Author Topic: Quitting Readings  (Read 7897 times)

Offline Truthfromrosie

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Re: Quitting Readings
« Reply #15 on: May 07, 2023, 09:05:56 PM »
More than the money for me, it’s the delusions I’ve been left with, the false hope, the detriment to my emotional and mental well-being. It’s contributed to me now having Complex PTSD. Even now I see things unfold that are NOTHING like what anyone said- such as my ex marrying someone else. This is somebody he was going to be with “1-4 months” and get back in contact with me. He never spoke to me again.

 I actually spoke to a reader about her predictions recently, and to her credit, she said she’s sorry and takes full accountability for having gotten things so wrong for me. It’s more than can be said for most readers who otherwise would deflect, blame me and make excuses. But it doesn’t help all the pain I’ve been caused and am in.

I would suggest that anybody who wants to stop readings that gets an itch for one, comes back and reads this post. It’s not going to help you.

So nobody was good for you? Have you read with Yona and Leanne about your situation?

Nobody was worth the time, energy or money in the end. Yona was so far off the mark. I never asked Leanne specific questions- some of her general minor romantic predictions came true but not the bigger love ones.

Offline takeashower

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Re: Quitting Readings
« Reply #16 on: May 08, 2023, 09:46:40 AM »
It's difficult once you get addicted. I tried so hard

Offline Truthfromrosie

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Re: Quitting Readings
« Reply #17 on: May 08, 2023, 12:28:05 PM »
More than the money for me, it’s the delusions I’ve been left with, the false hope, the detriment to my emotional and mental well-being. It’s contributed to me now having Complex PTSD. Even now I see things unfold that are NOTHING like what anyone said- such as my ex marrying someone else. This is somebody he was going to be with “1-4 months” and get back in contact with me. He never spoke to me again.

 I actually spoke to a reader about her predictions recently, and to her credit, she said she’s sorry and takes full accountability for having gotten things so wrong for me. It’s more than can be said for most readers who otherwise would deflect, blame me and make excuses. But it doesn’t help all the pain I’ve been caused and am in.

I would suggest that anybody who wants to stop readings that gets an itch for one, comes back and reads this post. It’s not going to help you.

So nobody was good for you? Have you read with Yona and Leanne about your situation?

Nobody was worth the time, energy or money in the end. Yona was so far off the mark. I never asked Leanne specific questions- some of her general minor romantic predictions came true but not the bigger love ones.

How was Yona off the mark? How long ago did you read with her and what did she say regarding this issue/person if she ever mentioned this person in the readings at all? Yona never specifies who she is talking about.

I always find it interesting when someone is being vulnerable on here about the pain they’re suffering how people totally bypass any shred of basic compassion/empathy to start defending their favourite reader(s). One of the reasons I’m glad not to really be involved in this forum anymore.

The tone of your questions is very much a challenge to the veracity of what I am saying rather than mere curiosity but I will address this briefly. She said several things pertaining to the person at the time. Such as I mentioned him going on a work trip and her asking if “it would surprise me to know he was going on another shorter one first”. She discussed with me in detail how the big with trip would go, the way we’d discuss it, our reactions, his response to how I was planning on addressing it to him, the outcome (staying together) which was wrong. That he would go for shorter than planned (he went for much longer) no other woman would be an issue (he took someone else). This was 4 years ago. Your comment that she “never specifies who she is talking about” is inaccurate. I asked directly if she was talking about this guy or it could possibly be someone else in the future, and she confirmed it was and added that there was nobody else of any interest in my cards in the future as far as she could see at the time.

If you don’t believe this, that’s up to you, I don’t care. This is a thread about quitting readings and I have commented on my personal experience of why I deeply regret them. I do not want to get drawn into any arguments pls.
« Last Edit: May 08, 2023, 12:30:21 PM by Truthfromrosie »

Offline Truthfromrosie

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Re: Quitting Readings
« Reply #18 on: May 08, 2023, 02:53:48 PM »
Thanks for your input.

Offline Chocolate

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Re: Quitting Readings
« Reply #19 on: May 10, 2023, 06:14:08 AM »
@Fruggie81 - I got Psychic Sofa to block me so I can’t ring their psychic line from my mobile. Also, sometimes if I really want a reading I will try and wait till 9:30pm and then go to bed early. I usually feel differently in the morning.

