrong, but there is a slight chance it might happen. You just wont know until after time has passed.

3) See above

4) Possibly or the readers are just giving you a vague/cold read prediction that you are attaching too much value to. A lot of readers throw out common predictions, "this will happen in 2 weeks, 3 months from now etc etc. I mean, you even said they all predicted an ex contacting you during Nov/Dec...dontt most people get together during the holidays? Its something a reader thinks could happen, so they just throw it out there.

5) Ive found general readings more helpful. First, good readers will validate somthing specific to you, then you can at least gauge if they have a gift or not.

Offline KB

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Re: Can I Trust Multiple General Readings with Roughly the Same Predictions?
« Reply #2 on: December 07, 2023, 04:00:36 AM »
Yes, I have had the same prediction made by multiple readers, some highly rated. In two years, virtually none of these have come to pass and the one's about my ex initiating contact, returning, etc - many timelines have come and gone. The prediction is always for a return within the next month or two. Has never happened. Then once that timeline passes, I go back in and they give a new one, again, one to two months out. Yes, multiple readers. Some of the readers with the highest reviews are GREAT at validating and somehow telling you want you most want to hear...ex apologizing, ex coming back, ex feels guilty, feels remorse, ex has some mental health issues, ex misses you - I guess these feelings they pick up on could have been true for me but the ex never came back so I could not validate. I did eventually reach out to her and she told me she had a new relationship that was making her "very happy" and did not want to get reacquainted with me.

Maybe save your money....I was strung along for two years....if she coms back i will certainly post it here but I'm movin on. The readings prolonged my suffering and emptied my wallet.

Offline KB

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Re: Can I Trust Multiple General Readings with Roughly the Same Predictions?
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2023, 04:10:09 AM »
Oh yeah...and they always say - don't contact them...they will reach out to you wait for that email, that text, that card in the mail that never comes....

Offline mliva34

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Re: Can I Trust Multiple General Readings with Roughly the Same Predictions?
« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2024, 08:42:44 AM »

Just responding to the original post..

I have known someone who takes clients and reads. His reading and prediction for me also came up for some of these readers I've read with on CP.

However, what I did notice with his readings is... he kept identifying the 'guy' in my readings as the guy I've talked to him about.. But a year or so later, I realized it's another person who I was actually seeing after that guy. The reading was back in 2020 and it didn't play out until 2022.
So now going back to all my readings where contact didn't happened, I reread my readings to see if it actually fit the description of the situation. Ex: I read with Anastasia before (2021/2022) and she gave me specifics about the person she's seeing which I thought at that time was about the current person. But it really was not. It played out with another person in 2023. Hope this makes sense. Also the same with Jacqueline, Tajah, who spits out details without me having to say anything

1) Has anyone received the same prediction across numerous general readings (with no leading information provided) and it DIDN'T come true?

2) If a prediction is made during a general reading without any leading information from me, how likely is it to be true?

3) If the same prediction is made across a majority of general readings with highly reputable readers, how likely is it to be true?

4) Could all these highly similar general readings simply just be a reflection of my thoughts/energy/hopes/wishes/dreams/fears? Or is that less likely to be the case since the prediction has been consistent across the majority of general readings with both reputable and unknown readers?   

5) Do general readings tend to be more accurate than specific question readings?