Well, looks like my departure was short lived, but I just really have to respond to this post.
I completely agree with Lightme and stelka. Here's the thing, ladies (and you few gentlemen here), we can only get closure ourselves. That's it. It's so simple. No one can provide that for us. If a man walks away or treats you like dirt, I think that means that he's doesn't want this. Sure, maybe he'll come back. There's no denying that. Maybe he needs time. We've heard all the reasons, so I won't list them. The thing is, we have to accept the current reality of our situations.
The other thing is that men and women are radically different. A man can compartmentalize. He can end a relationship and then move on with his life without any outward signs of saddness. As a woman, I know that I tend to linger, and I have all these questions. Why?? What did I do wrong? How can I fix things? The thing is that we can't internalize as much as we do. Sometimes these men are just straight up screwed up, and the best thing to do is to let them go.
I asked C straightforward if there was any hope for us because I needed closure as well. He proceeded to tell me that he just couldn't be in a relationship right now because of an impending trip and because of what he went through in his last relationship. Well, two weeks after that conversation I found out that he has a serious girlfriend now. She's gross, and I don't get it. Now I have even more questions, but I have realized that there's no point in lingering anymore. He's done. It doesn't matter why. It doesn't matter that I am still hurt. It's over. We are basically torturing ourselves because we want answers so badly. Really, it's not worth it.