Author Topic: He Came Back!!  (Read 5943 times)

Offline Qcnm

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He Came Back!!
« on: December 21, 2021, 01:45:51 PM »
Okay this is a long story but I will try and keep it as brief as possible.

So this POI is the reasonI started going to Psychics in the first place. He broke up with me May 2020 leaving me devastated as I believed he was the love of my life.

So now I have spoken to MANYYY psychics from different platforms. I don’t really even remember what some said as I have loved on with my life but I will write about those I remember/ big hitters.

So he came back last week, apologising for everything. Saying he is a different person and asked me out on a date. Asked if we can be friends and get to know each other again and rebuild etc.

Yona - I have only ever read with her once July of 2020. She said she saw an ex coming back in 3 months but thought I would drop it because I had someone else who was better (I am dating someone now but it’s very new, we are not even official yet). So I don’t know if this what Yona saw, as it has been mentioned here before she might be reading a totally different situation to what you expect.

Kisha- I recently left a review on her thread about none of her predictions coming true. Well I have read with her twice. First was a phone reading sometime last year, I think September . I specifically asked about this guy and she said he would come back and make an effort to rebuild and have a studier foundation.

Second reading was a general email reading - she saw new love for me (which hasn’t happened yet) but this ex wasn’t mentioned so I don’t know.

Psychic Diva- I will say she was the most accurate. She said she saw him coming back in December. I assumed it was last December but I guess it was this December. She also mentioned that he would date someone but it would be more physical than anything. He told me the same thing.

Cookie - she told me he would be back but I honestly don’t remember the time frame. I just remember telling her I didn’t want him anymore and she said the choice was mine.

In the beginning I also checked in with empaths- Queen of cups - always said he has feelings for me but was focused on other things, Judi said he had feelings for me and just needed time to get over some issues he had - which is true.

I also spoke to quite a few psychics on Psychic Source before I knew better. All of their big hitters had said he would be back.

So long story short, he is back but I no longer want him. Like I said- I ready with many many psychics but I honestly don’t even remember what they said as I lost hope and kept it moving.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2021, 01:47:30 PM by Qcnm »

Offline Anon

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Re: He Came Back!!
« Reply #1 on: December 21, 2021, 09:56:21 PM »
Psychic Diva - was Awful. Instinctively, there was something about her voice which didn't seem authentic. i was right: I'm totally over the situation, but had a reading 8 months ago, made some s*** up about the guy I was with - was assertive on saying he didn't have another woman (I kept it from her that he was married for 14 years - it was a messy situation). Told me he was discussing with friends/family about me - er no. No-one knew about us. It was a closely guarded secret, 2.5 years later, it still is. Lie after lie. It's like she likes the sound of her voice, 10mins in the reading, still she had said nothing other than her Facebook + General Stuff on Runes. Says a lot without saying anything at all.

Also - the opposite outcome about my job happened. Said I'll do free lance - er, no would never do that.

Made up a story about me or a friend being pregnant in November. We're all single.

Rant over.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2021, 10:06:10 PM by Anon »

