Author Topic: CP/ New Guy....Name Nathan.....Gives names....Blew m away  (Read 23196 times)

Offline BellaLife

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Re: CP/ New Guy....Name Nathan.....Gives names....Blew m away
« Reply #15 on: June 01, 2012, 09:19:27 PM »
Hi Jana,

Dianna is on CP...I do honestly think she is good, and believe she hits on many things.


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Re: CP/ New Guy....Name Nathan.....Gives names....Blew m away
« Reply #16 on: June 01, 2012, 10:15:10 PM »
Why do these readers love mixing truth with lies? She told more than one person about a Michael and a David...Why make up shit?

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: CP/ New Guy....Name Nathan.....Gives names....Blew m away
« Reply #17 on: June 01, 2012, 10:26:26 PM »
I've always been wary of people who throw out the names Michael, David or John....since those are the most common names you find.

Offline BellaLife

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Re: CP/ New Guy....Name Nathan.....Gives names....Blew m away
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2012, 01:06:43 AM »
Hi Jana....yes it is    then in the search box type dianna...her ext is 5098....just checked she has 3 people waiting...I think she is good....just my opinion....good luck!  :)

Offline cosmo11

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Re: CP/ New Guy....Name Nathan.....Gives names....Blew m away
« Reply #19 on: June 03, 2012, 10:25:40 PM »
Just a heads up to you all... Dianna is Deidre Woods who used to work for psychic source. She asked me about a Michael as well..I think she does to almost everyone.  Here's a youtube clip

Offline BellaLife

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Re: CP/ New Guy....Name Nathan.....Gives names....Blew m away
« Reply #20 on: June 03, 2012, 11:36:03 PM »
Cosmo...thanks for this....what do you think of her overall readings and accuracy?....I know she picked up on things going on in my life that are true.

Offline LavenderGirl

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Re: CP/ New Guy....Name Nathan.....Gives names....Blew m away
« Reply #21 on: June 14, 2012, 02:33:50 PM »
Hi everyone,

I just wanted to share a reading I recently had with a new psychic from C/P. His name is Nathan....his rate that they started him out with is 5.50.  Normally it is 3.50...but after reading with him...he deserves it...a true gift.

I called about love and relationships, I only gave my first name, and date of birth. Asked what was going on in my love life, he gave me the first names of the 2 guys in my life...I was actually in awe. He nailed so many things regarding my relationship concerns...thought I share.... :)

Hi I read this and have joined the forum especially to reply to it first and foremost, although having read a lot of the posts will probably do a lot more posting as well. Firstly BellaLife thank you for this comment, I have passed this to Nathan and he is pleased that you felt connected to him,  I know Nathan personally, and although there will be some people ready to shoot me down and say " well its cos you know him" I would like to put some records straight that have nothing to do with assumptions, predictions, or advertising or marketing. Nathan began work at CP and has given readings over many years for different reasons and on different subjects. He is as good as they get, and as honest as he comes through as.
All this banter about "swapping notes" is absolute baloney in terms of him, I cant say about anyone else I can only defend what I know to be fact- he has worked on other lines, reads privately and has absolutely NO  contact with other readers from other networks, CP or otherwise, and nor does he get suppiled by companies with information about people who ring regularly. In fact if you have a "username" to log in (this is supplied in the Uk if a call is pre-booked )and a customer is well aware of that, this is the only information he would have - this is not true of CP however -and Nathan doesnt even have a computer in his reading room so no checkup can be made in any shape or form.
Sometimes unbelievable as it sounds, their are some naturally gifted people who knows why or how, it is one of those inexplicable things, but I can assure you Nathan is one of them, he has an ability that connects to a world outside you - like everyone else he is also human so I suppose does not always predict world disasters or every vital fact about the future. But I can say emphatically he does not have information given to iim to "fool" you and reads with complete honesty, sincerity and will always give you his best. Unbelievable and Amazing as it may sound I wanted to share this with you but most of all with those who suspect any different.
Good luck to everyone and more than anything, hope that you find the right reader for you - and get the information that is important to you and your life paths. Thanks again Bellalife!

ps just also to the UK psychic readers on the telephone HAVE  to confirm a date of birth at the start of the reading - this is a rule imposed by regulatory bodies to the industry relating to age of clients . It is not so they can rifle through the horoscopes in the newspapers for that day as was mentioned. I believe this is not a rule in USA
« Last Edit: June 16, 2012, 12:44:04 PM by LavenderGirl »


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Re: CP/ New Guy....Name Nathan.....Gives names....Blew m away
« Reply #22 on: June 14, 2012, 04:48:49 PM »
One of these days I'll post more about my experience with psychic readers, but for now I wanted to say that I did read with Nathan (once) and he's truly gifted. The only reason I haven't cancelled my membership with CP is because I want to call him back to say, you were right. I'm confident I'll indeed call him back with the good news. I'm slightly psychic and empath myself (but my psychic intuitions and dreams are quite random, not consistent), and can read tarot cards, so I know that if I listen to myself I'm usually right (if only I would do it more often). And somehow know if a psychic is true or not. Nathan certainly is. More when I'll have time to write more.

