Author Topic: Forming a Real Psychic Addict Real-time Support Group  (Read 3378 times)

Offline artsygirlms

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Forming a Real Psychic Addict Real-time Support Group
« on: October 23, 2023, 12:06:10 AM »
I am in serious trouble. My addiction has ruined my finances. I am bipolar, and I am stable. I’ll be honest, I have a handful of psychics that are very accurate & do help me. The problem is I’ll go on Purple Garden waiting on them and go on a manic binge. It’s out of control & I need serious help. I don’t think weekly counseling is going to help me. I have done recovery meetings for all types of addicts before & have access to daily meetings, but I have never admitted my addiction is financial ruin by calling psychics.

I am downloading slack right now. If I start a slack group where we can chat and connect in real-time would anyone like to join? I really need a community of support without judgement. We can work it like a 12 step program. I have a psychic recovery workbook that we can work through too. It’s actually great, but I haven’t done it because I can’t hold myself accountable.

I really hope someone joins me. I’m so addicted to this because there is no support out there & I feel so much shame.

Offline Chocolate

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Re: Forming a Real Psychic Addict Real-time Support Group
« Reply #1 on: October 25, 2023, 06:34:12 AM »
I am in a similar position in that I can’t afford any more readings. I hope the Slack chat helps.

It occurred to me that I have believed in psychics because I am intuitive myself. I have gut feelings that things will happen and I have phoned psychics to confirm they will come true or to give me hope. This article is about psychic addiction and using our own intuition

Might be worth a read

Offline Notacrystalfreak

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Re: Forming a Real Psychic Addict Real-time Support Group
« Reply #2 on: November 06, 2023, 01:51:31 PM »
Id like to join the slack channel! Also where’s the workbook from.

Offline Tjk197901

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Re: Forming a Real Psychic Addict Real-time Support Group
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2023, 12:15:06 AM »
I’ve limited my card so that I can only spend $100 a month on any hotline without prior approval. It sucks so bad as I want to continue to binge, but why? For what? Have we not noticed that they tell us what we want to hear or ruminate what we tell them? Unfortunately we all tell them more then we should at times I’m sure. I know I do! I am currently going thru a divorce, which I do not want, my employment is being shut down on the 21st and basically my life is in complete shambles and I am paying off my debts I’ve incurred during my binges. When is enough enough? We are all stuck wanting to know the unknown. God is the only one that knows. No psychic knows anything for certain. I have page after page after page of notes, and what do they get me? The urge to call for more. It’s a sad addiction and I am a recovering alcoholic and gambler. Addictions are real. I am embarrassed to admit it but it’s true. Life’s hard and these psychics make it worse. Not blaming them as I do feel that a very small few truly do have a gift, but free will is ALWAYS in play. Whether ours or someone else. So no psychic no matter how good they are are 100% accurate. I pray for us all and pray we can stop the addiction. And I say we as I am still infatuated with them even though I can only spend $100 a month currently.

Offline Mina

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Re: Forming a Real Psychic Addict Real-time Support Group
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2023, 05:28:13 PM »
Divorces suck and it’s an understatement to even say just like that.

My ex/SP is divorced 3+ years and I would say it’s still too soon that we got involved when we dated. But it did help me understand that his divorce was definitely a life identity change! It’s was traumatic. I also have been recently getting drunk texted messages from a bipolar ex going thru a divorce (which lately has felt an ego win to my dating life)  But again truly my condolences.

I believe traumatic events can trigger mania, compulsion, ptsd, addictions. So go with yourself with gentle gloves BUT I do believe these experiences can expand our awareness to be with ourselves in deeper way to handle this tough unimaginable circumstances.

Have you heard of exposure therapy from OCD perspective towards intrusive thoughts? Honestly, my two cents, binges happen, for me, because I give into the intrusive thoughts of not willing to feel uncomfortable and let the thought be there; I give into not accepting of feeling discomfort of the now. You can go the only God knows route… which is an empowering state, and getting angry can enforce a catalyst for change and helps…

But i think to feel better long term, accept you may feel uncomfortable in the now and for awhile. The willingness to feel uncomfortable. It’s form of saying no to life versus yes.

This has helped me to see why i want to call psychics as intrusive thoughts and compulsive habits. The questions I want to ask to view them as intrusive thoughts. The problem solving, or reassurance seeking I get from psychic calling as intrusive compulsion. Those thoughts and questions are so subtle now, and have been in my brain repeating the same neouropathways for awhile! They have a powerful assumption and trigger these very uncomfortable feelings.

For example:

I ask: Is SP dating?
Mentally: well if he’s dating I should move on too. Why can’t I move on? Did our relationship mean anything? How will it last? Crap. Will I ever find anyone?

Psychic: no/yes

But mentally I am stirred so much emotionally by what I asked. It is so charged and so loaded emotion.

So it is very true seek better questions is about asking why you are asking the questions. What the loaded emotion?

