Author Topic: Is Keen no longer showing one star reviews/can an advisor pay extra to hide it?  (Read 3365 times)

Offline _sydney_vicious_

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I had a terrible reading the other day with an advisor who’s rated 5.0 and has stellar reviews. I gave her a one star review and noticed that it’s not on her page. Normally when I write reviews it posts immediately regardless of what the rating is. My question is Keen no longer showing one stars reviews? Or do they now allow for advisors to pay extra to automatically hide reviews under a certain star level?

Offline Oisin16

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One time I left a 1 star review to Judi’s inner light but never saw it posted

Offline _sydney_vicious_

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I have noticed this happen as well. They cannot pay to remove bad feedback. Sometimes you leave feedback and when you go to check, it's another listing of theirs that you're looking at. I still see feedback of mine only after I choose to see "my feedback" in the menu. So, it's yet another glitch on a super glitchy site.

She only has one listing and I went back to it to try and filter it with "my feedback" but it looks like she blocked me because that little drop down box isn't even there anymore.

Offline HornetKick

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One time I left a 1 star review to Judi’s inner light but never saw it posted

Judi has both 2stars, 3stars and I found a 1star review. Keen appears to have changed the rating scale because Judi's overall rating is 5stars. The 1star is on page 49 out of 92 pages of reviews, if you keep clicking Next:
 9/22/2021  User83789041
Now minor things yes she got that right but not the major things which is why i called. I liked our convo i really did