Author Topic: Wishing You Well...  (Read 3545 times)

Offline Miracle

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Wishing You Well...
« on: May 08, 2012, 05:22:01 AM »
The past few days have resulted in a lot of sadness and hurt within the forum.  I witnessed a rather malicious personal attack in the chat room on of the one for the few people I truly care for on this forum to an extent I have no desire to be an active participant going forward.  It indeed is a sad moment for me because I was here to share my spiritual and life lessons with everyone. 

Furthermore, while my only intention was to help others, I too became a victim of a vicious attack in the chat room.  My sole purpose here was to be there for anyone who needed help only because I have been through a lot and wanted to use my life lessons to prevent anyone else from getting hurt.  Today, my character was attacked for no reason whatsoever.  I became a victim of another person's insecurity. Fortunately, I have a solid foundation and a great spiritual guide, so while I was hurt momentarily, I sure am strong enough to move on.
I had been warned by my spiritual coach to keep away from a few energies because they have the capacity to cause more hurt than good, albeit unintentionally.  As a result, I took it upon me to inform people about the hurt and harm that can be caused by a few insecure energies but after today's rather obnoxious behavior in the chat room, I truly understand why my spiritual advisor had been warning me.  I am disgusted and saddened by the choice of words that were used on me and I only pray this person who maligned me finds peace and happiness within themselves.  I choose to forgive and I choose to live my best life possible.  I am all about helping people, so for the few people I truly care for, please don't hesitate to send me a PM should you need any help or guidance or anything at all.  I will feel honored and grateful if my spiritual and life experiences could touch even one heart.

That being said, I am happy to move on to newer endeavors where I will be cherished, loved and most importantly respected by people I can so humbly continue to help.


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Re: Wishing You Well...
« Reply #1 on: May 08, 2012, 07:24:04 AM »
Im sorry that you were attacked and I'm glad you are a caring member here.

But...I just wonder why take some things too personally here? We are all anonymous..we don't visit each other's home and know the inner workings of each others lives. Why get upset about what some faceless person said on the internet? And why leave a forum that has been beneficial for you for the majority of the time? I know you said you wanted to avoid negative energies, but don't let a little scuffle run you off the board. I hope you stick around.

Offline Miracle

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Re: Wishing You Well...
« Reply #2 on: May 08, 2012, 01:53:38 PM »
Loops, I respect your opinion; however, I would like to say that while we all might be strangers on this forum, there were a few who I cared about to an extent where they had become a lot more than just strangers to me.   Hence the reason for my active participation in the chat room.
Last night after reading KTH’s post, it truly made me realize if someone like her could be so brutally victimized, there is no reason why I or someone else will not be attacked again as well. I conduct myself with the highest honor and dignity in all my endeavors,  be it anonymously or knowingly, all the more reason the rather disgusting language used was a shame, not so much to me but more so to the intention of this forum which essentially is to help one another. It is not the question of taking things personally but more so protecting myself from what is to come given a few energies that continue to lurk.
I know as long as these energies are in the chat room, I will be vulnerable to being caught off guard and maligned yet again and I do not wish to invest my energy in fighting these people since I would rather spend it helping someone who is truly in need.  My purpose is to make a positive difference in any which way I can and not to fight or create drama.
Trust me, I would have loved to continue to participate in the chat room so this is very sad for me.  I can accept differences of opinions, debates and disagreements but slander of character is something I absolutely abhor and shall not withstand.

Offline SomethingBetter

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Re: Wishing You Well...
« Reply #3 on: May 08, 2012, 02:31:30 PM »
I will miss you Gratitude. I have learned so much from you in a short amount of time and I cherish those teachings. You have helped me form an entirely new outlook on pretty much everything I had been facing.

I sadly was a witness to the attack on you, unprovoked at that. I am so sorry.

I completely understand you needing to step away from the chat. I have been feeling like stepping away from here as well. I had only been here a short time but the tension is palpable.

I will miss you!


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Re: Wishing You Well...
« Reply #4 on: May 08, 2012, 04:56:36 PM »
I've never used the chat function, except for once, when something must have been wrong with my computer, because no one seemed to be typing anything (although the chat was relatively full), so I logged out.  if I'm not mistaken, I think there was an option to set up a private chat session.  If so, then maybe that can be considered as an alternative to the open chats.  It's a shame that people who relied on the chats will miss out on the additional advice, tips and insight they really needed, just because of one toxic person scattering everyone in different directions.  I wish there was a better way of screening people before being allowed chat capability - like they have to have had a certain length of time being a member and have contributed in some way to build trust before getting access to people in the chats.  It's a shame that people have to experience this, on top of the troubles that brought them to the forum and the chat in the first place.

