I think flat out if you have suicide idealization to definitely call/text the suicide hotline (I think you’re outside the USA?) Regardless yes for a while I was texting the hotline for a while last year, so there can be progress, there is hope. And last week when I had panic attack I was texting them… wow I can’t believe I did make a lot of progress last year because yes I was texting everyday for three weeks straight then once a week then once month and stopped around April
But please do not neglect this, know there is hope, if you can please continue with therapy.
NLP is great tool it helps you FOCUS on language and RAS. RAS, the reticular activating system is the ability to read this blog while not entirely ignoring the noise outside of you, it just turns the volume down, until someone says the of name your POI. RAS also creates the ability to fill the “filler” perceptions outside of us. It’s very complicated system because it’s also about the neural-pathways and the brains ability to process synapses response to a problems and emotion.
Take this example if you walk thru a field of grass and make your own pathway, it won’t be easy the first time, but if other ppl walk that path over time, that same groove starts to become a clear pathway. That’s what remuneration does with regret.
But not everyone who specializes NLP is certified with cognitive type of therapy credentials or skills. I’m in the USA so I’m not familiar with other countries. But I think the two are still important and can see why ppl can get away with just NLP and not call it “therapy” but it can also be scary
Sooo I have worked with a hypnotist who used a lot of NLP it did not get me to quit psychic readings directly or fully, in hindsight i think if i did cognitive it would have fully cemented… but I’m here now am learning to be happy and healing the best i can
NLP has helped me come into a type of an acceptance practice
I mentioned in another post about pattern interrupters when one has intrusive thoughts. This is definitely a NLP tool. And basically they have a lot of imaginary visuals (that incorporate the senses, and the more emotional the more it seeps into the subconscious to set a new program belief) to help you stay focused on the desired state of mind being versus staying in remuneration and lack. These are some methods I’ve done
Swish Method or Swoosh
Erasing method/painting white
Pattern Interrupter
And it’s weird the more I pick up NLP the more I pick up ppl’s language (well duh it’s in its title) and catch ppl sense of beliefs of themselves thru language
I noticed these phrases are powerful ways to manifest or use as affirmations BUT also go with NLP awareness because the language evoke a powerful emotion with the senses:
“I am the type of person who (insert intention” : i’m the type of person who gets what they want, i’m the type of person that gets apologies, I’m the type of person who succeeds, I’m the type of person who is adored, I’m the type of person who feels magnetic”)
“I can see” : (this confirms the current FOCUS BUT ALSO Future focus or past focus: yes I can see “John Doe” saying that, I can see my mom being nice to me, yes I’m going on vacation soon so I can see myself in the Bahamas away from this dreary weather, I can see myself sipping that piña colada) by adding the word yes it puts in references into ALLOWANCE
So with what you typed, and hopefully I can gentle here, i will pose it as question so it is not fact, but allow the existence of it as possibility:
If I didn’t have this regret who I who would I be? Or what type of person who would I be if I didn’t not have this regret? (And for second the body starts to creates the sensation of relief… it may not have pictures, visuals, sounds, feelings… but with practice it starts to engage the senses) but if your mind says no, it absolutely rejects that idea and hates it… then it’s about finding ways to be more gentle with yourself, talk about your beliefs why you believe those set of values
If I had peace about this regret what type of person would I be? How could I could walk? (And so slowly you start to imagine the senses incorporated- for me I get lighter feeling in chest and even the sensation of proud, without even realizing I am smiling too)
This is what NLP does… and you turn those moment seconds, into minutes, hours and longer states of being
What my NLP person would do is she would hypnotize me once we talked a little bit.
We’d set an image on one of my hands the negative belief/memory of regret. On the opposite hand we would set the positive beliefs/memory assumption/sensation I could have. Then slowly merge these two images from my hands together and into my chest and accept both here in the now. That’s basically how she would use NLP and hypnotizing trance
Here are some links I like