Potpourri Boards > Addicted to Psychics

A reading when you need it?

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--- Quote from: Tjk197901 on November 19, 2023, 03:15:19 PM ---As stated I got two readings and so much of it was soooooo eerily accurate. Not all what I wanted to hear either. I can’t say they were 100% accurate as a lot of it has time to go but the past and present were accurate like nothing I’ve seen. I was impressed and trust me I’ve spent well over 10 grand reading. Well over that, I don’t dare look anymore as I am so embarrassed. One was for love one was for career and they were spot on accurate for so much. I would recommend them.

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I’m tempted but think I’ll save it for when I need it.

hi! been a long time since I have been on forum and a long time since readings for me, as well! Before Kisha retired I was only reading with her (couple times a year email generals) and Yona once a year to maybe every 18 months. I too had an addiction and spent way more than I care to think about!

You asked a question about is this a good time for a psychic, when agonizing over a decision. When I read that, I thought, there are many other more reliable, logical and maybe sensible options for this type of scenario.

A couple ideas I had are: family or friends that know you very well might be able to know your history with career, your hopes for future and offer advice.

Another option would be a therapist! They have great insight and sound logic. and would be a great sounding board to help you.

Another option could be a career counselor!

Just thinking opening up the psychic life line can be dangerous or slippery and might be best to avoid.

I wish you the best and I trust youll know and make the right decision and if it needs to be changed down the line its never too late!

Good luck!


--- Quote from: Notacrystalfreak on November 19, 2023, 01:53:10 PM ---As you know I’ve been 11 months psychic free. During this time I’ve had therapy, used online oracle cards and did pick a card readings if they come up on my fb feed. Oh and I would speak to an “intuitive” but not get a reading from her. I’m an indecisive person and I’ve struggled with picking a degree, and other things. I’ve been talking to the intuitive about something and she said she “feels x option is good for me”. I was kinda upset because I’m not meant to get readings and this is like a reading but at the same time, so much pressure has been alleviated and I can finally make a decision on something I’ve agonised over months for. I know she could be wrong but her justification “getting out of my comfort zone” plays over in my mind and I just want to make the damn decision and move on with my life. I know I’ve done well with getting over this addiction and feel like maybe I could get a reading when I really need one. Like when I’m agonising over a decision for months and there’s no clear answer and I could just as well toss a coin at this rate. At that time I think a psychic is okay? What do you think? I’m not asking about “what’s going to happen in my future” and I’m not asking “when will I find love” I simply want a bit of guidance. Isn’t this how a psychic should be used? So would you reckon, that convo I had with her is still a win? I want to try and learn the tarot myself and do my own readings in an ideal world. In reality I would just end up doubting the cards and getting confused about how the meaning of the card applies to my situation.

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Ive been playing with NLP and how it affects language in my life and if I may here is my take …

Being indecisive is ok!

I too can be indecisive. I had breakfast with my sister and the waitress had to circle back 3 times so I could figure out what I wanted to order. BUT I KNEW I did not want coffee this morning, I went with hot chocolate.

Work with what you do know, start slow

To me it sounds like you’re beating yourself up about having this intuitive just give their two cents (even though they’re intuitive they’re just a person too). And I want to add ppl “see us” in things all the time. I even use this in speech form “oh I can see so and so behaving this way” like that annoying person acting out that annoying habit, when ppl tell their story to me.
But ultimately ppl are still free to choose.

But if I’m being intentional with my words and manifesting I’ll say “yeah I can see things working out for me”. It’s a type of envisioning manifesting. I think with what your friend was doing was highlighting just aspect of skills of your life. It’s still your choice.

Again go with what you do know

But my question to you is it not safe to trust your choice? Why or why not?

If it’s failure let me just tell you from experience that if you’re afraid of failure or choosing wrong - it’s just part of the growing pains of life.  Also if I had do over I wish I failed younger … because how you fail and get up quicker pretty much become the pattern on how you pick yourself. And you have 11 months from calling you know a thing or too about picking yourself up.

Overall I summed it down for me:

Forgive yourself
Trust yourself

If you fail…
Forgive yourself
Trust yourself

Choose again

You have done so well. Would one reading lead to lots more? This was the case for me when I thought I was in control of my psychic addiction.

Do what you really want to do or have some counselling to talk things out.


--- Quote from: Mina on November 20, 2023, 01:45:15 AM ---
--- Quote from: Notacrystalfreak on November 19, 2023, 01:53:10 PM ---As you know I’ve been 11 months psychic free. During this time I’ve had therapy, used online oracle cards and did pick a card readings if they come up on my fb feed. Oh and I would speak to an “intuitive” but not get a reading from her. I’m an indecisive person and I’ve struggled with picking a degree, and other things. I’ve been talking to the intuitive about something and she said she “feels x option is good for me”. I was kinda upset because I’m not meant to get readings and this is like a reading but at the same time, so much pressure has been alleviated and I can finally make a decision on something I’ve agonised over months for. I know she could be wrong but her justification “getting out of my comfort zone” plays over in my mind and I just want to make the damn decision and move on with my life. I know I’ve done well with getting over this addiction and feel like maybe I could get a reading when I really need one. Like when I’m agonising over a decision for months and there’s no clear answer and I could just as well toss a coin at this rate. At that time I think a psychic is okay? What do you think? I’m not asking about “what’s going to happen in my future” and I’m not asking “when will I find love” I simply want a bit of guidance. Isn’t this how a psychic should be used? So would you reckon, that convo I had with her is still a win? I want to try and learn the tarot myself and do my own readings in an ideal world. In reality I would just end up doubting the cards and getting confused about how the meaning of the card applies to my situation.

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Ive been playing with NLP and how it affects language in my life and if I may here is my take …

Being indecisive is ok!

I too can be indecisive. I had breakfast with my sister and the waitress had to circle back 3 times so I could figure out what I wanted to order. BUT I KNEW I did not want coffee this morning, I went with hot chocolate.

Work with what you do know, start slow

To me it sounds like you’re beating yourself up about having this intuitive just give their two cents (even though they’re intuitive they’re just a person too). And I want to add ppl “see us” in things all the time. I even use this in speech form “oh I can see so and so behaving this way” like that annoying person acting out that annoying habit, when ppl tell their story to me.
But ultimately ppl are still free to choose.

But if I’m being intentional with my words and manifesting I’ll say “yeah I can see things working out for me”. It’s a type of envisioning manifesting. I think with what your friend was doing was highlighting just aspect of skills of your life. It’s still your choice.

Again go with what you do know

But my question to you is it not safe to trust your choice? Why or why not?

If it’s failure let me just tell you from experience that if you’re afraid of failure or choosing wrong - it’s just part of the growing pains of life.  Also if I had do over I wish I failed younger … because how you fail and get up quicker pretty much become the pattern on how you pick yourself. And you have 11 months from calling you know a thing or too about picking yourself up.

Overall I summed it down for me:

Forgive yourself
Trust yourself

If you fail…
Forgive yourself
Trust yourself

Choose again

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Btw just to clarify this wasn’t about career but laser hair removal. I couldn’t decide what clinic to go to. The on with good results but boring staff or the one with nicer staff but don’t really know their results. The intuitive told me she feels the good results one is what I need and I’ve been set on that. I understand she may not be correct, I’ve never resonated with her readings anyway but I just want to make a decision. I don’t know why but I just feel so comforted if someone helps make that decision for me.

I don’t forgive myself that’s the problem. I still have regrets from over ten years ago that I think about now and then. I’m a perfectionist.


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