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Re: Quitting Readings
« Reply #20 on: June 23, 2023, 08:44:30 PM »
To update I found it difficult to give up readings altogether. I am trying to cut down but it’s such a hard habit to break. Every time I feel down, anxious or uncertain I find myself looking at a psychic webpage.

I asked Psychic Sofa to block me so my phone bill this month is the lowest it has been for months. I’m still paying with my card on Ask the Answer. One reader is really good and is a medium.

Offline mei22

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Re: Quitting Readings
« Reply #21 on: June 23, 2023, 09:23:22 PM »
Hey you guys :-) just thought I’d add my own little two cents to this thread. I’ve been reading for about a year with different readers both online and in person. It all started when I found a Psychic Priscilla in Los Angeles, who is extremely pricey, but seemed  pretty legitimate, and I did it just for fun, but then I kind of got addicted, especially going through an abusive toxic relationship that I never could anticipate my partners moves at the time or sort my feelings out, so it was helpful to read and try and get some insight, even if it wasn’t always true or if predictions panned out. You believe almost anything if someone hints at a specific detail and then offer “predictions”.

I think I have to say the most accurate reader has been Ari on bitwine in terms of abilities and how feelings go.. she can pick up emotions/energy somehow really well. I wouldn’t hold onto ANYONES predictions. The future is literally not yet written. Other than that.. I would advise anyone getting readings to start lessening that and then coming to a full stop. I don’t care if a reader is $4.99 you are spending too much on something that no longer serves you! It’s to line these liars pockets… while they chill at home and guess whatever they want with NO remorse to peoples lives.  I say this because I read with Rachel Marie sometime in May, she was so sweet + personable and she was so spot on in terms of how particular my partner was at the time, his circumstances and picked up on little things that no one else could’ve possibly known. No one besides Ari had gotten these details.  I say that to say I made the choice to go and see him based off RM’s readings not being so negative thinking it would’ve been OK to do so.. and unfortunately, it ended in a DV situation.. as I mentioned previously, I was in an abusive relationship with this person - given the readings I thought things had possibly been looking up, but they did not. I found out the details as well to what RM had “seen” were all FALSE. Not feelings but things like location, new job etc. all wrong.  Anyone who claims themself to be a reader would be able to pick up on the future, correct? If they’re making predictions, they would’ve been able to anticipate me being in that situation within 24 hours of reading, and would’ve advised against it , the only one to advise against actually going to see that person at anytime was Ari so therefore I will give her her kudos. However, I definitely would advise everyone to stop spending your hard earned money, holding onto hopes when you really should be learning to let go and look introspectively , that’s actually harder than receiving any reading from anyone in regards to a relationship. If you’re interested in something to do with Business or family relations that might be a better topic however, if you’re seeking readings in terms of a relationship that has ended, or was not the best or with someone who was not the best for you, and you need clarity then you need to seek that within yourself. The ONLY thing readings will do for you is give you something to hold onto when really there’s nothing there. HEAL it’s even tougher to do so but my gooooodness when you HEAL it’s bliss.

The only good take away from my experience with readers was talking with an empath (Ari)in regards to understanding this person’s mindset, and how to correlate that with what I experience, and to understand that I deserve better. We all deserve better if you tried your hardest and were a loyal partner. Leave the dead - dead. Set yourself free.

Peace and blessings to you all. I’m open to answer anything on any reader from keen to bitwine.
I have read with all on bitwine. Quite a bit on keen.

Offline Wildheart81

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Re: Quitting Readings
« Reply #22 on: June 24, 2023, 07:11:54 PM »
I started getting paid readings in 2015 and I got addicted. I couldn't say for sure how much I spent but it was probably 10,000 from online Psychics - in person Psychics.  Most of the time I was asking about an ex Girlfriend. Logic told me she was no good given all she done to me but I still either wanted her back and or wanted the answers as to why she was the she was. I had man readers give me the BS lines about her working through her feelings, unsure how to react to you or how to approach you, give her time etc. I am certain it was all BS designed to get me to call back again and again.

I have drastically cut back. I can't even remember when I last called a phone Psychic and the last 5 or so Psychic Fairs that came to town I skipped entirely.

In my opinion Psychic's have gotten too greedy and charge way too much for average or awful readings. Where I live a woman has opened a new Psychic shop and her price for 1 hour Tarot Reading is $150.00. She's out to lunch.

