This could piss you off judging from the lack of stability noted here so often.
I'm commenting on Lisa Dianne because she is the one I've spoken with recently who is such a collossal glaring dufus, unprofessional, failing completely to percieve the most important elements of the picture of the moment, obviously pissed off and allowing her immaturity and emotional issues to contaminate perceptions, and lack thereof.
Every one of the ones I've commented on was more misleading then informative.
Diana Spencer
Dr Lisa something or other, forget the rest of her name
The whole scene is a almost a total bust for any question of importance .... you younguns are wasting away your $ and youth, unless you are Ok just thowing some $ around for nothing . You all would be better off in psychotherapy (got the balls?, ovaries probably much better ?) to clear the emptional crap from between your ears do you can begin to source your own wisdom. Endlessly calling half assed psychics ... getting you nowhere. Psychotherapy is going to take a while (and more guts than seems common here) but its the only route to become an interesting person: introspection and clearing the rotting corpses from the mud of your mind. Then if you call a seasoned reader you might bring a smart and intersting question, they won't fing you a perfect bore because you may actually have a matter to ask about that matters. No wonder they are rude.
The truth is almost all of them are sketchy and in the incompetent basket for any question of importance.
You are outgunned. Starting 40+ years ago I was close in touch with the best psychic in California (she would never have been caught dead near any of these mickey mouse psychic sites, she was the queen bee at Esalen Institute) .... and I've been around the block ever since with a diverse bunch of the top people globally. Before you parents even met no doubt.
I'm sure there a few smart folk on this site who are getting the message.
Since you’re tossing around advice about psychotherapy, have you gone yourself? How does your therapist or psychiatrist feel about your obsession with a telephone psychic and a young girl who probably doesn’t even know you exist?
Has anyone discussed the concept of magical thinking with you? It’s a symptom of many mental maladies.
Perhaps you need to clean between your ears and see this as entertainment and quit ranting about a mediocre phone psychic.