Metaphysical, Spiritual and Psychic Discussions > The Videos
Project Stargate
I enjoy the de classified files and this is my favorite. “Project Stargate” (and project: acoustic kitty. You’re welcome, btw)
Project stargate Is about the CIA spending over $20 million, 25 years trying to prove psychics against the Russians during the cold war. Every time they re did the experiment it was shown likely intuitive guessing being influenced. Even more interesting was the ppl who were selected to be “the psychic” thought they were psychic at the end of the experiment.
Hey if you just spent a lot of money psychics… this should probably make you feel better (and worry about what IS the government doing with its spending, lolol).
From what I recall from the direct document was that there was no interference but it was shown that psychic ability was likely true. And I mean it is true. I think you are taking the wrong idea away from this
It’s been so long I posted this and watched so many videos on project stargate. I think psychics are real ish… but repeated double studies show these experiment couldn’t be replicated which proved psychic abilities are false. So I posted that video because this guy was very anti psychics. I’m really into a channel called the why files and his post lean more it is true. It’s definitely a fascinating subject matter to get your mind off things though.
Here his insight:
All I’m saying the subject of psychics whether are real or not have been questioned about governments and also spent frivolous amounts of money.
If you have any documents or stories or insights about project stargate. I’m definitely open to hearing them, and reading them. (I personally haven’t read the actual files…) but I like other ppl commenting on this subject matter.
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