The best piece of advice I can offer is this. If someone was truly meant to be in your life they would be. Nothing would stop them from contacting you if they really wanted to. When I look back on the money I spent on terrible psychic's. While I didn't try some of the ones frequently mentioned like Queen of Cups, Aires Intuition etc. I did spend allot on Keen, Kasamba, Psychic Power Network etc.

I can't say there were any that truly blew me away.  Some were good at describing people and or past events but future events were a bust little to nothing came to pass.

Offline PinkyD

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Re: Quitting Readings
« Reply #23 on: June 25, 2023, 07:40:37 AM »
I’m sorry you had this experience and thank you for sharing! I’ve been reading with Ari for years and I love her to death, she’s good on feelings and reading people, better than anyone I know. RM has been wrong and then right for me. I had the worst situation of my life happen and it was ongoing for 4 months. No-one could crack it and I read with a lot out of desperation. Ari had an idea of the outcome and she was consistent, she was my rock. But Rachel, I took a chance on her one day after months of not speaking to her and she  was able to 100% predict how and when the resolution to my situation would play out. It wasn’t even just that situation but two other situations affected by that situation. And I didn’t like what she had to say but up until this day I can’t figure out how she was so right. She told me it would resolve in 3 weeks after I make a certain movement and I would actually reconcile with this person (i had lawyers on him and had no intention of such) that our communication would surprisingly go well and that persons who were with him wouldn’t return to the country until the following year (no-one guessed this and everyone thought they’d return together) as well as some negativity at work and that I’d be under scrutiny, with other details she gave. It sounded so outlandish when she predicted these things and I was so pissed off i gave her a thumbs down, reported her to Bitwine and PayPal (she ended our session early and disappeared which is why I only do per min now ).

But i just remember after all the hell I’d been through, her reading really upset me. I thought this is BS and NO WAY. And then it played out exactly as she predicted. Within the timeframe. Every single thing. As she described. What no-one could crack for months. So I know she has some kind of ability. But recently I read with her and it didn’t really happen. So idk. But that was a big one she got for me.

Ari and RM are my go-to’s.  But I agree as well, that sometimes reading on bad situations can keep you holding on to persons or things that you should be letting go of. I guess at the end of the day, these readings serve as guidance and we are in control of our lives and the decisions we make ultimately.

Sometimes I’ve binged and still end up in situations no psychic ever saw coming. I guess that’s life sometimes. But I still find it an asset to use my go to’s insights to try to get on top of a situation.

Offline PinkyD

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Re: Quitting Readings
« Reply #24 on: June 25, 2023, 07:42:55 AM »
Hey you guys :-) just thought I’d add my own little two cents to this thread. I’ve been reading for about a year with different readers both online and in person. It all started when I found a Psychic Priscilla in Los Angeles, who is extremely pricey, but seemed  pretty legitimate, and I did it just for fun, but then I kind of got addicted, especially going through an abusive toxic relationship that I never could anticipate my partners moves at the time or sort my feelings out, so it was helpful to read and try and get some insight, even if it wasn’t always true or if predictions panned out. You believe almost anything if someone hints at a specific detail and then offer “predictions”.

I think I have to say the most accurate reader has been Ari on bitwine in terms of abilities and how feelings go.. she can pick up emotions/energy somehow really well. I wouldn’t hold onto ANYONES predictions. The future is literally not yet written. Other than that.. I would advise anyone getting readings to start lessening that and then coming to a full stop. I don’t care if a reader is $4.99 you are spending too much on something that no longer serves you! It’s to line these liars pockets… while they chill at home and guess whatever they want with NO remorse to peoples lives.  I say this because I read with Rachel Marie sometime in May, she was so sweet + personable and she was so spot on in terms of how particular my partner was at the time, his circumstances and picked up on little things that no one else could’ve possibly known. No one besides Ari had gotten these details.  I say that to say I made the choice to go and see him based off RM’s readings not being so negative thinking it would’ve been OK to do so.. and unfortunately, it ended in a DV situation.. as I mentioned previously, I was in an abusive relationship with this person - given the readings I thought things had possibly been looking up, but they did not. I found out the details as well to what RM had “seen” were all FALSE. Not feelings but things like location, new job etc. all wrong.  Anyone who claims themself to be a reader would be able to pick up on the future, correct? If they’re making predictions, they would’ve been able to anticipate me being in that situation within 24 hours of reading, and would’ve advised against it , the only one to advise against actually going to see that person at anytime was Ari so therefore I will give her her kudos. However, I definitely would advise everyone to stop spending your hard earned money, holding onto hopes when you really should be learning to let go and look introspectively , that’s actually harder than receiving any reading from anyone in regards to a relationship. If you’re interested in something to do with Business or family relations that might be a better topic however, if you’re seeking readings in terms of a relationship that has ended, or was not the best or with someone who was not the best for you, and you need clarity then you need to seek that within yourself. The ONLY thing readings will do for you is give you something to hold onto when really there’s nothing there. HEAL it’s even tougher to do so but my gooooodness when you HEAL it’s bliss.

