Hi all of you!
I know a lot of you are in the same boat as me as I've read with a few "heavy-hitter" readers in the recent past and I'm planning to quit readings for good. But before I do, I thought I could tell you guys more about my experience!
ARI - I've been reading with her since a while and if I have to conclude my opinion on her, I would say she's a remote viewer and an empath. She can definitely pick up on things, and gets a LOT of things right in terms of what the person is feeling/thinking BUT she is also vague sometimes. She has a tendency to change her readings on the basis of what you tell her. Overall, she's amazing, kind and I would definitely recommend all of you to give her a shot. She can get the PRESENT right, but her outcomes are not very accurate.
Rachel Marie - She's been right about a lot of things in the past in terms of present feelings, past and certain events that will happen in the future. However, she does have a tendency to sugarcoat the outcome in general.. so just focus on the present and near future. While some outcomes HAVE happened, not ALL of them have.
Yona Farell - I absolutely loved speaking to her! Spoke to her a week back. She predicted something...and it's already happening. In terms of career. Love - let's see, will update on this thread. But she definitely gets the CURRENT right...AND I did ask her questions, I didn't do a general reading but she described the current 100% accurately.
Cleopatra Divine - She didn't work for me guys, while she can def get a few things right, she's very expensive, doesn't give a lot of details and is kinda money-hungry + moody. Avoid.
Autumn Rivers - The SWEETEST! She can get the present right for sure. Again, not a lot of details but she will say the right thing in lesser words. Not good with timelines.
Leeloo - She ALWAYS gives ACCURATE timelines, she's extremely good with reading the present. For example - if she says there's communication energy, you can definitely expect a text soon enough. She's GOOD!
Leola Maven - She's not bad with reading the present. She keeps changing her outcome though….
Kassie Kai - Leans towards negative outcomes only so you can avoid
Miss ANN - SO ACCURATE WITH THE PRESENT CARDS! ALWAYS GETS IT RIGHT! Do not focus on any other future card of hers expect the first. Also, the wheel of year reading is kinda always on point. You can google the card meaning yourself too to double check.
Letecia Price - Can decode the POI's personality/ intentions in minutes, is super quick and lovely to talk to!
E.Kelly - Cheap and OK with the present! If you're looking for a quick and cheap reading, she's pretty good. Don't do many readings with her though, as she repeats the same things again.
Hipatia Inca Priestess - Outcomes keep changing, not 100& accurate for near future or current..She's 20- 30% accurate
Goddess Psychic Erica - Unfortunately not so accurate for me
Hope this helps! Thank you 
Thanks for the breakdown!
I’ve been reading with Ari for ages and trust me, I would tell her I think a situation is x,y,z and she will stick to her guns on what she thinks it is. And i would think she’s wrong and she’ll know I’ll not believe her but she stands true to what she feels, in my experience. I’ve never really experienced her being vague, I find most other readers to be vague. I like that she’s so descriptive and it’s not like pulling teeth for info. I would say, regarding her outcomes, trust her visions. Like just ask what she sees naturally, that has worked for me in the past. She saw my baby. She saw my wedding. But I think she volunteered these visions. But I mean, no-one is perfect so if the outcome is wrong, I guess the most we can do is bring it up with the reader or move on accordingly.
Rachel Marie- yes you’re right. What I’ve noticed is she can sugarcoat the BAD things to come and in reality it’s a full blown sh*t storm. I’m always scared when she predicts negatives. They always occur. But other than that, she’s predicted major things for me. But she’s been wrong too. Also be wary of buying time slots or deals, try to do per min only as you might get shortchanged otherwise. She is very psychic though, I try to get her insight whenever I can.
Cleopatra Divine- she’s been so weird. Like she told me about white doves and some fluff before, I’ve never had a good or accurate reading with her.
Autumn Rivers- was so inaccurate for me it wasn’t funny
Leeloo- bruh. Leeloo told me my then fiancé didn’t want me and our baby and she sees separation and he wants nothing to do with me. I actually got the real story months later, he was msging me telling me he LOVES ME and BABY at the exact time of her stupid reading and I never got it because I had him blocked, she was wrong AF. But the period she said would be positive did happen but that could be guesswork as she said there’s no positivity until two months from now and I guess in two months things did go on the upswing. But like I said, that could be a guess. She made me spiral and cry for no good reason.
Kassie Kai- absolutely correct, negative Nancy, and fully wrong as well
Miss Ann- her cards are right, but her interpretations are wrong I find.
E. Kelly - fake and psycho. What a weirdo. Avoid
I’ve tried a few others:
AnnetteMarie - I know people said she makes up dates but I’ve seen some of her dates actually pass. And she has predicted certain things for me that actually came to pass. We fell out when are was wrong over something though and she blocked me lol but I think she might be worth the try because I’ve actually seen her be accurate at times, uncannily. She’s just very high priced and money minded so that’s a turn off and I think for that rate she should be unfailingly accurate but I mean, when I think of all of the money I’ve lost on inaccuracies from different psychics, she’s worth it For a short session i you know what you’re going to ask.
Arel Psychic- I’ve never heard any hype about him but he can read a situation soooo well. He will definitely NOT sugarcoat and will fully warn you about things. Last year he was right for me. This year, he was able to read the details of my situation without much background information, I found that impressive.
Jessica Raven Star- I remember when she would trend here and she would get a lot of notoriety as well. But I tried her last year and was skeptical as hell. But surprisingly, she has been extremely accurate for me. She’s similar to Ari I find, with less details. But I’ve seen both of their readings align. I can say that 90% of her predictions have passed for me. Even when I didn’t believe it. I’m not even being generous. She surprised me.
Toria- blunt and takes forever to reply. Some swear by her but she’s been wrong consistently for me.
Drita- I’m not sure. I think she has visions but I don’t know. All over the place sometimes. Opinionated. Nice person though. But hard to follow.
Diego Conti- can give a surprisingly good read of the present, I know he has abilities for sure. His predictions, last year I thought he was wrong as he said it would happen in 2-3 weeks Max. Took like 3 months. But it happened. This year, didn’t really happen or is pending.
Peter Sousa- can read a situation but was wrong on the initial outcome. Then changed it around a bit. Pending at present. Once he left the chat running while I was waiting for him to answer my question, I didn’t like that. The entire session was almost up with only one response from him.
Angel Mystress- she’s very good at reading what a person is feeling/thinking. She can get a good feel of a situation. She’s a lovely caring person, very genuine and will not take advantage of you or your time. I trust her.