Author Topic: Dominique  (Read 6069 times)

Offline KB

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« on: November 14, 2023, 05:22:47 AM »
I have read with Dominique probably 10 times in 2 years. She always says the same things - like taps onto a dynamic somehow. She has felt incredibly accurate in reading dynamics and giving clairity (I could not verify unless ex would admit, but made the puzzle pieces fit). But, she predicted contact, intiated by ex over and over again - with each reading. But, many timelines have passed and poi has never initiated contact. She awlays says someone from the past coming back....anyone else heard that line?  I will say i have given her nothing in terms of info and she just starts talking, nonstop, but was able to read a situation amazingly. Knew my ex had an ex that had still been in the picture in the baclground, while i was dating her.

Wondering about others recent experiences.

Offline Cr1992

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Re: Dominique
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2023, 05:11:30 PM »
I haven’t read with Dominique, but I am starting to wonder if all of them are just trained to say someone from the past is coming back… even if you’ve only called for a general reading.

Offline KawalaKutie

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Re: Dominique
« Reply #2 on: November 20, 2023, 04:44:26 AM »
I am not so sure if they were trained to tell us that an ex will return. However, that would make sense that most of the psychics will say "they will return" or "an ex will make their way back". But it does raise the question of if they are trained to do so? We could ask the psychics (at least some who are kind enough to let us know). I'm also aware of the fact that there is a note tab on us that the psychics can see. I do not know for a fact if they are shared or not. I have tried asking CS, but they keep telling me that the notes tab is only on their end. even though I asked if the psychics themselves have a note tab for us for themselves or for others to see. So I think they dodged the question or the lady genuinely doesn't understand what I was asking.

The only thing I could say though, the psychics do have training or at least a check-in or so I was told by 2 different psychics.

Offline Cr1992

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Re: Dominique
« Reply #3 on: November 20, 2023, 07:26:10 PM »
I guess “trained” is the wrong word. My sense is that many psychics just know, from experience, that people are often calling with a desire to hear about a past romantic interest. So they throw it into the reading.

That’s super interesting what you’re saying about a notes tab though. That would be wildly unethical. I did call once to ask if they share notes and the CS rep was adamant that they do not share notes amongst psychics.

What did he say they keep a notes tab for? What would be the purpose?

The lawsuits would be wild if it came out that psychics were sharing notes amongst themselves when calls and chats are supposed to be entirely confidential.

I’ll tell you what though….sometimes my readings from one psychic to the next are eerily similar. It’s either evidence that indicated something is truly meant to happen, they’re reading my desires, or they’re note sharing going on.

Offline KawalaKutie

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Re: Dominique
« Reply #4 on: November 20, 2023, 10:26:02 PM »
Yeah, I never really thought about it until recently that they might have shared notes. If I remember correctly, there is another person on here who admitted that the psychics on CP have a note tab on their end. Heather I believe is her name.

She noted that the notes aren't shared but there is a note tab for the psychics to jot down some notes about us like birthdays, signs, names, etc. However, there are some psychics who don't utilize this feature like Pilar and Mattie. I find that their reading is a bit too fast to even write anything and I don't hear anything in the background that would suggest otherwise. Pilar does automatic writing, fyi so you'll hear turning paper... I however stopped using her as none of her predictions has ever panned out for me. I personally feel not all psychics use the note tab as it wouldn't really make sense to use it because most use a fake name, fake dob, or even a fake sign or something.

As far as the CS side, all I understand is that they have access to their own notes about us. Not sure why but my guess is most likely that when we call into CS, they will mark down what that convo entails. Such as asking for a refund, or if we report a psychic for whatever reason. I know however that when I called in for a refund cause the psychic I went to couldn't provide any update, the lady told me they would put it in the notes that she wasn't in trouble but asked for a refund because an update wasn't available at that time.

Not sure what to make when you mentioned how you called multiple and they are uncannily similar. If I may ask, how far apart were the readings and do you know if the psychic you have read with prior had a waiting line after you? I feel like there is a lot to take into consideration before we really determine what is the truth and what is not.

