Author Topic: Just a Suggestion  (Read 6162 times)


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Just a Suggestion
« on: May 08, 2012, 03:33:55 PM »
So, I have noticed that alot of people here, talk about the readers that have given them good advice. However, I have always wanted to search and find, a Reader that can predict something and it happens just like they predicted. I am looking for Readers that can tell you that "you shall see X, and when you do, X shall be wearing a blue shirt and shall say "the sky is blue".

Basically I am looking for Readers that have been specific in their predictions and it has happened as they have seen or felt it. Timing may be off (not more than a month Please) however please let the Community know the type of prediction given to you by the Reader and how it came true.

I know people have their favorites, I do too but this post is more about accuracy in predictions than anything else.

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Re: Just a Suggestion
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2012, 04:42:02 PM »
I think that's the problem though, vtech. Some have been accurate for some individuals here and zilch for others. And not everyone can connect with every reader...but at this point the percentage of those actually having anything remotely resembling a prediction happen is pretty darn low.

It's great if a reader can see what you're wearing but if they can't get anything else right then what's the point?

We all have, for the most part, predictions not panning out and feelings told to us by a third party we can't really validate.

At this point it really is a crapshoot.

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Re: Just a Suggestion
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2012, 04:47:22 PM »

These readers may or may not work for everyone else, but they have made correct predictions ranging from contact to outcomes.  None of them are 100% accurate, as that is impossible, and I even will mention some readers who I no longer read with, but that doesn't mean I can't be honest about the fact that they have been right for me in the past.     

AriesIntuition (Kisha) - Consistently accurate re: contact and outcome w/J last year 
LadyPersephone - Correct outcome last year
YourMessageFromAbove (Aurora) - Major prediction correct; only reader to make this prediction
SandyEsther whatever her name is now - Major prediction correct; Accurate contact predictions
Allynis - Accurate outcome w/J
Cookie - Accurate random predictions not relevant to the questions asked
Gelsomina (CP) - Accurate outcome w/J; accurate prediction about a trip
Esme Spenser - Accurate outcome w/J.  Honestly, she's probably accurate about C too. 
Barbara - Accurate prediction re: two other people; accurate details I can confirm
IrishDonna - Accurate outcome w/J; for some reason she blocked me, so I can only confirm that
Caroline Lynn - Accurate outcome w/J
Dawn (CP) - Accurate outcome w/J, One accurate contact prediction
Thomas John - Accurate outcome w/J

There were some readers on PPN who said I would not be with J, but I am not listing them because I did not think they were gifted... possibly just lucky.  I also have not listed readers who were only correct about the past or present, as these are not predictions.

Hope this helps. 

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Re: Just a Suggestion
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2012, 08:34:22 PM »
I have been lucky enough to find several readers who have good - amazing accuracy for me.
MagicalSandra = told me I'd not have the relationship I want with a man I asked about. Said he'd always be in my life.  Told me he was going to marry someone else.  Told me they wouldn't last a year,, that they had explosive fights.   He and I are still good friends, he married this other woman, she moved out within 11 month, they were divorced 2 months later.  They STILL have explosive fights.  She also predicted I wouldn't be as interested after all this.  I'm not.   For the past year she's told me another guy I asked about was involved in something controversial and a bit unsavory (she knew exactly what it was)  I kept thinkin nooooooo... 2 weeks ago he told me all about it.   She's predicted break ups for my kids' relationships, parents' health issues.  I could go on and on about this woman because I've read with her over 10 years and still do because she gets it right - a true clairvoyant. 

Positive Path - accurately described a girl my son would start dating when he was in high school. Stated she was very intelligent, that she excelled in Math, big Abercrombie & Fitch style dresser, tall, long blonde hair.  Predicted a couple months before they started to see each other! Right on on every point.  Pam (Positive Path) also predicted that a relationship I asked about would not work out and that the guy would marry someone else soon. He did.

Destiny251 - gave me the truth that a man wasn't coming back .  Knew his new relationship was explosive. Said it wouldn't last a year. It didn't.

Lightseer - told me a guy I was hanging out with had feelings but would never be able to move forward.  Told me he was curious about the father of my kids and would start asking questions about our situation within 2 weeks.  10 days later he did ask lots of questions, and things never did move forward either.  She also told me an educational program I was interested in but couldn't figure out how to work it in with my work schedule, would become available closer to work.  I thought no way.  I just found out my workplace is moving ,,3 blocks from the best school in town for this program I want!!!