Potpourri Boards > Addicted to Psychics

A reading when you need it?

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As you know I’ve been 11 months psychic free. During this time I’ve had therapy, used online oracle cards and did pick a card readings if they come up on my fb feed. Oh and I would speak to an “intuitive” but not get a reading from her. I’m an indecisive person and I’ve struggled with picking a degree, and other things. I’ve been talking to the intuitive about something and she said she “feels x option is good for me”. I was kinda upset because I’m not meant to get readings and this is like a reading but at the same time, so much pressure has been alleviated and I can finally make a decision on something I’ve agonised over months for. I know she could be wrong but her justification “getting out of my comfort zone” plays over in my mind and I just want to make the damn decision and move on with my life. I know I’ve done well with getting over this addiction and feel like maybe I could get a reading when I really need one. Like when I’m agonising over a decision for months and there’s no clear answer and I could just as well toss a coin at this rate. At that time I think a psychic is okay? What do you think? I’m not asking about “what’s going to happen in my future” and I’m not asking “when will I find love” I simply want a bit of guidance. Isn’t this how a psychic should be used? So would you reckon, that convo I had with her is still a win? I want to try and learn the tarot myself and do my own readings in an ideal world. In reality I would just end up doubting the cards and getting confused about how the meaning of the card applies to my situation.

The problem is I can’t find a cheap psychic that will only do one question. If anyone has recommendations let me know please.
Actually there’s loads on Etsy.

I tried the Irish family psychics twice. Cheaper readings and they are emailed to you. I was hesitant at first as truly I feel so many are full of shit, yet they were super detailed readings. Like super detailed. You have to wait a few days for the reading but truthfully I am impressed with the readings. I think the most expensive one was like $30-40, I can’t quite remember but I was truly shocked. I figured it would be some sort of scam but it was pretty good and honest I feel. I didn’t use Etsy I just went to their website I’m not sure much about Etsy yet I know that they are on there


--- Quote from: Tjk197901 on November 19, 2023, 02:49:12 PM ---I tried the Irish family psychics twice. Cheaper readings and they are emailed to you. I was hesitant at first as truly I feel so many are full of shit, yet they were super detailed readings. Like super detailed. You have to wait a few days for the reading but truthfully I am impressed with the readings. I think the most expensive one was like $30-40, I can’t quite remember but I was truly shocked. I figured it would be some sort of scam but it was pretty good and honest I feel. I didn’t use Etsy I just went to their website I’m not sure much about Etsy yet I know that they are on there

--- End quote ---

Funny you mention them I had a look at their website before your comment. This line really made me doubt them “ We aren't mind readers but when given a question the answer is given to us from the universe into our third eye and we can taste the answer in our mouth from Mother Earth.” I was like wth. But was their  reading accurate? Also one question is £3 so not bad

As stated I got two readings and so much of it was soooooo eerily accurate. Not all what I wanted to hear either. I can’t say they were 100% accurate as a lot of it has time to go but the past and present were accurate like nothing I’ve seen. I was impressed and trust me I’ve spent well over 10 grand reading. Well over that, I don’t dare look anymore as I am so embarrassed. One was for love one was for career and they were spot on accurate for so much. I would recommend them.


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