However, the convo with your psychic is very questionable. I am unsure if they are recorded, it was stated it wasn't. However, there is a review that confused me. It was made on Sept 7th, 2023 on TrustPilot. It was a one-star review that basically said the guy was on call for 25min and no one answered. But the response the CS gave said their convo was recorded. So, that is a bit more confusing to me. Not sure if the CS meant the call with CS or not. But just putting that out there. Also don't know the full story of that one, just going off of details.

Overall, if they end up sharing the notes about us with other psychics that would be a lawsuit there. Especially if it is in regards to the details of the readings, that is a breach of confidentiality. As if they are asking for a lawsuit tbh.

Offline KB

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Re: Dominique
« Reply #5 on: November 21, 2023, 05:00:46 AM »
My son got a new phone from my ex (a way back ex i was married to, not the recent shorter term ex I have been writing about) and for a while I had two phone numbers as i was paying for his original phone. I called with the new number (some of my regulars) to test them out. Luna, who I have always felt was one of the most honest, said "funny - the name you are asking about rings a bell, but you are showing up as a new caller". I told her about changing phones  and I basically got the same reading from her and others with the brand new phone number and a different name I used to set up the new account with a new credit card too. (I used my middle name). So, they could not have been looking at notes. But they could say a similar line to everyone. I suspect Warren does that, but am not sure, of course. I have had about 12 readings, I would say, with Dominique in 2 years and all but one of them was the same - someone from past coming back, she had an ex partner lingering in the background who was a big influence in the break up, etc.

Dominique is on probably 3-4 hours, 5 days every week and thats a lot of readings to have to remember - and even if there are notes, the turn around is so quick between clients. With technology, yeah,  it's possible. Honestly, a feeling of sadness just passed through me that we are having this discussion. I had soooo much faith in the readings, and yet the predictions have not come to pass, though the readings felt eerily accurate in so many other ways. But it is sad to me that we have to debate this and cant just go to the psychics and ask and be sure to get a straight answer. I did ask Chevy and Brandon about sharing notes with other psychics and they were emphatic that it was a no. I do trust Chevy, but Brandon, to me, is a bit slippery and I no longer read with him.

Another clue about being given a "line" about the ex returning (and I agree that 80% of calls are probably about grieving the loss of a relationship), is that when I have read with what i will call, "authentic" psychics - ie people associated with the College of Psychic studies who I know for a fact have had years of legitimate training), I have never been told my ex is coming back - they have read her..and told me, frankly, that she is a selfish person, slightly narcissistic,  I am better off without and who would probably only come back if she needed something from me. Here is the crazy thing though, Dominique has also described her as immature, selfish, with some mental health issues..and tld me that I gave her credit for maturity and empathy that she did not have - but still says she is coming back and has potential to mature and be a better partner to me, though will be a "work in progress". CP and the College have no connection whatsoever, but there is overlap between the description I got from 2 psychics as the college and several on CP.....several at CP have mentioned mental health issues. It was the psychics descriptions of her issues (that I did not experience until a few weeks before she left me abruptly) that got me doing more research on personality disorders - and their descriptions mapped onto the characteristics given in the videos and articles I have read. I use Keen a fair amount. No fairy tales about her returning and us having a life together. Some there also flat out said no. For the record, Natasha at CP mentioned the mental health issues and said this relationship is dead in the water. Walter said - not coming back, Bathsheba - not coming back, others too but the expensive heavy hitters painted very detailed stories of her return. Pilar, Mattie, and Dominique have very involved, detailed stories. Delight and Warren and Marin  also give a strong message of some type of future contact. These are all psychics with 4.8 and 4.9 stars that cost from 15-20 dollars per minute now. 2 years and the ex has never initiated contact, only responded with brief enigmatic emails when I have written and tried to get her to open up as to why she left - and then she stops writing.  Have not seen her face to face in over two years.

Predictions continue to not come to pass and i am finally accepting they were just flat out wrong and I may never know what really happened to cause my relationship to collapse so unexpectedly - though not a single reader has said it was because she fell in love with some one new (which you might think would be one of those "lines") - it was ALWAYS, ALWAYS about someone from the past returning, regardless of the reader and that she had mental health issues and overwhelm. An incredibly consistent message.  I obsessively went to psychics desperately looking for answers - but only my ex can truly fill in the blanks about the relationship and also, indirectly,  the validity of psychic readings..a word of caution....perhaps the highest rated and most expensive readers are regarded as such because they soothe people by giving them (false) hope at very painful points in the callers lives. So, people give high ratings and return over an over again for comfort, like me.  And, CP never publishes negative reviews....

