Author Topic: Does Queen of Cups18 have two accounts on Keen?  (Read 2386 times)

Offline dragonflyer

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Does Queen of Cups18 have two accounts on Keen?
« on: October 11, 2023, 04:42:19 PM »
I am not sure if anyone else has mentioned this, but I think there are two Queen of Cups18 on keen with the exact same profile photos, one has the rate at $9.50, around 30k readings since 2001 and a rating at 5.0; the other has the rate at $9.99, 58k readings since 2001 and a rating at 4.9. Are these both her or different persons?
It looks like one is under tarot card reading category and the other is under psychic reading category. I can't remember, but it did feel like they have different voice and accent. Anyone knows anything about this?

Offline Mina

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Re: Does Queen of Cups18 have two accounts on Keen?
« Reply #1 on: October 11, 2023, 05:20:26 PM »
im pretty sure thats her.

i never experienced it being a different person when i did call her, but that comment about a different voice has been mentioned before. QoC18 seems like a pretty straight shooter and wouldn't be underhanded. Some readers also say they are having sale under their different account under psychic readings or astrology category

there are though OTHER readers who will set up multiple accounts with different user names completely separate accounts as multiple profiles and under different categories. One i realized this year was Raven flights who also goes by Scarletflower 

Offline dragonflyer

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Re: Does Queen of Cups18 have two accounts on Keen?
« Reply #2 on: October 11, 2023, 05:44:37 PM »
Thank you Mina! Now I think back, I feel like the one with $9.99 (which was my 2nd call to her) did sound a bit younger and nicer. The first time I called her was at least a year ago, she sounded really grumpy and yelled at me. Then I removed most of my favorite readers on keen as I was trying to take a break. A year later, I used the search function to add her back, but didn't realize there could be two different accounts. I said to myself after the call, wow, her attitude changed a lot after so long. Until recently I noticed that other people mentioned about the $9.50 rate, I was a bit confused as I thought I paid a different rate. Then I found out the two accounts under her name...

Offline HornetKick

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Re: Does Queen of Cups18 have two accounts on Keen?
« Reply #3 on: October 12, 2023, 02:30:06 AM »
Keen readers can have multiple accounts but due to the updates, she posted her photo. It's not as easy as before to find the other accounts 'cause I had never seen QoC before.
That woman doesn't look mean. It was surprising.

Her cheaper account is under the heading Tarot Card Readings at $9.50 pm

Her second account is under the heading Love & Relationships at $9.99 pm

Offline dragonflyer

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Re: Does Queen of Cups18 have two accounts on Keen?
« Reply #4 on: October 12, 2023, 05:20:25 AM »
Thanks HornetKick! You are right, she doesn't look mean. She has a nice smile :D
Well, I guess she was nicer to me the 2nd time cuz I paid a higher rate, LOL!

Keen readers can have multiple accounts but due to the updates, she posted her photo. It's not as easy as before to find the other accounts 'cause I had never seen QoC before.
That woman doesn't look mean. It was surprising.

Her cheaper account is under the heading Tarot Card Readings at $9.50 pm

Her second account is under the heading Love & Relationships at $9.99 pm

Offline Mina

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Re: Does Queen of Cups18 have two accounts on Keen?
« Reply #5 on: October 12, 2023, 05:48:09 AM »
Her curt attitude is not something new- but she does have her nice moments. A lot of that is discussed in her thread.

I did read with her this year but I ended it (so maybe it doesn’t even count) because I just don’t think chat is her forte, not to mention she does come off condescending if you don’t ask questions the right way. She is one reader I don’t have problems avoiding because 1/2 the time she isn’t exactly right. And all that back and forth is mentioned in this thread, and it’s filled pages of it,957.msg145871.html#msg145871

Offline applecheeks

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Re: Does Queen of Cups18 have two accounts on Keen?
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2023, 01:51:05 PM »
It looks to be the same account, but different category listings. Especially since it shows the same screen name and creation year. Each category the readers list on is like a separate profile with its own ratings, but same account. So that is not a scam, it is just some policy of keen's to keep separate listings and ratings for each category. It used to be that you could click a link to see all of a reader's category profiles in one place. I miss that, because it made it easier to see if they were offering a cheaper price on another category listing (which is probably why they ended that feature).  Now, you have to comb through the categories to see if you can find additional profiles. Sometimes they charge less on profiles that have fewer ratings.

Now, there are a couple people that have actual separate accounts, with listings in the same category. Not sure why keen allows that, it looks so SUS. Sir-cheo/ Sircheo is the main one I have seen. I have seen his pictures and profiles listed back to back in same category several times, which means he is logged into two accounts at the same time, and could take calls on both.