Author Topic: Readers thoughts/opinions welcome here  (Read 14675 times)

Offline jordie

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Readers thoughts/opinions welcome here
« on: May 28, 2012, 03:39:40 PM »
I would like to hear from some readers here. Post anonymously if you like. Would like to know your opinions of why what is seen does not occur, how accurate are timeframes or why they are more accurate for certain situations but not others or even for some people. Also would be interested in how you became aware of your gift(s) and what you did to develop them.

I would like this to be a "safe" place for readers to post and for forum members to ask questions about these things. No opinions as to the readers abilities, there are other places for that. No attacking readers or other members here. Since I created this topic I reserve the right to delete any posts that are argumentive, derogatory or anything along those  lines. I am just interested in learning and hearing things from the other side. If used correctly this could be a very interesting learning experience.


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Re: Readers thoughts/opinions welcome here
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2012, 08:35:50 PM »
I think this could be a good thread if the psychics are willing to be open and honest about how they percieve information. Honestly, I think how they perceive things is part of the problem with inaccuracy.

One reader told me that she just hears information from her guides, like a dictation. Ok, who are her guides and is she qualified to give information about others lives? Not every guide is good and well meaning.

One reader sees symbols and has to interpret them...again another way how information gets lost in translation.

A lot of them see certain aspects of information clearly...but they for some reason cant see other important matters

Offline Mikki Reno

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Re: Readers thoughts/opinions welcome here
« Reply #2 on: June 04, 2012, 07:24:36 PM »
Hi, Thanks for asking me to come I would love to explain.

 When a person connects to your energy at that given moment, God allows them to see any where from 1 to 3 of 3 things.
It could be your emotions or feelings within your current state, your future path, or your past energy or energy trail.

 Energy is never lost or stopped right? But energy can be re-purposed......

So If you come to me today, which many have, and ask me, am I going to see the man I love tomorrow, I ask God, as my gift is not my own, and he tell me yes she will. I tell you yes. The energy around you is flowing in that direction. Then tomorrow comes, you decide to avoid him because you have a fever blister (random choice of words and scenario) and you don't see him.

 Point of the story, most times, if we didn't know ahead of time, the things predicted would come to pass, but sometimes we change our paths by either anticipating something so much we push the peaceful energy it takes to get it away, or we change our paths completely and avoid it. Understand, even though things are predicted, there are steps in-between the outcome and the start-point and if you change one thing, you can possibly change everything.

Hope this answers your question.


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Re: Readers thoughts/opinions welcome here
« Reply #3 on: June 04, 2012, 07:27:34 PM »
So readings are not really a good thing to get then, since we can so easily change the outcome, right?

Offline Mikki Reno

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Re: Readers thoughts/opinions welcome here
« Reply #4 on: June 04, 2012, 07:34:58 PM »
So readings are not really a good thing to get then, since we can so easily change the outcome, right?

You can always change the desired outcome, whatever you will into the universe is yours, but the difference is sometimes you dont know what is going on in your situation fully and for things you cant see, you sometimes need guidance. Im a spiritual ad-visor, not a fortune teller. Sometimes God will tell me how many kids you will have, everything in your past, different things it depends on what God wants you to know. Like I said, I am a follower of Christ, I don't tell lies to get ratings I simply tell you the truth, what God tells me. Most people cant hear him because they are too busy in the midst of confusion and chaos, so that's why you come to a advisor to find clarity in and area of your life. .......... if you dont need clarity no you shouldn't waste your money

Offline Mikki Reno

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Re: Readers thoughts/opinions welcome here
« Reply #5 on: June 04, 2012, 07:45:01 PM »
I agree , I'd like to know how they can differentiate energies and what it looks like to them. Also what does hearing messages sound like?

Everyone gift is different my dear,

Me im a Seer, Clairvoyant, Medium, and experienced Tarot Reader although I dont like it. I talk to God, Jehovah, Jesus's Father.  I am a christian with the gift of sight that some just do not quite understand. I choose to donate my time praying that you might donate whatever God lays upon your heart if you are satisfied with a reading.

