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How best to phrase your question

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my alarm went up once the reader ask question, and i feel like hanging up. questions like " when was the last time he contacted you?" this could be a big lead to them. nowadays i only want to speak to readers who don't ask anything other than names or DOB.

I have tried being specific and then I've also just said things like "I want to look at my relationship path" and it just doesn't matter.  With some psychics I think my energy is just really hard to read.  My sister seems to have a better time find psychics to speak with who can read her well.  I tend to come off harsh or something.  I know that I have a hard time describing what I'm thinking at times and I'm sure that plays a lot into how easy or not easy I am to read. 

In my first few months of calling psychics, I got an appointment with Red at CP. The customer service rep there told me the best way to start the reading was to simply ask what she could tell me about (insert name here). Thats what I did and Red laughed and said, " You really know how to do this dont you?" She then started telling me lots of stuff that was true about that man and me. Sad to say that even with a couple more readings with her months apart, she stuck to her predictions but they did not manifest. But I agree that if they start asking questions, it is a way to put puzzle pieces together and give probable outcomes. I understand that a true psychic cant know every little detail and the messages come in bits and pieces, but they should at least know if you have someone in your life or the major things without being told.


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