Potpourri Boards > Addicted to Psychics
I'm mad
Who was it if you don't mind me asking? Currently all predictions I've been given haven't happened. I called Back recently and I'm told the same things even with new readers. Don't know what to say
He has retired now, it was Mark.
Psychic sofa were dreadful for me, so much false hope from them.
Yes, they make it up as they go along. I spoke to someone who told me 2 different and opposite outcomes on that line. Yes I stupidly called twice.
I'd feel shame if people in real life knew I called so I'm grateful I found this site. But I've learned that I'm prone to anxiety due to abusive childhood. I'm not sure how to fix it though 😀 but I was the perfect victim for these fake companies.
I'd still love to speak to someone genuine but I'm not paying any more money to these companies
What about their supposed big hitters? Asha, bris and others? Nothing came true
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