Offline BellaLife

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Re: CP/ New Guy....Name Nathan.....Gives names....Blew m away
« Reply #23 on: June 15, 2012, 02:14:15 AM »
Lavendergirl.....thanks so much for passing this on to Nathan. He is a very special person on this earth, he has helped me confirm things that only I know. I have never had a psychic give the exact name of my current guy, and the name of my ex, and not just, who is the guy with the letter J or whatever....he actually stated the full names. I just love him, and so glad I found him on CP. I have called him back and will continue to call him.....glad you posted and shared your information......thank you............. :)

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Re: CP/ New Guy....Name Nathan.....Gives names....Blew m away
« Reply #24 on: June 15, 2012, 03:01:18 AM »
 love yourself and love this world
« Last Edit: February 25, 2014, 04:27:25 PM by oceanview22 »

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Re: CP/ New Guy....Name Nathan.....Gives names....Blew m away
« Reply #25 on: June 15, 2012, 08:30:57 PM »
Well, I read with Nathan today.  I asked him about a guy I had an interest in but wasn't currently in a relationship with, and he essentially told me the guy was about to take things to an extremely serious level in a matter of months.

Now, I'm not saying he's a fairytale reader.  This was my first reading with him and it was after a long series of readings that he'd been doing, so it is entirely possible that we simply didn't connect (and, of course, there is a slim chance that I misunderstood and he was reading something much further off than I thought, but I'm really not giving that serious consideration since that's just setting myself up for failure).  I wanted to jump in and correct him, but my phone decided that would be an awesome time to lose signal and, while I prefer to be honest with people if I think we're not making a connection, I'm also not in a position to spend additional money just to tell them as much.

I'm set to use the last of my credits on there with London tonight, since she's never misled me - her readings are just very to-the-point and not quite as in-depth as I enjoy, but they're pretty much always right (and if I'd listened to her 10 months ago I wouldn't be in the position I'm in now).  After that, no psychics for a long while (at least until I am re-employed), but maybe then I'll give Nathan another chance when he hasn't spent several hours doing back-to-back readings.  I'm sure he's the quintessential professional, but everyone's human and even the best of the best can get tired, particularly in that field of work.
« Last Edit: June 15, 2012, 08:39:18 PM by Somnus »


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Re: CP/ New Guy....Name Nathan.....Gives names....Blew m away
« Reply #26 on: June 19, 2012, 04:48:58 AM »
Somebody needs to contact her and let her know that this Michael thing that she keeps doing is so uncool! Stop mixing lies with truth!

Offline BellaLife

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Re: CP/ New Guy....Name Nathan.....Gives names....Blew m away
« Reply #27 on: June 19, 2012, 07:30:35 PM »
I agree, she may runing her reputation. Yes I think she is very psychic, because she mentioned things in my reading that I know to be true. However, throwing the Name Michael out practically to everyone who calls for a reading is not good!!!!!!!

Offline PrettyLittleLiz

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Re: CP/ New Guy....Name Nathan.....Gives names....Blew m away
« Reply #28 on: June 19, 2012, 08:55:04 PM »
I wouldn't read with her based on this. Anytime I have had an obvious common denominator with a reading as others, the "psychic" has turned out to be "for entertainment purposes only".

I'd be interested to hear if any of her future predictions manifest. I don't think any reader is worth my money who mixes lies into the truth. In my opinion, there is no such thing as being a little bit pregnant and just as much as there is no such thing as throwing lies into a reading and yielding any truth from it. I don't understand how you are able to separate if that's the case. If you throw a red sock into the wash all of your clothes turn pink, right? I am not saying readers don't get things wrong, and get some things right, I am just saying blatantly interjecting lies seems to really undermine her as a reader.

I am done with analogies, but this sort of thing really makes me annoyed about these readers who charge upwards of 5-10 dollars per minute.

Offline guesswho

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Re: CP/ New Guy....Name Nathan.....Gives names....Blew m away
« Reply #29 on: June 19, 2012, 09:30:27 PM »
I agree Liz.  Casey from CP does the exact same thing.  She nails things dead on and then throws the same trash into everyone's readings.  I don't know if they do it to take up time or to just confuse you more...