Author Topic: Escaping Twin Flames  (Read 3437 times)

Offline Truthfromrosie

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Escaping Twin Flames
« on: November 10, 2023, 01:52:41 AM »
Hey guys, I hope you’re doing okay! I don’t get readings at all anymore. I had my first one in a year a couple of months ago with someone that is ethical and I’ve always trusted who totally changed their tune and gave contradictory readings over a pretty short amount of time. I don’t even think they realised how their readings transformed. It truly put me off for real.

Anyway, there’s a show on Netflix called Escaping Twin Flames which is essentially exposing a cult that keeps/makes people delusional, thinking the person they want is their twin flame and they’re meant to be together. It will hit home to many of us that started getting readings, and have been told over and over again that our POI is our twin flame that no matter - even if they have another girlfriend, have cut off contact etc etc they will be back!

The language used by the coaches has a lot of similarities with readers- hope it helps a few of you to detach.
« Last Edit: November 10, 2023, 07:13:24 PM by Truthfromrosie »

Offline Chocolate

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Re: Escaping Twin Flames
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2023, 06:18:26 AM »
Hi. I was thinking the same thing when I watched that show on Netflix. I’ve not had the “twin flame” thing from psychics but several of them have told me an ex still cares and he clearly doesn’t!

Offline Chitowngirl

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Re: Escaping Twin Flames
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2023, 05:35:02 PM »
Hi. I was thinking the same thing when I watched that show on Netflix. I’ve not had the “twin flame” thing from psychics but several of them have told me an ex still cares and he clearly doesn’t!

I’m watching this show too and have always believed it’s a huge red flag when psychics pull out the soulmate/twin flame terms. This show makes me so sad for these people. How insanely manipulated they’ve been! To even assume a different gender?! Just shocking! Those people that run that group are the ones that need help.

Offline Mina

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Re: Escaping Twin Flames
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2023, 10:08:44 PM »
Hey guys, I hope you’re doing okay! I don’t get readings at all anymore. I had my first one in a year a couple of months ago with someone that is ethical and I’ve always trusted who totally changed their tune and gave contradictory readings over a pretty short amount of time. I don’t even think they realised how their readings transformed. It truly put me off for real.

Anyway, there’s a show on Netflix called Escaping Twin Flames which is essentially exposing a cult that keeps/makes people delusional, thinking the person they want is their twin flame and they’re meant to be together. It will hit home to many of us that started getting readings, and have been told over and over again that our POI is our twin flame that no matter - even if they have another girlfriend, have cut off contact etc etc they will be back!

The language used by the coaches has a lot of similarities with readers- hope it helps a few of you to detach.

Thanks for recommending this documentary. I just finished it, and now I’m watching a true crime vlogger comment on this… plus I see Amazon prime also has “desperately seeking soulmate: escaping twin flame universe”

And I just want to send some of this stuff to the manifesting groups I’m in, because language and twisted ideology they use is not too far off, it’s actually very similar …and very dangerous to impressionable people just searching for love.

I do believe in manifesting but I also don’t agree with everything. And I use to think that “well manifesting coaches or life coaches are slightly better than psychic calling… right?” and as someone trying to quit reading but has also experienced some bad life and manifesting coaching… yeah, I could have easily fallen for this stuff harder in my 20s for this.

Offline Truthfromrosie

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Re: Escaping Twin Flames
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2023, 02:41:14 AM »
The narrative of ANYTHING is possible/ this is MEANT for you and if you don’t have it, it’s because you’re not doing the right thing or not doing it enough or thinking the wrong thing is SO harmful. Accountability is great but self-blame culture is insidious.

It’s also triggering to see people respecting reality and what they can see is true and saying “well, they have a girlfriend and they’re doing XYZ so I don’t think they want to be with me” only to be told noooo, no, no, that’s just what it looks like- they’re really unhappy and want you-  then watching the confusion of these hurting people because that’s exactly what happened to me especially in the early years. So sad!

Offline Truthfromrosie

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Re: Escaping Twin Flames
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2023, 02:42:37 AM »
Hey guys, I hope you’re doing okay! I don’t get readings at all anymore. I had my first one in a year a couple of months ago with someone that is ethical and I’ve always trusted who totally changed their tune and gave contradictory readings over a pretty short amount of time. I don’t even think they realised how their readings transformed. It truly put me off for real.

Anyway, there’s a show on Netflix called Escaping Twin Flames which is essentially exposing a cult that keeps/makes people delusional, thinking the person they want is their twin flame and they’re meant to be together. It will hit home to many of us that started getting readings, and have been told over and over again that our POI is our twin flame that no matter - even if they have another girlfriend, have cut off contact etc etc they will be back!

The language used by the coaches has a lot of similarities with readers- hope it helps a few of you to detach.

Thanks for recommending this documentary. I just finished it, and now I’m watching a true crime vlogger comment on this… plus I see Amazon prime also has “desperately seeking soulmate: escaping twin flame universe”

And I just want to send some of this stuff to the manifesting groups I’m in, because language and twisted ideology they use is not too far off, it’s actually very similar …and very dangerous to impressionable people just searching for love.

I do believe in manifesting but I also don’t agree with everything. And I use to think that “well manifesting coaches or life coaches are slightly better than psychic calling… right?” and as someone trying to quit reading but has also experienced some bad life and manifesting coaching… yeah, I could have easily fallen for this stuff harder in my 20s for this.

Watching the Amazon Prime one now- thanks for signposting! What’s your best source for manifestation? I’ve flirted with it but don’t want to enter another cycle of delusion and disappointment.

Offline Notacrystalfreak

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Re: Escaping Twin Flames
« Reply #6 on: November 15, 2023, 12:11:01 PM »
I’m loving this documentary

Offline Mina

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Re: Escaping Twin Flames
« Reply #7 on: November 15, 2023, 02:46:12 PM »

Watching the Amazon Prime one now- thanks for signposting! What’s your best source for manifestation? I’ve flirted with it but don’t want to enter another cycle of delusion and disappointment.

I’ve written this dozen times and still am trying to answer this because I do think manifesting has been helpful… but after finishing both documentaries, and checking out gross TFU instagram and both bit documentaries … I am hesitant to say what’s worked for me, or working - (maybe I will post a recent successful manifestation on another thread)

Their “mirror technique” is such a warped version of a lot of the self help inquiry I’ve done along with manifesting (you don’t need these techniques but at some point you do hear about them), aka: inner child work, hooponopono, Sedona method, and some have even compared it to Scientology reprogramming.

There isn’t one true source or easy source or reliable source. I kind of agree it is lifestyle belief. I’ve struggled is manifesting spiritual? Is manifesting ok with God? And disappointed and delusion are just part of the process much like life. I do believe though in accepting current reality but I also believe people truths can be so subjective, I dunno if there is one ultimate truth. I do want to put some sources down but I think I will post that on different thread