Gaylene got a prediction right for me on when I would see someone. The only other person who got the exact day was Kisha.
I also read with her regarding a new relationship and she was able to pick up on nuances surrounding this person and I and other relationships without me telling her anything.
I use Gaylene for the near future - within the month. She has been accurate for me for those things and is able to pick up items which confirm she is connecting. I would not use her for outcomes or put too much into predictions that are far out. Also, she doesn't also see relationships exactly. For example: I asked what my friend's relationship is with a woman. She picks up shared finances and turmoil. These things are correct. She is his girlfriend that he lives with and is supporting them (shared finances) and they are constantly fighting (turmoil). However, she misses that this is actually a romantic relationship because she doesn't get love cards. Obviously not a strong relationship, or a loving relationship, but for all intensive purposes - a relationship.
What Gaylene may lack in that regard she makes up for in consistentcy and being accurate with the current and immediate future.