NoOCD is channel I like that explains exposure type of therapy I’ve been talking about. I have never been diagnosed OCD but I do think it is spectrum and I do think levels of stress and trauma activate this sh!t!

Crappychildhoodfairy has grounded meditation, that I really like. It’s part of meditative practice and helps me acknowledge my fears. Her channel deals with cPTSD. And her format is mostly like a dear abbey question and answer. I do enjoy watching her now about once month. But it’s true this meditative practice helps clear the fog in my brain. She also seem to say everyone has limerence (and I kinda disagree with that) but there are videos that tackle bad age advice and tarot cards. A lot of having to  be how we were brought up… and I think she is right to see we have cyclic patterns from childhood upbringing. I do recommend her channel if one feels is they are in limerence.

My new agey books that I really liked

Richard Dotts: manifest as you read and dissolve the problem

Michael James: Feel better no matter what

He has very few clips on YT but his book pretty much compasses this message

I also really love coach lee and his coach Rex what they says about manifesting, but they has playlist on facing anxiety, divorce.

If you’re looking for Christian approach for forgiveness. I haven’t read her books but I found these series talks so powerful.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2023, 05:39:58 PM by Mina »

Offline Mina

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Re: Forming a Real Psychic Addict Real-time Support Group
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2023, 05:53:50 PM »
Oh and to add to exposure ocd
Try this fun tool of singing out your intrusive thought or compulsion into a song

Now all my intrusive thought questions are about psychics, my ex, AND to the tune of Britney Spears hits

“Oops I
texted my ex
I wasn’t that drunk
that psychic was wrong
oh baby baby”

Offline Tjk197901

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Re: Forming a Real Psychic Addict Real-time Support Group
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2023, 10:35:01 PM »
Mina, I’m old and dumb hahaha, what is a SP? And neat videos, thank you

Offline Mina

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Re: Forming a Real Psychic Addict Real-time Support Group
« Reply #7 on: November 07, 2023, 11:07:05 PM »
Mina, I’m old and dumb hahaha, what is a SP? And neat videos, thank you

I’m old too! 😆
My apologies so SP for me is “specific person”. It’s often used in the manifesting community. I forget sometimes ppl are not into that, or know these acronyms. POI = person of interest . I’ll also use that one a lot

Offline Tjk197901

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Re: Forming a Real Psychic Addict Real-time Support Group
« Reply #8 on: November 07, 2023, 11:19:52 PM »
Hahaha. The two old folks on here lol. POI yes and I’ve found out SM is soulmate etc. just this newer lingo is hard for me to figure out. Thanks!

Offline Mina

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Re: Forming a Real Psychic Addict Real-time Support Group
« Reply #9 on: November 08, 2023, 05:22:12 AM »
I doubt we’re the oldest. I am respectively a middle age woman, young at heart, or just as immature as someone else put it 😏

But if getting older and having this addiction is thing then forgive yourself

Honestly, even Shepard paper (who was/is studying this stuff- a psychologist in Australia) addictions specifically with psychics can happen even if there is no trauma, or there was no bad childhood, or there is no ocd, or triggers, best to worst marriage. Be kind with yourself.

Offline Tjk197901

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Re: Forming a Real Psychic Addict Real-time Support Group
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2023, 10:42:44 PM »
I try I just keep getting kicked when I’m down. 44 years old going thru second divorce (never doing that EVER again) job being forced to close and an addict. An addict to whatever isn’t good for us. Whether it be alcohol, cigarettes, gambling, sex, psychics it doesn’t matter. Still not drinking and have not intention to, no gambling as that was tied to drinking I believe, quit smoking but started again do to the upcoming news of my job being shut down, and sex? I don’t even remember what that is so I safe there I guess. Haha. I am a good person with a huge heart and unfortunately I always give it all away. That’s my fault. No one else’s. And psychics , well that’s another story. I’ve done well and stopped. It got me nothing but wanting more. More readings more bullshit that I have to admit probably isn’t going to happen. At least not anytime in the near future. If I were a psychic I’d try and concentrate on a month at a time, since I am not a psychic I have no idea what or why they see things. Nor honestly at this point do I care. I am ready to move from the northeast of the United States. Ready for somewhere warmer with hopefully more opportunities. Is it going to happen? Who knows. As stated I’ve lived here or existed here for 44 years and I’m ready for a change. I’m hard on myself because I am a giver and never the receiver. I give my everything to anyone that needs help. If I had a $100 bill in my pocket and you needed $150 I’d borrow the $50 from someone to give to you. That’s just how I am. So I beat myself up all the time. I truly do believe everything happens for a reason and maybe just maybe this is my sign to get the hell out of here and try somewhere new. What’s the worst that’s going to happen? I fail? I could but I’ll never know if I don’t try. I’m ready for new town new me.first things first I need to find work which shouldn’t be hard except I’m used to making a lot of money. That might be difficult but time will tell.