The only good take away from my experience with readers was talking with an empath (Ari)in regards to understanding this person’s mindset, and how to correlate that with what I experience, and to understand that I deserve better. We all deserve better if you tried your hardest and were a loyal partner. Leave the dead - dead. Set yourself free.

Peace and blessings to you all. I’m open to answer anything on any reader from keen to bitwine.
I have read with all on bitwine. Quite a bit on keen.

Have you tried Arel Psychic? Destiny Uk? Mondez Durden? Peter Sousa? Any thoughts on those?

Offline mei22

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Re: Quitting Readings
« Reply #25 on: June 25, 2023, 04:26:44 PM »
Hey you guys :-) just thought I’d add my own little two cents to this thread. I’ve been reading for about a year with different readers both online and in person. It all started when I found a Psychic Priscilla in Los Angeles, who is extremely pricey, but seemed  pretty legitimate, and I did it just for fun, but then I kind of got addicted, especially going through an abusive toxic relationship that I never could anticipate my partners moves at the time or sort my feelings out, so it was helpful to read and try and get some insight, even if it wasn’t always true or if predictions panned out. You believe almost anything if someone hints at a specific detail and then offer “predictions”.

I think I have to say the most accurate reader has been Ari on bitwine in terms of abilities and how feelings go.. she can pick up emotions/energy somehow really well. I wouldn’t hold onto ANYONES predictions. The future is literally not yet written. Other than that.. I would advise anyone getting readings to start lessening that and then coming to a full stop. I don’t care if a reader is $4.99 you are spending too much on something that no longer serves you! It’s to line these liars pockets… while they chill at home and guess whatever they want with NO remorse to peoples lives.  I say this because I read with Rachel Marie sometime in May, she was so sweet + personable and she was so spot on in terms of how particular my partner was at the time, his circumstances and picked up on little things that no one else could’ve possibly known. No one besides Ari had gotten these details.  I say that to say I made the choice to go and see him based off RM’s readings not being so negative thinking it would’ve been OK to do so.. and unfortunately, it ended in a DV situation.. as I mentioned previously, I was in an abusive relationship with this person - given the readings I thought things had possibly been looking up, but they did not. I found out the details as well to what RM had “seen” were all FALSE. Not feelings but things like location, new job etc. all wrong.  Anyone who claims themself to be a reader would be able to pick up on the future, correct? If they’re making predictions, they would’ve been able to anticipate me being in that situation within 24 hours of reading, and would’ve advised against it , the only one to advise against actually going to see that person at anytime was Ari so therefore I will give her her kudos. However, I definitely would advise everyone to stop spending your hard earned money, holding onto hopes when you really should be learning to let go and look introspectively , that’s actually harder than receiving any reading from anyone in regards to a relationship. If you’re interested in something to do with Business or family relations that might be a better topic however, if you’re seeking readings in terms of a relationship that has ended, or was not the best or with someone who was not the best for you, and you need clarity then you need to seek that within yourself. The ONLY thing readings will do for you is give you something to hold onto when really there’s nothing there. HEAL it’s even tougher to do so but my gooooodness when you HEAL it’s bliss.

The only good take away from my experience with readers was talking with an empath (Ari)in regards to understanding this person’s mindset, and how to correlate that with what I experience, and to understand that I deserve better. We all deserve better if you tried your hardest and were a loyal partner. Leave the dead - dead. Set yourself free.

Peace and blessings to you all. I’m open to answer anything on any reader from keen to bitwine.
I have read with all on bitwine. Quite a bit on keen.

