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Wise! Keep us posted and will do the same! I do dm it is more private. Great place to get knowledge.


--- Quote from: Jenjen on September 05, 2023, 05:27:29 PM ---Wise! Keep us posted and will do the same! I do dm it is more private. Great place to get knowledge.

--- End quote ---

Perfect! I’ll DM you with details as things happen and keep this updated in a general sense then. :-)

Update on Leah, after a little break I read with her again and she was wrong about contact this time. Bummer,  :'(  Probably going to go to her again at least once more and see what she says but will probably wait a little while first and see how things pan out. This is only once out of like 5 or 6 times now though so I'm still impressed with her but she's not infallible.

I tried her and Bonnie recently since they have good reviews here. I had never tried PS before. Leah said a few weeks to a month for contact and Bonnie said 2 months. When it came to a more specific question,  they had opposite answers. I will update who was correct.

Can’t wait to hear either way.


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