Author Topic: Indio (CP Tarot Reader)  (Read 23220 times)


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Indio (CP Tarot Reader)
« on: May 03, 2012, 10:59:27 AM »
Hi Everyone.

Have any of you ever read with Indio, from California Psychics?  If so, did you find her to be accurate?
Also.... How would you rate Dawn (also from CP), in terms of accuracy?

Thank you :)

Offline BellaLife

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Re: Indio (CP Tarot Reader)
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2012, 07:50:30 PM »
Hi Behappy

Yes, I have read with her,  she was accurate for me regarding a guy I am dating. She made some future predtiction regarding relationship, I will post when they come through.....hope your was good as well!..... :)

Offline stelka

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Re: Indio (CP Tarot Reader)
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2012, 01:15:17 AM »
Hi, I read with Dawn couple of times and she wasn't accurate for me at all. My bf and I were on the break and she didn't see him reaching out to me at all. He did. She said that March and April are going to be quiet, no contact from him. He reached out the first week of March. So for me it's a no.


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Re: Indio (CP Tarot Reader)
« Reply #3 on: May 04, 2012, 08:19:25 AM »
Thanks guys :)

@Bella – Yes, I think I had a good connection with Indio.  Actually, I had called customer service before selecting a reader, and Indio was one the customer service rep said she hears a lot about.  When I read with her, I felt like I knew why.  She told me some things almost word-for-word as MagicalSandra, Cookie, Sincerity and Marceejay from Keen (Marceejay is awesome, btw).  She was very thorough and the reading only took less than ten minutes for the load of information she gave me.  Aside from the points I mentioned, she also said one thing in particular that struck me as very accurate. 

@Stelka – Dawn also said my ex won’t come back (everyone on Keen, Syd Saeed and Indio gave me a prediction of him coming back – and we’ll see what Thomas John has to say when I read with him next week) and she also said he loves and misses me.  She was friendly and caring.  My only niggle is she was way too chatty than what was needed.  I always hate when readers do this – keep pulling up things to talk about in order to wait out the one-minute warning, and successfully dry out your funds.  This makes me not want to place additional calls to readers who do this, no matter how friendly they are.  I felt like my reading was half genuine and half mind-on-the-money.  Time will tell.

Thanks again :)

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Re: Indio (CP Tarot Reader)
« Reply #4 on: May 05, 2012, 01:04:48 AM »
I'm very tempted to read w Indio. She seems to know her 'stuff' based on the reviews. Is she really worth it though?


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Dont' Call Him by Fiona (Bitwine)
« Reply #5 on: May 05, 2012, 04:26:57 AM »

One of the most common ways that women give away all their power is by pursuing a man that is giving little or nothing in return. Relationships are about balance. There is an energetic space between two people and when they are having a relationship they meet in that space. They each step in and out of the space, sometimes they wait for one another there and sometimes they detach, knowing that this sacred space is still there for when they next meet.

When one person FILLS that space, does all the work, makes all the contact, tries to engineer and direct the whole relationship, then there is no room in that space for the other!

We then often see a situation where one person becomes complacent, uninterested and takes the whole relationship for granted while the other becomes frustrated, upset and angry because they have invested so much in this relationship and it seems as if the more they give, the more the other person takes and the worse things become.

So why does this happen? There are a number of reasons but the core issue is insecurity. You meet a guy, you cant believe that he wants YOU and you then become terrified that he will leave you. So you set about trying to be EVERYTHING to him. You make plans, you call constantly, you keep tabs on where he is and what he is doing, perhaps you buy him gifts or do special things for him. In a healthy interaction these are all perfectly normal and acceptable things to do, but in a healthy interaction, BOTH parties are doing it in equal measure.

This can also happen when one person has a totally different agenda to the other. He wants to hang out, have some fun, take things slow and see what unfolds. She wants a husband, kids and a house and she is sizing him up as marriage material after the first date. She then sets about manipulating and creating an environment that can lead to that – totally disregarding the fact that he has not, at any point, indicated that this is what he wants. Again, she fills that space and he is either totally unaware that he is invited too, or more often, he sees that space as a prison, one that has her standing at the gates holding the keys and a syringe full of some substance that will paralyse him so that he can never escape.

Insecure people make the WORST partners! They rush in fast, trying to secure their position and then proceed to play power games, seek control, become enraged when they do not get their own way and play back and forth games in an attempt to ‘win’ what they see as a game. This is nasty and sinister game, the rules basically comprise of keeping the upper hand at any cost and undermining your ‘opponent’ before they can undermine you. An insecure person is always hyper vigilant and cannot understand the concept that in a loving relationship, if one person ‘wins’ then the relationship loses.

Insecure people often seek out and find other insecure people, like attracts like and they engage in a perverted dance while they each act out their issues.
Do NOT Call that Man! Fiona
Written By Fiona
Insecurity is NOT attractive to anyone. It destroys relationships and the fact is, that carrying on like a bunny boiling ‘Fatal Attraction’ maniac will have any healthy person heading for the hills in a heartbeat. Relationships take TIME, they unfold slowly and calmly, they mature like a fine wine. If you really want a long, stable, healthy and rewarding relationship, you need to be putting out that energy yourself. That means let go, relax, stop trying to control everything, stop trying to force yourself and your needs on to someone else and just allow them to be who they are – and if that isnt what you want then move on! DO NOT try and coerce someone into being who you want them to be, it will never work.

So the next time you find yourself reaching for the phone, STOP. Ask yourself, is this call going to be welcomed? Did he return my last call? Has he invested just as much into this as I have? Because if you have any doubt when answering those questions – DO NOT CALL THAT MAN!!

