Author Topic: CLEAR SPIRIT INTUITIVE  (Read 5201 times)

Offline lostsoul209

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« on: January 18, 2018, 04:19:39 AM »
She may be the only one that was right for me. I read with her a long time ago she said that my poi action is what she really feel and she has no interest in me and I didn't listen and have to keep on calling because 95 percent of the psychic said my poi have deep feeling for me. Anyone read with her?

Offline lostsoul209

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« Reply #1 on: January 22, 2018, 01:58:57 AM »
Read with her again she was wrong she said my co worker see me as a good friend and like me as a friend well when she leave the work place she just ignoring me on Facebook and won’t even add me on Facebook well I guess what psychic do all the time is guess like 95 percent of the time. And I see Her as a friend too.

Offline Newlife

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« Reply #2 on: January 22, 2018, 01:49:08 PM »
Lostsoul, I'm sorry to say this but maybe you're too clingy,most woman don't like men who act clingy and obsessive.

Read with her again she was wrong she said my co worker see me as a good friend and like me as a friend well when she leave the work place she just ignoring me on Facebook and won’t even add me on Facebook well I guess what psychic do all the time is guess like 95 percent of the time. And I see Her as a friend too.

Offline whit777

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« Reply #3 on: January 22, 2018, 08:36:27 PM »
Lostsoul, I'm sorry to say this but maybe you're too clingy,most woman don't like men who act clingy and obsessive.

Read with her again she was wrong she said my co worker see me as a good friend and like me as a friend well when she leave the work place she just ignoring me on Facebook and won’t even add me on Facebook well I guess what psychic do all the time is guess like 95 percent of the time. And I see Her as a friend too.

I kind of have to agree with Newlife. We all have our issues so I'm not trying to personally attack you by any means. Just saying that maybe easing up a bit might help you out a little. People can sense when someone started to focus on them, whether you consciously changed your behavior or not. Also, I don't think that what you said means Clear Spirit Intuitive was wrong. She could very well see you as a good friend and still ignore you after work. I ignore people all the time, especially when I go home. I just like to be alone and not think about work at all. When I'm at work is when I focus on my work relationships. When I leave work, I want to either relax alone or focus on my other relationships. Maybe she has family things going on or something too. There could be a million reasons why she's not being as receptive to you as you want her to be and she could still like you as a good friend. But also, you said you see her as a friend too but you're spending money on psychics about her. Again, I can't judge you and I'm seriously trying to be as non judgemental as possible but you had just said in a previous thread that every single psychic has been wrong so you're never talking to them again and then you said that would be your final post. I'm addicted to calling psychics myself so I get it. But I'm just pointing that out to you as someone on the outside looking in. Maybe you didn't notice it. But this is only going to get worse and she's going to become your new POI and the more you think she might be pulling away from you, the more you'll call psychics about it and the more they'll tell you things that make you think she's in love with you and you'll chase after her and it'll just cost you a lot of money. If you only care about her as a friend, then it's likely that if you never call any psychics about her, that you won't ever care what she does and you won't end up chasing after her. But as soon as we call the psychics about someone, all in a sudden we start caring about that person way more than before and now we have to call a psychic about their every move when it's someone we weren't even interested in before. I'm just putting that out there for you to think about though. It happens to everyone I think. If you call enough psychics, eventually you start being invested in the person. Maybe it's something about the amount of money we spent on the relationship by calling them or maybe it's that the psychics gradually get our hopes up about things that we never cared about before.. I have no idea.. But my personal opinion (you can agree or disagree if you'd like) is that this is going to turn into an identical situation as the others and you're just going to end up broke and sad and it's heartbreaking to see it. I would tell any of my friends if I saw them heading for disaster so I'm telling you too just because it's easier for us to see since we're on the outside looking in.

Offline njlady

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« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2018, 07:04:41 PM »
I would never add someone I work with to a social media account.  I don't want my personal and family business out there for everyone to see.

Offline HazelYella

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« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2023, 07:27:31 PM »
This reader is opinionated, condescending, and preachy. She asks Spirit the questions she wants, not necessarily what you want.

