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Can I Trust Multiple General Readings with the Same Predictions?

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--- Quote from: Cr1992 on November 07, 2023, 06:53:04 PM ---Hi everyone!

I've had SEVERAL general readings over the last couple months with very reputable readers, including Yona Farrell (storefront), Mattie (CP), Uli (CP), Effie (CP), Jeremiah (CP), Bridgette (PS), Chip (CP), Asia (CP), Tajah (CP), Angelica (PS), Rika (CP), Nina (CP), Pilar (CP), etc.

Without me sharing any of my own thoughts and being fairly silent throughout each general reading, these readers all made roughly the exact same predictions for me with similar timeframes---including a prediction that a specific ex would be in contact in the November/December timeframe. Again, I did not ask about this, each reader just picked it up on their own along with the other things they predicted.

By contrast, a couple of less known/less reputable readers (3-4) gave almost exactly the same general reading as the numerous reputable readers; HOWEVER, they did not seem to pick up on the ex at all, so I would then ask directly about what they saw. In these instances, they would then say "no," they did not see him getting in touch. The readers who predicted no contact were just random readers, no reputation really. Just gave them a try.

My questions for you all:

1) Has anyone received the same prediction across numerous general readings (with no leading information provided) and it DIDN'T come true?

2) If a prediction is made during a general reading without any leading information from me, how likely is it to be true?

3) If the same prediction is made across a majority of general readings with highly reputable readers, how likely is it to be true?

4) Could all these highly similar general readings simply just be a reflection of my thoughts/energy/hopes/wishes/dreams/fears? Or is that less likely to be the case since the prediction has been consistent across the majority of general readings with both reputable and unknown readers?   

5) Do general readings tend to be more accurate than specific question readings?
Any insights/knowledge/guidance anyone c
an share as to the above questions would be greatly appreciated. Also happy to answer any questions in return!

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1) I would argue that the majority of ppl who read with psychics collectively get similar predictions that are wrong far more wrong than right. Even when they are right, they rarely mirror what actually happens in reality bc reality is more complex than yes or no

2) If a message is authentically coming from some spiritual entity, leading info should not alter the content of the message. If the message is coming from the readers own perspective/perception, it doesnt really matter.

3) Imo one of the worst mistakes you can make with readings is expect something to happen bc a handful of trusted psychics say it.  This forum is evidence that the vast majority of ppl who make that assumption end up upset.

4) Readings frequently have similar outcomes because the outcomes are typically binary and because readers frequently tell you what you want to hear OR what sounds most obvious given the info you provide.  Relationship issues are typically pretty simple and predictable from a third party perspective.

5) There is no legitimate answer to this.  People will say readers like barbara and cookie are more accurate with general readings. Imo its not bc they are more accurate with general readings, its that they arent as compelled to fill in the gaps of their insight when confined to one topic. If you dont limit the topic of the reading, any random info they are getting is perfectly relevant. You limit the topic and you limit what legitimate value they have to offer.  Of the very small handful of truly gifted readers I have come across, the authentic material delivered in readings always seems to be random, as if the readers cannot help what they are being given.

I recently had two different readers say the same things and I disregarded it because I was not expecting a promotion so soon for a job I just started.

One of the readers, I was on the phone a max of 2 mins because that effing $2.99 fee takes most of the promo and she was new for me being the first time getting a reading from her on 9/26/23. The other reader I've read with many times before and he said something similar about a promotion but his timings are generally off, or sometimes his predictions don't even happen. Really, really cool guy though. I read with him 5/5/23.

I was floored to not only get a promotion, but a new title was created just for me, and all this happened 10/3/23.  The (f)reader actually said in late January, and the (m)reader said fall, end of the year. He also said that he wasn't sure if the promotion was on my current job or if it would be a new job somewhere else where that job has higher pay. He also said 'sort of promotion.' In-house because the position is on the same numerical level, HR calls it a progression, not a promotion, although management called it a promotion with 3.6% raise.

Many times though, readers will pick up your thoughts and when they give them back to you, particularly if there is something out there you want, you feel they were connected. I had no promotional thoughts because as I've said, the job is fairly new. It feels when a reader picks up on similar things that, it has to happen but many times it doesn't. Just let it play out to see what happens so in this way you can narrow down who was right/wrong.