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Re: Indio (CP Tarot Reader)
« Reply #6 on: May 05, 2012, 04:50:50 AM »
I reached out to C this week, even though many readers, friends, and people on this forum said not to.  I do not regret my decision.  We did meet up with one another after I reached out, and while it the encounter did not necessarily go the way I wanted it to, I am very happy with my decision. I have wasted MONTHS waiting for a man who may have never reached out only because I was going by the word of strangers who claim to see the future.  Maybe it's wrong, maybe it shows insecurity, but I would much rather reach out and take my life into my own hands, than wait around paralyzed and not facing reality.  Reality shows that this man does not want to speak with me because he has not reached out.  Reality shows that by not reaching out he is making the statement that he does not want to be with me.  I have not been facing reality for this entire time.  Now that I have heard firsthand what he has had to say (nothing about me... just the fact that he is enjoying his life as a single man), I can face reality, leave these psychic readers behind, and live my life. 

Right or wrong, I did something that got me answers.  Who knows.  My favorite reader still says that nothing has changed and her prediction remains the same.  At this point, I can only go on what I heard and saw today.  This means I have to live my life with no hope that this man will ever return.  I am proud of myself for seeking the truth.

I appreciate your post, wakeup, because in some cases this advice is relevant and makes sense.  In my case, however, I am glad I listened to myself and not to anyone else. 


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Re: Indio (CP Tarot Reader)
« Reply #7 on: May 05, 2012, 04:51:54 AM »
No offense, wakeupcall, but that article is a little preachy. Not everyone on this forum is calling or directly pursuing a man. Some of us may wonder about our exes and the unfinished business left with them, but I think everyone is at a point where they know the dynamics of their situation and why it is happening. I know you are trying to be helpful, but this board is supposed to be about psychic predictions and accuracy of said readers.


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Re: Indio (CP Tarot Reader)
« Reply #8 on: May 05, 2012, 05:01:49 AM »
WOW... so many wise/amazing People like Amaranth and wakeupcall are sharing so much wonderful info with all of us on this forum.Guys I really personally thank you for giving me such inspiration, and courage.The best words of wisdom I ever received on public Forum like this.
Please keep writhing and sharing your wisdom with us all   :) :) :) :)     
lots of  love & best wishes
blessed. xoxox


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Re: Indio (CP Tarot Reader)
« Reply #9 on: May 05, 2012, 05:39:12 AM »
@Stelka - I found Indio to be very adept at interpreting the Tarot, and since the reading was so time-considerate and straightforward, no fluff or girl talk, I would say she is also quite ethical and someone who is simply good at what she does and knows she has something to offer to others through that.   And because her reading mirrored those of readers who have been highly spoken-of on this board, I take that as an indication that she is worth looking into.

@Wakeupcall - That's an interesting post and I know you meant well, but I'm not sure this was the appropriate thread to paste it in.  Maybe there is somewhere else on the forum where people need help with chasing a man??  Thanks, still, and hopefully, it will resonate with someone reading it.

@Synergy - Good for you.  Your peace of mind should always come first. 

@Loops77 - You pretty much summed it up.

@Blessed - I have also found so much helpful information through this forum.  We just have to go with what applies to us and be thankful people are willing to chime in with their experiences, advice and information they found helpful to their situation.

Thanks :)
« Last Edit: May 05, 2012, 06:50:09 AM by behappyy »

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Re: Indio (CP Tarot Reader)
« Reply #10 on: May 05, 2012, 11:59:02 AM »

Sometimes we have to listen to our gut and not the psychic advise - because without the advice it's what we'd be doing - listening to our gut / intuition. The readings can keep us stuck in a place of   misery. Live your life and pretend Chance is gone. The present really has nothing to do with the future.

Sorry the get together isn't what you wanted but hang tight.


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Re: Indio (CP Tarot Reader)
« Reply #11 on: May 05, 2012, 02:20:36 PM »
I am sorry you didn't get the response you were hoping for.  But what courage to face this head on.  I am very proud of you for taking the initiative in finding out the truth.  We need to trust our own instincts and believe what we are seeing and hearing for ourselves. 
As they say "The truth will set you free".  It hurts like hell, but now you can go out there and find a man deserving of you.  You have many wonderful gifts Synergy - don't settle for less.
 :) :) :)

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Re: Indio (CP Tarot Reader)
« Reply #12 on: May 05, 2012, 04:06:27 PM »
Thank you everyone for all your support.

Offline lightme

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Re: Indio (CP Tarot Reader)
« Reply #13 on: May 05, 2012, 04:47:43 PM »
synergy, I am very proud of you. for my own opinion this is the way to go, wait about 3 months,
if nothing happens, reach out one last time and we would know the truth.
thank you for sharing your story here, it tells a lot about the psychics.

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Re: Indio (CP Tarot Reader)
« Reply #14 on: May 05, 2012, 05:44:15 PM »
Synergy, you showed to us what true courage means and a real example of what is meant by taking responsibility and in charge of our own life.  You had to do this. We just can't live our present life based on what psychics see in the future.  It doesn't necessarily mean that C won't come around, but just not yet.  The chances that your favorite advisors are right, I believe, are more than likely because C would not have met you if he were totally over you.  He just needs to go through a rather long path to realize what he wants.  But, reality check for now so that you can live your own life and not stuck with it until something changes.  As we all have said things happen when we least expect them.  As you said, go on your life with your daughters, work and friends then when you least expect, something will happen.  But, no matter what, I will support your decision and action  :)  Dream