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Graduating From Psychics / Crystal Manifestation Candles
Hi. Anybody else had any success with manifesting? I am fairly new to it. I did a meditation and wrote down what I needed - some money.
The next day I received a cheque in the post for a small amount of money I had won.
Had a small scratch card win
Unexpectedly got some money back which I was owed
It was a small amount of money but what I needed at the time 😊
Yes, tons. (Job in Hawaii, former SPs, exes)
But also lots of burnout. (Lasting happiness? Sustaining it? Feeling spiritually fulfilled? -no)
I’ve been in coaching groups that studied Neville Godard, Bashar, Abraham Hicks, Florence Scovel Schinn, etc. It felt like I got a lot of Richard Dotts books, actually if I do go about manifesting I would like to say a “light touch” like Richard Dotts is the way to go for me…
But the thing is I just get obsessive with techniques (affirmation, askformations, meditations, theta or alpha state, visualizations, feelings it real, 3 6 9, one cup, two cup, subliminales, etc.) I’ve also paid for coaching sessions that border on as much as what I paid for psychics. There were some days and weeks when a coaching session was better than a psychic reading… but was it?
I found that yes I could also manifest without using affirmations (a really good example on YT is Athena Raven. She brings up mental health awareness). Amy from illuminatingjoy can explain things very well. Rachelle from live in vibrancy was helpful. I use to not like Dylan James but you know I appreciate his message and he is good for pep talks. Someone I was listening towards the end of my manifesting route was “manifest with Elle” and “law of attraction detox”. Some other that have been helpful were Quazi Johir - but it’s always another coaching session or program or hypnosis, or some kind of thing to level up your vibration, or expand your awareness, or this MLM
sales of tactics of because don’t you want to know “hidden secrets”.
For me, both the challenge and preference is to trust in God, even if it means I don’t get what I want. That really has started to bring me more peace. It’s actually allowed myself to just be and have more freedom.
And I want to say I did approach it via Agnes Vivarelli style back in 2016- which I think what shannylin is promoting? (one of her coaching sessions has talk with Agnes Vivarelli) … for example the “whisper technique” (and you can search YouTube or Reddit for these techniques and variations) always had horrible whiplash effect anytime I did do it. And the advice I would have given myself in 2021 about this would be “you just have to persist” … and now I wonder with so many techniques this just feels a like a good way ruin yourself. Anytime, I do that specific technique of meditation it has just whiplash effects. However, there was one meditation from Agnes (and she has so many it hard to find) where it did bring lots of peace and helped bring in my SP… dang it I am tempted to look for it. But again it just leads me to obsessive techniques, and that’s not what manifesting should be about, yet I make it. Ugh I forgot I also have a lot of the “pussy whip” books and audio like from Lanie Stevens, which is “remote seduction” and with light touch it ummm does work, it fun too! , but it just leads me to obsessive techniques and that does not fill my cup
I’m sure others have felt more “control” but I didn’t; I felt like I grasped harder
Omg I forgot I wrote this post, haha! I know a few of the coaches you mentioned! Agnes is so pleasant, knowledgeable, and calming. Amy is really, really great at explaining things. I also tried the Lanie Stevens tapes a few years ago and they increased synchronicity briefly but I felt it was more a superficial tactic so it didn't stick, unfortunately.
Trusting in God sounds like it's working for you. If it brings you peace and freedom, that's the most important thing! :)
One of the best pieces of advice I have for anybody reading this is to perform the rituals/techniques/spells and then pretend like you never did. Like if you do a magic spell to ace a test, don't just do the magic spell and pray to ace the test. Pretend you never did the magic spell and do it the hard way - study! The universe will work best that way (in my experience). There's a quote that says magic brings you things just outside of reach, making the improbable more possible.
I briefly talk about NME (new manifestation energy) and it's usually not a hindrance unless it leads to anxiety, waiting, obsession, etc. But yes the obsession can be a huge challenge. I don't like whispering or 369 or two cups as those are gimmicks made popular by social media and I tend to stay away from trends, but others may find that they work!
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