You can absolutely get the same predictions and timeframes from the most elite psychics and they are wrong, absolutely wrong. I went through a terrible break up and was grieving so deeply and stumbled upon CP. I got addicted. I am embarrassed to say how much money I spent over two years - lets say I tapped into my home equity to pay because I was abandoned by my ex after being chased and told I was loved and cherished and I was reeling. Dominique,Mattie, Pilar, Warren, all those heavy hitters and expensive, said she'll be back. It was Feb 2022, march 2022, April,May, etc. And like you I would often go in saying almost nothing. Wrong. She never came back - so  I eventually reached out to her - she was polite, superficial, defensive and then ghosted me again. Warren gave e a mantra, told m he loved me , that I was not like his other callers, asked me to let him work his magic behind the scenes and  told me my ex was going to marry me and he'd come to the wedding. (Anyone else get all of this from him?). He raised my hopes so high; I was ecstatic.. I did the mantra twice a day for two weeks, timeline passed. The all passed.  So, I felt betrayed by my ex, but also betrayed to some extent by these psychics. Here is the thing - the psychics at Keen were much less fairly tale. None of them ever said she was coming back. And, some of the less highly rated and/or cheaper psychics on CP were more accurate about her not coming back. Walter, Fallon, Chevy, Natasha, Callie - either said the did not see her coming back or that is seemed very unlikely. The others wove these amazing stories and read her and the dynamics so incredibly well. But, were utterly wrong about her coming back/future contact and its been two years of me spending thousands of dollars, waiting for the call, the text, that was always 2-4 weeks away. I also got more realistic feedback from Luna. It is actually ilegal in the UK to give predictions! But not here in the USA. I also got predictions my income was going up (I switched jobs and took a substantial paycut). I am training,  myself, to read Tarot and give psychic readings. I will never do to another what was done to me - fairytale predictions. It is devastating, cruel. I also had readings from the college of psychic studies - again no predictions of my ex returning.

I loved CP for the emotional support I received. Kind, good listeners and sometimes I was blown away by the readings. But I got addicted. And now I am paying off that debt - both financial and emotional. It felt just like gambling for me, the slot machine, hoping to get a good reading. The dopamine hit when they read us well and told me an apology was coming, contact in just a few weeks. 

It seems like psychics can be very good at reading current and past situation,  but future predictions pretty much never have came true for me, and they have really delayed my healing process. I can't blame them in the sense that no one was making me go back month after month except my own trauma and grief. But, I still think it is wrong to make predictions and string someone along for two years.

Thanks for the reply @KB!

I’m sorry that happened to you!

One question for clarification… when you went into each reading, did you just ask for a general reading of what’s coming for the next few months or did you ask for a reading specific to contact/love/POI?

I'm so sorry that happened to you. That's terrible.

--- Quote from: KB on November 14, 2023, 04:15:48 AM ---You can absolutely get the same predictions and timeframes from the most elite psychics and they are wrong, absolutely wrong. I went through a terrible break up and was grieving so deeply and stumbled upon CP. I got addicted. I am embarrassed to say how much money I spent over two years - lets say I tapped into my home equity to pay because I was abandoned by my ex after being chased and told I was loved and cherished and I was reeling. Dominique,Mattie, Pilar, Warren, all those heavy hitters and expensive, said she'll be back. It was Feb 2022, march 2022, April,May, etc. And like you I would often go in saying almost nothing. Wrong. She never came back - so  I eventually reached out to her - she was polite, superficial, defensive and then ghosted me again. Warren gave e a mantra, told m he loved me , that I was not like his other callers, asked me to let him work his magic behind the scenes and  told me my ex was going to marry me and he'd come to the wedding. (Anyone else get all of this from him?). He raised my hopes so high; I was ecstatic.. I did the mantra twice a day for two weeks, timeline passed. The all passed.  So, I felt betrayed by my ex, but also betrayed to some extent by these psychics. Here is the thing - the psychics at Keen were much less fairly tale. None of them ever said she was coming back. And, some of the less highly rated and/or cheaper psychics on CP were more accurate about her not coming back. Walter, Fallon, Chevy, Natasha, Callie - either said the did not see her coming back or that is seemed very unlikely. The others wove these amazing stories and read her and the dynamics so incredibly well. But, were utterly wrong about her coming back/future contact and its been two years of me spending thousands of dollars, waiting for the call, the text, that was always 2-4 weeks away. I also got more realistic feedback from Luna. It is actually ilegal in the UK to give predictions! But not here in the USA. I also got predictions my income was going up (I switched jobs and took a substantial paycut). I am training,  myself, to read Tarot and give psychic readings. I will never do to another what was done to me - fairytale predictions. It is devastating, cruel. I also had readings from the college of psychic studies - again no predictions of my ex returning.

I loved CP for the emotional support I received. Kind, good listeners and sometimes I was blown away by the readings. But I got addicted. And now I am paying off that debt - both financial and emotional. It felt just like gambling for me, the slot machine, hoping to get a good reading. The dopamine hit when they read us well and told me an apology was coming, contact in just a few weeks. 

It seems like psychics can be very good at reading current and past situation,  but future predictions pretty much never have came true for me, and they have really delayed my healing process. I can't blame them in the sense that no one was making me go back month after month except my own trauma and grief. But, I still think it is wrong to make predictions and string someone along for two years.

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