Potpourri Boards > Addicted to Psychics

Quitting Readings

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I haven't used for months, but last week used a cheap one as it seemed reasonable.  By mistake the person sent me soemone else's order.   It was exactly the same answer as mine!!! They exploit peoles anxiety and loneliness.  As a previous poster said it is when people have difficult situations too.

I probably spent approximately 15,000- 20,000 in total since 2016 when the nightmare began. I don’t read anymore at all and it’s such a relief. Even when I get the urge, I still don’t. What’s helped me is that every, single person I’ve read with has been significantly wrong on something.

 But what really helps when I get the urge is acknowledging that not only will the person probably be wrong, but even if they’re right, I’ll have no way of knowing until after the fact- so how does it help? Even the most excellent and genuinely gifted readers are wrong at different times for different people, even people they’ve always been right for in the past. It’s information you just can’t trust- so how does it help you?!


--- Quote from: Truthfromrosie on April 08, 2023, 08:57:09 PM ---I probably spent approximately 15,000- 20,000 in total since 2016 when the nightmare began. I don’t read anymore at all and it’s such a relief. Even when I get the urge, I still don’t. What’s helped me is that every, single person I’ve read with has been significantly wrong on something.

 But what really helps when I get the urge is acknowledging that not only will the person probably be wrong, but even if they’re right, I’ll have no way of knowing until after the fact- so how does it help? Even the most excellent and genuinely gifted readers are wrong at different times for different people, even people they’ve always been right for in the past. It’s information you just can’t trust- so how does it help you?!

--- End quote ---

Yes, I’m using all the money I’m saving from not getting readings on spa days and getaways.

That’s great that you are treating yourself to things that will really help your wellbeing rather than spending money on readings.

I got to the point where I was not looking at what I am spending on psychics realistically. I’d be so low that I’d think OK a £29.95 reading on Ask The Answer will make me feel better. It all adds up and then I’d be into my savings or overdraft.

I have to say I am in the same boat.  I have spent thousands on psychics starting in 2014…this is when I started the addiction I had a life change and fell in love with the wrong person and sadly I am still with this person but trying to break away.  I had to file bankruptcy last year this is so embarrassing to even admit and I don’t know how to get help because I’m scared and embarrassed to admit it.  Any suggestions???


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