 I like to help people get through the storm and guide you where God wants you to be so that you can prosper and hurt no more. Yes you can change your path, as God gives free will, but I only will tell you the truth and what the lord shows me, I don't sugar coat the truth, as I would appreciate honesty and truth myself. I am a very outgoing young lady with wisdom beyond my years. 

I get messages in a voice, which I know as my God, who has never steered me wrong. He has a voice kinda like James Earl Jones lol mixed with Barry White lol. If he shows me something, I will get a vision, like when I help with cold cases. I understand where your coming from, how do you know where their help is coming from, ASK THEM!! If you don't agree or you feel that your soul may be in jeopardy move on to someone who suites you better, because just as God gives gifts the devil does too.

Offline Mikki Reno

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Re: Readers thoughts/opinions welcome here
« Reply #6 on: June 04, 2012, 07:54:22 PM »
Ok, put it this way. How many of you have read the bible, hear Gods commandments, yet still sin?

I know I do at times, AND I HEAR HIM on a regular basis lol. How about this, God told me Mikki, im gonna send you 10 thousand dollars tomorrow, so before I said THANK YOU, first thing I said was, omg am I really gonna get it lord? Constantly using my gift, then when he ignored me, I went to my sister in Christ who also talks to God like I do, hey Sis, ask God if im still getting the 10k, "He said yes my child" then I ask, well ask him will it be taxes taken out or...... and this goes on. Long story short, I pushed my blessing away everytime I badgered God, all because of my Faith. You know what he told me, "your clients come to and have more faith in you than you did in me" Honestly, the faith is normally what drives our things either to us or from us.

I don't normally tell my personal business, but I figured I would just show you what I mean by YOU CHANGE YOUR PATH, and every change is not a bad one. Plus sometimes is what your asking for what God plans for you, hes a cool dude, he normally only changes your path for your own benefit. Ladies I gotta go, off to do readings, but I will be back maybe tonight or tomorrow~ hope I helped

Offline positivethoughts2

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Re: Readers thoughts/opinions welcome here
« Reply #7 on: June 04, 2012, 08:52:06 PM »
This is a great discussion and I'm so happy to see no personal attacks! WooHoo. We are fortunate to get the perspective of a real live psychic - lol

To me, having faith is not having faith in a prediction, but having faith in the fact that we will receive what is "best" for us. Because I've seen first hand how things can change, I don't always have faith in a relationship prediction but I do have faith in that if something didn't manifest, it was for a good reason. I have my 3 favorite readers now and if something doesn't manifest, I don't blame them but we take a look to see what happened.

The problem is that not all psychics are ethical - just like not all "electricians, doctors, whatever" are ethical. The beauty of this site is to learn which psychics work for us and hopefully warn others of any unethical practices.

hugs to all


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Re: Readers thoughts/opinions welcome here
« Reply #8 on: June 04, 2012, 08:53:46 PM »
Thanks for having the guts to post in here Mikki. I really appreciate it.

Offline positivethoughts2

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Re: Readers thoughts/opinions welcome here
« Reply #9 on: June 04, 2012, 09:04:50 PM »
jordie - you're doing an awesome job  :)

Offline Mikki Reno

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Re: Readers thoughts/opinions welcome here
« Reply #10 on: June 04, 2012, 10:18:33 PM »
Thanks Ladies,

I just want you to know, I personally have been in your shoes too. Before I was 20, I didnt know how to work my gift. it was actually a psychic who I called who helped me mold my gift. I was raised in a christian home, so when my visions started coming stronger, and then my hearing of God got louder, I was afraid to open up to anyone about it. I went to church and the person I told, my pastor, told me how my family was cursed, and had the occult and deamons on them thats why I could hear things and see things happen. It wasnt untiL I drowned myself in the bible, and then into other religions that I found a ability to control my gift.

