Author Topic: Mediumchat  (Read 6267 times)

Offline whatdoyoumean09

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« on: July 25, 2019, 12:43:39 PM »
I started using a Dutch site about a year ago - I landed on it totally at random - how from the eastern US, who knows?  Anyway, while hardly any of them can do timeframes, a good number of them have made predictions for me that have come to pass - and it has been very affordable - much more so than some other sites. It's 90 euro for 100 minutes, which is about $104, and you can use it with various readers.

Some of the readers I've used and liked on the site:
Medium Arlette
Medium Soraya
Psychic Medium Maria
Medium Cenna (really hard to get in contact with because he's always busy since he's just that good)

I'm not sure how they screen readers or what the process is, but having spoken to most of the English speakers, I would say these five generally have the most accurate details.

Offline bonba

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Re: Mediumchat
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2022, 06:39:02 PM »
my experience was the opposite . not one reader was accurate . they were all making things up or fishing for information . I tested them about past and present . they were all wrong including the readers you  mentioned here . when I confronted them about reading not resonating with me they make up another story and modify to nake it fit . I found them to be scammers with no paranormal abilities .
« Last Edit: March 29, 2022, 06:41:11 PM by bonba »

Offline Dreamescape23 - P

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Re: Mediumchat
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2022, 11:35:10 PM »
Can I ask you why you test readers?

Offline bonba

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Re: Mediumchat
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2022, 11:06:29 PM »
Can I ask you why you test readers?

because if a person cant read my current ir oast , they cant definitely read my future . If I know what they say dont resonate then future oredictions arent real either .

Offline Dreamescape23 - P

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Re: Mediumchat
« Reply #4 on: May 14, 2022, 05:31:02 AM »
You sound SUPER young.  All readers know when you are testing them, and every single one of your posts on every reader has been that "they are a scam"  YOU ARE A SCAM..  I find this insulting as a reader.  How would you like if I told you that you were a scam in your day to day life?  Please watch how you phrase things and just stop calling readers in general since you feel that you "know so much"  Clients like you annoy the shit out of me.  I am a professional that dedicates three hours of my week t help people like you and all you do is bash.  Watch the way you say things, or I'll show up at your job telling you what a "scammer" you are.  Grow the f up and stop relying on telephone psychics to guide you through your life. 
« Last Edit: May 14, 2022, 05:33:02 AM by Dreamescape23 - P »

Offline bonba

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Re: Mediumchat
« Reply #5 on: May 23, 2022, 06:37:03 PM »
You sound SUPER young.  All readers know when you are testing them, and every single one of your posts on every reader has been that "they are a scam"  YOU ARE A SCAM..  I find this insulting as a reader.  How would you like if I told you that you were a scam in your day to day life?  Please watch how you phrase things and just stop calling readers in general since you feel that you "know so much"  Clients like you annoy the shit out of me.  I am a professional that dedicates three hours of my week t help people like you and all you do is bash.  Watch the way you say things, or I'll show up at your job telling you what a "scammer" you are.  Grow the f up and stop relying on telephone psychics to guide you through your life.

oh well it seems you are one of readers from that site otherwise you wouldnt take it so personal  . I know very well what Im saying . I have read with many on that site and out of that site for years . very famous ones . not one thing they said or predicted ever resonated with me other than how i feel in present  which is useless . They are scams because they dont do what they claim and dont have such ability . of course my honest comments can be eye opening to victims that spend their hard earned money on these scammers  . so please stop misleading people to believe that there are exceptions so they continue spend their money trying one after another . it is worthless . they did more harm than good . zero accuracy on anything future related either near or far future . they did not even know how my current life is and got the past wrong as well . not to mention many of their reviews were fake . they dont even post the true begative reviews because they dont want to lose clients . this itself show how fake they are . if you look at the number if readings they had and number of reviews it shows how many reviews dont even get published because they are honest ones . people have the absolute right to test and see who they are spending their money one feeding them nonsense . if a person can not read past or present  they absolutely can not see future. thats an obvious . if you believe you have such ability and your clients see that and it is proven to them , you shouldnt be worried about my honest comments unless you dont have any psychic ability either .
« Last Edit: May 23, 2022, 06:42:05 PM by bonba »

Offline Dreamescape23 - P

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Re: Mediumchat
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2022, 07:46:35 PM »
I am not a reader on that site so I don't know where you are going there.  I charge way more than their 35 cents a minute for readings.  I read with a reader on there that has been accurate FOR ME.  So factor in that readers don't always connect WITH YOU, as opposed to calling people scammers.  It's insulting and unethical as there are actually people out there trying to help.  No more to say, just watch the way you say things. 

Offline bonba

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Re: Mediumchat
« Reply #7 on: September 04, 2022, 06:28:55 AM »
I am not a reader on that site so I don't know where you are going there.  I charge way more than their 35 cents a minute for readings.  I read with a reader on there that has been accurate FOR ME.  So factor in that readers don't always connect WITH YOU, as opposed to calling people scammers.  It's insulting and unethical as there are actually people out there trying to help.  No more to say, just watch the way you say things.

I am very well aware of what they say . I tried many on that site . not even one was a currate not even about the current life or past . you must be one of them otherwise you would not have been so concerned . I say this full confidence . they are true scammers . they have no psychoc ability . all answers were guesses and common sense with no accuracy .

Offline Dreamescape23 - P

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Re: Mediumchat
« Reply #8 on: September 07, 2022, 03:05:09 AM »
I am not on that site Ma'am.  Simmer down and chill out.  I was just making a statement.  get a life. 