Have you tried Arel Psychic? Destiny Uk? Mondez Durden? Peter Sousa? Any thoughts on those?

Yes!! All fakes. Mondez I did an over the phone and chat. He’s scripted. Peter Sousa and his wife are also both fakes and I have no idea how these people can operate like this morally. Peter had me for a whileeeee until our final reading where he made no sense whatsoever it was like speaking to a totally different reader.

Offline PinkyD

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Re: Quitting Readings
« Reply #26 on: June 26, 2023, 04:02:45 AM »
Hey you guys :-) just thought I’d add my own little two cents to this thread. I’ve been reading for about a year with different readers both online and in person. It all started when I found a Psychic Priscilla in Los Angeles, who is extremely pricey, but seemed  pretty legitimate, and I did it just for fun, but then I kind of got addicted, especially going through an abusive toxic relationship that I never could anticipate my partners moves at the time or sort my feelings out, so it was helpful to read and try and get some insight, even if it wasn’t always true or if predictions panned out. You believe almost anything if someone hints at a specific detail and then offer “predictions”.

I think I have to say the most accurate reader has been Ari on bitwine in terms of abilities and how feelings go.. she can pick up emotions/energy somehow really well. I wouldn’t hold onto ANYONES predictions. The future is literally not yet written. Other than that.. I would advise anyone getting readings to start lessening that and then coming to a full stop. I don’t care if a reader is $4.99 you are spending too much on something that no longer serves you! It’s to line these liars pockets… while they chill at home and guess whatever they want with NO remorse to peoples lives.  I say this because I read with Rachel Marie sometime in May, she was so sweet + personable and she was so spot on in terms of how particular my partner was at the time, his circumstances and picked up on little things that no one else could’ve possibly known. No one besides Ari had gotten these details.  I say that to say I made the choice to go and see him based off RM’s readings not being so negative thinking it would’ve been OK to do so.. and unfortunately, it ended in a DV situation.. as I mentioned previously, I was in an abusive relationship with this person - given the readings I thought things had possibly been looking up, but they did not. I found out the details as well to what RM had “seen” were all FALSE. Not feelings but things like location, new job etc. all wrong.  Anyone who claims themself to be a reader would be able to pick up on the future, correct? If they’re making predictions, they would’ve been able to anticipate me being in that situation within 24 hours of reading, and would’ve advised against it , the only one to advise against actually going to see that person at anytime was Ari so therefore I will give her her kudos. However, I definitely would advise everyone to stop spending your hard earned money, holding onto hopes when you really should be learning to let go and look introspectively , that’s actually harder than receiving any reading from anyone in regards to a relationship. If you’re interested in something to do with Business or family relations that might be a better topic however, if you’re seeking readings in terms of a relationship that has ended, or was not the best or with someone who was not the best for you, and you need clarity then you need to seek that within yourself. The ONLY thing readings will do for you is give you something to hold onto when really there’s nothing there. HEAL it’s even tougher to do so but my gooooodness when you HEAL it’s bliss.

The only good take away from my experience with readers was talking with an empath (Ari)in regards to understanding this person’s mindset, and how to correlate that with what I experience, and to understand that I deserve better. We all deserve better if you tried your hardest and were a loyal partner. Leave the dead - dead. Set yourself free.

Peace and blessings to you all. I’m open to answer anything on any reader from keen to bitwine.
I have read with all on bitwine. Quite a bit on keen.

Have you tried Arel Psychic? Destiny Uk? Mondez Durden? Peter Sousa? Any thoughts on those?

Yes!! All fakes. Mondez I did an over the phone and chat. He’s scripted. Peter Sousa and his wife are also both fakes and I have no idea how these people can operate like this morally. Peter had me for a whileeeee until our final reading where he made no sense whatsoever it was like speaking to a totally different reader.

Thank you! What about Arel Psychic??

Offline Chocolate

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Re: Quitting Readings
« Reply #27 on: June 29, 2023, 11:54:16 AM »
I haven’t had a reading for a week. I’d been trying to cut down and was having £14.99 readings with a lady on Ask the Answer. I thought she was good but when I listened back to the reading she got several things wrong.

It struck me today how unhealthy it is to have readings and be told by someone that this or that will happen and put so much hope into what they are saying. I know there are some good genuine readers but they are thin on the ground.