To answer your question, yes I had a experience I will never forget. If you dont believe me on my page, one of my friends will testify that I told him the same thing, how I didnt do readings fro friends.

 For the longest I didnt do readings for friends. Sometimes God will show me things to protect the person its about, so I have a girl whom is my bestfriend since 6th grade. I tell her, you dont need to go out with that man any more, he is going to cause u pain, I saw her sick with illness from this man, she didnt listen, I told her not to sleep with him atleast not until they both went to get tested together. They decided to do something different, we are not friends till this day because she blames me. I had a friend who asked me Mikki, are these people going to take my kids, I said they will try, you will fight, they will almost win, but you wont loose in the end. Our friendship sufferd, was I right, yup, but it hurt our relationship for her to hear something like that. I had a man I was dating, he was 35 I was 23, I told him, your daughter shes 13 rite? He said yes she is, has she ever harmed herself? He said What? I told him, Im only telling you because shes cutting her self, I had a dream about a little girl that looked like you and her in the bathroom with a knife. It was true, but after he found out she was, he never talked to me again. I have found a man, whom im pregnant with twins by, that can finally accept my gift without fear ill know whats going on. Even now when I call him, I ask him what hes doing, but most times I already know as were connected.

Being gifted can affect your connections, but God has a way of putting those you need in the lineup when you need them.

There are so many things that can change a reading, like if a person is into black magic, that stuff is real. I had some on me and it affected everything I did. God revealed the right people to set me back on my path, but ladies and gents there are SOOOOOO many things outside of a persons control that can affect your reading, and dont be discouraged by it, just pray about it, if you ask God to explain to you he will explain.

If you want to know anything else let me know, ask away!!!!!

Offline Mikki Reno

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Re: Readers thoughts/opinions welcome here
« Reply #11 on: June 04, 2012, 10:20:36 PM »
Mikki, how does one know they are psycic. Sometiems it feels like I know things before they'll happen but I just amount it to concisdence. I'm really happy that you've posted on this forum as a reader. It's great to have you!
Hi, no problem, i LOVE TO HELP :)

Hmm, well there are several types of abilities GOD has given. everyone has a gift, SOME LEARN TO USE IT, SOME DONT. What happens to you my dear?

Offline Mikki Reno

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Re: Readers thoughts/opinions welcome here
« Reply #12 on: June 04, 2012, 10:26:58 PM »
Mikki, how does one know they are psycic. Sometiems it feels like I know things before they'll happen but I just amount it to concisdence. I'm really happy that you've posted on this forum as a reader. It's great to have you!

NEVERMIND MY LAST POST TO YOU, I WAS WRITING TOO QUICK DIDNT READ ALL THE WAY :), Write it down when it happens, start to meditate. Stay in constant prayer. Tell God you want to work on your gift to be a vessel for him, thats what I did. Visions were coming, I just knew stuff. I could se any random person and know their age.......You have a gift you just have to ask God to help you control it, mostimes done through prayer, meditaion, fasting, things like that. Its a spiritual journey, but its a fun one.

Offline Nottakingthebait

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Re: Readers thoughts/opinions welcome here
« Reply #13 on: June 04, 2012, 10:34:17 PM »
Welcome to the forum! I am happy you are here sharing your knowledge with us!


Offline Mikki Reno

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Re: Readers thoughts/opinions welcome here
« Reply #14 on: June 05, 2012, 12:18:06 AM »
Thanks KTH,

I apperciate you and Jodi and all the other wonderful posters for  having me, I was a bit nervous posting but when I got the invite I said sure why not lol, it could only help or hurt lol

Jodie, thank you btw for regulating that persons story or situatison  as we as professionals should notspeak on any clients issues, I was simply stating that I don't assume, I could only answer questions by dealing with her and God. However, thats the message God gave me. I care about accuracy just like you guys. I've only had 1 complaint in my life and that same person called me back 2 days later to apologize and had her negative complaint removed. :D I would love to help with any other questions you may have, I do this all day :) so I have no problem doing out here and on fb.