Offline KawalaKutie

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Re: Dominique
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2023, 09:19:28 AM »
I understand where you are coming from. I am also in the same boat as I got many readings similar. I have read with most of the psychics you have stated Luna, Pilar, Mattie, and Brandon. I don't remember if I have read with Dom or Chevy. However, I never read with Walter or Warren. I read somewhere that I believe Warren gives the same reading to others. It might be Walter, I do not remember who. I read it here though.

I do want to mention though all of the readers that I have read with, told me that my ex would return and to which their timeline went and gone but still see the ex will return. Brandon, I stopped reading with him because every time I would call back and tell him that my ex didn't return on his timeline he acts so surprised. To which I found he does the same to others on here. Pilar, I felt she was a bit of a fairytale reader. Her first reading was great. However, the rest of the reading was questionable. I later came to find out she told something similar to others as well.

Luna and Mattie however are the two I felt that resonated with me the most as they were able to tell me things I could actually validate and later validate down the line. Their big-picture prediction has yet to come about but that is because Mattie's timing is not that great and she has admitted before.

Offline Cr1992

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Re: Dominique
« Reply #7 on: November 21, 2023, 08:01:25 PM »
@KB I’m sorry to hear you were given false hope by so many! I wish you nothing but light and happiness in the future!

Quick question—can you recommend any psychics who you know are highly trained? Those trained at the college of psychic studies? Would be really curious to check some of those out!

Offline KB

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Re: Dominique
« Reply #8 on: November 22, 2023, 04:34:19 AM »
Anastasia DeQuincy. Accurrate, poised, kind, honest, warm. First got into the work when she was encouraged by a spiritual teacher. Studied at the college. (I have taken about 5 classes there now and the teachers are trustworthy and supportive). And regular psychics are NOT charging1000 - 12200 per hour (15-20 per minute). She charges about 120 L per hour. You don't feel rushed, not watching the clock and anxious about the money you are sending. No "one click" to extend your time by 10 minutes or 200 dollars. A 60 minute reading in which you have time to explore your issues. Anastasia is the one who told me in my 1st reading with her, kindly, that my ex was so self absorbed and focused on her own needs that she forgot I had needs, that I had done nothing wrong, and that she would only return if she needed something from me, and was remembering who had supported her in the past - but not from a place of giving to me... and that i would have to decide if I had it in me to give more. n my 2nd reading she said that through the channeling she was told my ex had moved on and did not have the capacity or willingness to explain anything to me. Was ot made of the "material" to be that person I needed her to be. That was hard to hear, but consistent with my experience. So, give Anastasia a try - i trust her immensely.

Offline KawalaKutie

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Re: Dominique
« Reply #9 on: November 22, 2023, 08:47:39 AM »
Does she have her own site? Or would we need to make an appointment with her on the psychic college site? Thanks!

Offline Cr1992

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Re: Dominique
« Reply #10 on: November 23, 2023, 05:25:00 PM »
I saw her on the college site, but doesn’t look like she’s available for quite some time. May try in the future though. Trying to just chill for now!

Offline KB

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Re: Dominique
« Reply #11 on: November 29, 2023, 03:39:38 AM »
Yeah - I only know about booking her through the college of psychic studies website.

Offline bstalling

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Re: Dominique
« Reply #12 on: December 03, 2023, 01:19:04 AM »
Not sure why she has become popular again. Have you guys seen her older thread. General consensus is she is a bullshitter. Someone from past coming back? Cold read. She draws you in because most are calling about the same thing and she sounds like she knows what she is talking about.

Offline KawalaKutie

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Re: Dominique
« Reply #13 on: December 03, 2023, 04:00:27 AM »
Not sure. I do not think she is becoming popular, but rather people just responding on this forum and asking how she is recently. But I am intrigued to look into her older posts. I'll get back this later.

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Re: Dominique
« Reply #14 on: September 02, 2024, 03:59:29 AM »
Dominique has been 60% right - picking up energies but not necessary the person per se.  She does do alot of readings - I believe she's lifted but she gets surface level items not accurate people or things that come about.

